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The Common Denominator in Archeological Dating Arthur C. Lucas, Sc.D. Nextep Technologies, Inc. Oklahoma State University.

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Presentation on theme: "The Common Denominator in Archeological Dating Arthur C. Lucas, Sc.D. Nextep Technologies, Inc. Oklahoma State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Common Denominator in Archeological Dating Arthur C. Lucas, Sc.D. Nextep Technologies, Inc. Oklahoma State University




5 Luminescence Dosimetry Archeological Dating Geological Dating Personal Dosimetry

6 Primary Natural Sources of Dose in Solids Uranium Thorium Potassium Cosmic Radiations




10 Methods for assay of soils Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Beta Ray Spectroscopy Thick Sample Alpha Spectroscopy

11 Primary Sources of Background Measurement Uncertainty Radioactivity in the Detector Radioactivity in the Detector Shell Environmental Background Level Geometrical Effects

12 Age in years = Dose in Rad from observation of the sample Dose Rate in situ, Rad/annum


14 Regenerative Dose Determination

15 Additive Dose Determination

16 Thick Sample Alpha Spectroscopy The thick sample method adds accuracy and sensitivity to alpha spectroscopy


18 In an infinite isotropic medium with included alpha activity:

19  =  S/Eo

20 (4)  is the specific activity of the sample in Bq/gm Z is the ADC zero in MeV L is the lower level for analysis in MeV e is the geometrical efficiency of the detector A is the area of the detector in cm2 T is the counting time in seconds S is the stopping power in MeV cm2/gm E is the energy of the particle counted in MeV E0 is the initial kinetic energy of the alpha particle in MeV N is the number of counts in an energy bin

21 Historical Personnel Dosimeter Issue Initially the dosimeter was bonded by kasil - about 30 mR per month

22 Historical Personnel Dosimeter Issue When the kasil was removed potassium in the glass shell remained. -About 3 mR/month

23 Historical Personnel Dosimeter Issue When the dosimeter was designed with low potassium glass the background was reduced to the internal dose in the solid only. The problem was reduced to chemical purification of the starting material. -approximately 0.3 mR/month

24 Verification of Internal Dose in the material The internal dose was verified by thick sample alpha spectroscopy. To do this a special method of handling the spectra was developed which yielded specific activity directly.

25 Summary 1.The creation of low intrinsic radioactivity dosimeters requires an absolute zero test capability. 2.The certification of materials for construction of spectrometers would greatly aid in assay of terrestrial materials.

26 Outline of Dating Issues Dating Equation Example of Dose Determination LET Dependence Alpha/Beta Sensitivities Am-241/Sr-90 Nuclides in the Natural Chains Thorium Uranium Potassium Gamma Spectroscopy Ge Na*(Tl) Alpha Spectroscopy Thick Sample Geometries

27 Personal Dosimetry Example materials LiF CaF 2 Al 2 o 3 Li 2 B 4 O 7 Background Examples Potassium U/Th Surrounding Materials Example Backgrounds. Beta Rays from included Materiasl.01 to 20 mR/day Cosmic Ray Background.05 mR/day

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