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Murray River By: C attleya Mai & Ivy Chung The Murray River was discovered by Hume and Hovell,they named it ‘Murray’ after Secretary of State for the Colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "Murray River By: C attleya Mai & Ivy Chung The Murray River was discovered by Hume and Hovell,they named it ‘Murray’ after Secretary of State for the Colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Murray River By: C attleya Mai & Ivy Chung The Murray River was discovered by Hume and Hovell,they named it ‘Murray’ after Secretary of State for the Colonies. What the Murray looks like nowadays

2 Native Wildlife The Murray River is the home of many native fish and animals e.g. Murray cod Trout cod Golden perch Macquarie cod Silver perch Ill-tailed catfish Australian smelt Western carp gudgeon Murray river cray fish Murray short-necked turtle Broad clawed yabbies Large clawed macrobrachium Long –necked turtle Common yabbies Parataya shrimp Water rat Platypus

3 The Problems The extinction of native wild life e.g. The Murray cod Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) The drought The intruder carp fish Over fishing marine animals Salinity

4 Marine Animals Extinct A carp fish has been ruining the right habitat for the native fish, the Carp was introduced to Australia by the Germans. The carp to be re moved from Australia so native fish to have their dream habitat. To use carp for other things (fertilizer), food, etc. so they will not disturb the proper balance of the food chain and will not stir up the water in the Murray.

5 Salinity Salinity is when any type of liquid has too much salt. There are types of salinity e.g. Dryland salinity Irrigation salinity Sea water intrusion The country to have enough money to fix the Murray River and reduce the level of salinity. We should educate the farmers on the effects that their irrigation systems have on the Murray. Educate people to use water properly and don’t waste water. Educate people about the effects pollution has on our major water system. Plant deep rooted plants around the Murray

6 Cyanobacteria (Blue Green Algae) Cyanobacteria is a problem in the Murray River that is affecting both animal and plants. It can also affect the air in our nature. A better habitat for our animals, plants and marine wild life. We could try and lower temperatures by using less electricity and recycling to stop global warming then it would be cooler.And water temperatures will drop and then the Blue-Green Algae will fade away. cyanobacteria

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