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WHY BE ALCOHOL FREE ? Created by T Stivers Chapter 22 Schindewolf Intermediate School.

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Presentation on theme: "WHY BE ALCOHOL FREE ? Created by T Stivers Chapter 22 Schindewolf Intermediate School."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHY BE ALCOHOL FREE ? Created by T Stivers Chapter 22 Schindewolf Intermediate School

2 Alcohol (or ethanol) includes: Beer Wine (& wine coolers) Liquor (whiskey & vodka) Fermented from fruits, vegetables, or grains

3 Comparing Beer, Wine, and Liquor Each one contains the same amount of pure alcohol, 0.5 oz

4 What does “Proof” mean? Proof is the measure of the percentage of alcohol in the serving. ________ Proof means this number is double the percentage of alcohol. 8 Proof beer = 4% alcohol 80 Proof drink = 40% alcohol

5 Alcohol is not a stimulant. It is a ____________. depressant ____________: body poisoned by alcohol or another substance and physical and mental control is reduced. Intoxication

6 Illegal for anyone under the age 21 to buy, attempt to buy, possess, or consume alcohol or to lie about age You Can Be: Arrested Fined Sent to Juvenile Detention Center MIP – Zero Tolerance Law

7 Alcohol is the major factor in four leading causes of death: Car accidentsFalls DrowningsHouse fires

8 You are more likely to : Be a victim of rape or homicide Be involved in fights or domestic violence Be sexually active at an earlier age Pregnancy and STDs are then at a higher risk

9 25% of all youth see family abuse due to alcohol A teen drinker is four times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than an adult

10 Did You Know? Alcohol is the key factor in: 33 % of suicides 50% of homicides 62% of assaults 68% of manslaughters cases 50% of head injuries 41% of traffic deaths > 50% of all drowning cases Most domestic violence and child abuse

11 *Will write this from next slide

12 Physical and mental impairment begin with ONE drink! Short-term Effects CNS- less body control, less memory, impaired coordination, poor judgment, disorganized Blood vessels expand, lose more heat as result, slowed heart rate over time with risk of heart attack Liver - chemicals released as liver metabolizes alcohol causing scarring Stomach - nausea & vomiting Breathing slows & can stop, CO2 produced

13 Long-TermEffectsofAlcohol

14 Cirrhosis of the Liver Liver tissue is destroyed creating scar tissue which prevents the liver from producing ______, a very important digestive substance used to break down fats. bile

15 During Pregnancy? Passes from mother to bloodstream of fetus Can cause permanent damage to baby Central Nervous System is affected

16 Body deformities Born with small head Vision and Hearing problems Grow abnormally slow Coordination problems FAS – Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: leading cause of mental retardation

17 DWI Driving While Intoxicated In Texas, you are intoxicated when your blood alcohol content (BAC) is more than 0.00 (ZERO) 0% Under the age of 21

18 In Texas, you are intoxicated when your blood alcohol level (BAC) is.08 (8%) or more. If 21 or older:



21 Alcohol and drugs do not mix! Can increase or multiply the effects of some drugs Slow down absorption of some Can change chemicals Alcohol: Drugs Can alter effects of alcohol

22 Symptoms of an Alcoholic 1. Dependent on alcohol 2.Cannot limit intake 3.Experience nausea, shakiness, or other withdrawal symptoms 4.Need an increasing amount to feel its effects 5.Often suffer repeated injuries or accidents 6.Poor relationships with family members

23 Immediate Recognition of Intoxication Mental confusion, stupor, coma, vomiting, seizure Respiration very slow Irregular heartbeat Hypothermia- pale skin Vomiting causes severe dehydration

24 Alcoholism cannot be cured. It can be treated through counseling and medication.

25 Where Can You Get Help?


27 Factors that Influence Teenagers with Alcohol Family members do not discourage teens from drinking Peer pressure is strong Media promotes positive messages and makes drinking attractive

28 DON’T DRINK! Be prepared to say “NO” Be assertive Refuse to take even 1 drink Leave the situation quickly Call for a ride home Avoid parties where alcohol is present

29 View power point in n drive under health class; lesson power points; chapter 22

30 Read poem: “Went to A Party Mom”



33 Read email in file from friend

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