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Agenda HW: midterm prep; immigration assignment Last cartoon “Big Bad Biz”??? Topics: Urbanization, immigration – Video- Ellis Island, significance of.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda HW: midterm prep; immigration assignment Last cartoon “Big Bad Biz”??? Topics: Urbanization, immigration – Video- Ellis Island, significance of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda HW: midterm prep; immigration assignment Last cartoon “Big Bad Biz”??? Topics: Urbanization, immigration – Video- Ellis Island, significance of STEEL, electricity/….

2 For tomorrow… Come prepared with questions for midterm – Unit 1- Independence (colonies- Dec. of Independence) – Unit 2- The Constitution (Articles; creation of Constitution (convention); Constitutional principles; ratification) – Unit 3- Early Republic (Washington, 2 parties; Jefferson; Nationalism/ Sectionalism; through Jackson years (1820s) – Unit 4- Reform; Manifest Destiny; Civil War (crises of the 1850s) – Unit 5- Reconstruction Please read over “Immigration/ Urbanization” Project instructions

3 Samuel Ehrhardt, ‘History Repeats Itself: The Robber Barons of the Middle Ages and the Robber Barons of Today’, Puck, c. 1889



6 Immigration and Urbanization: Independent Project- “An Immigrant’s Memoir” 50 points: Due Monday, February 2

7 TOPIC 1: “New” Immigration: 1880s- 1915 Southern and Eastern Europe; some Chinese Speak no English Desperately poor, mostly illiterate “exotic cultures”- language, religion, etc.

8 TOPIC 2: Urbanization: Immigrants, rural Americans, move to booming cities in Gilded Age Economic opportunity; excitement of city life Immigrants often live in ethnic neighborhoods New problems: – housing, transportation, clean water, sanitation, crime and fire

9 Your Assignment: Create a diary or memoir from a “new immigrant’s” point of view 1.(10 pts) Research the topics of immigration and urbanization during the industrial era (1870s through 1920s) a.You should first focus on your textbook, chapter 15, for background information. Pop in and see Mr. Davidson for resources in our library. You must use at least two additional sources for information (websites, books, articles, documentaries) for further detail. b.Answer the 6 research questions. For each, include specific detail that you find in your research and site what sources you used.

10 Extra Credit: Research your own ancestors’ immigrant experience – (at least 1/3 of you probably have at least one ancestor from this time period) – If you can tie it into the assignment, great – If not, hand in a summary of what you found out

11 (40 pts)Tell your story! a.A series of diary entries (they can be spread out over time) b.You are old and writing your “memoirs” so your grandkids can know what it was like to come to America.

12 Choose ONE of the following groups to base your project on: Immigra nts from Asia Chinese, Japanese  push/ pull factor (Why did you leave your homeland? Why did you come to America?)  journey over; arrival at Angel Island  specific things about your native culture  nativism/ discrimination against the Chinese  urbanization problems (San Francisco)  working and living conditions  industrialization (railroads)  new technology/inventions

13 Immigran ts from southern/ eastern Europe Italian, Polish, Russian (Jewish), Scandina vian  push/ pull factor (Why did you leave your homeland? Why did you come to America?)  journey over; arrival at Ellis Island  specific things about your native culture  nativism/ discrimination faced  industrialization (factories)  urbanization problems (New York City) (poor living conditions, ethnic neighborhoods, political machines)  new technologies (inventions, transportation)  poor working conditions/ types of jobs  labor movement

14 REQUIREMENTS FOR DIARY/ MEMOIR 1.Your diary or memoir should cover all the topics listed (previous page). Be sure to incorporate specific historical details from your research. 2.Your diary/ memoir should be at least 500 words (the equivalent of at TWO, typed, double spaced pages) a.Please use googledocs and share with me: b.If you choose to be more creative, you may hand write it. 3.You will also need to attach an MLA properly formatted works cited page to your paper. The paper should have at least two sources not including the textbook. 4.Extra Credit opportunity: (Up to 5 points, based on effort, relevance and accuracy) a.draw images to help describe your experiences. b.Be creative- make it look like a real diary, etc…. Take pictures of yourself dressed in character…. Bring in food…

15 DUE: Monday, February 2 POINTS9-108-76-54-1 Research Questions answered All the questions answered with HISTORICAL DETAIL Sources are sited Questions all answered; some lack historical detail; some sources not sited OR great answers, but no citation Questions answered, but not answered with historic detail Some Questions not answered; no historical detail Creativity of the Narrative The story contains many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. The story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. The story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions, but they distract from the story. There is little evidence of creativity in the story. The author does not seem to have used much imagination. Specificity and Accuracy of Facts and Historical Information ***20 points**** The paper richly incorporates historical details. All eight of the “topics” were addressed There are several specific facts and mostly accurate historical references. 5-7 of the “topics” were addressed There are a few specific facts and mostly accurate historical references. 3-4 topics addressed There are very few specific facts and/or several incorrect historical references. 0-2 topics addressed RequirementsMeets all of the written requirements (at least 500 words, research questions answered, 2 sources beyond text) Almost all (about 90%) the written requirements were met. Most (about 75%) of the written requirements were met, but several were not. Many requirements were not met.

16 1.10 points: RESEARCH QUESTIONS ON YOUR CHARACTER (YOU MUST USE SPECIFIC DETAIL YOU FOUND IN YOUR RESEARCH): Who are you (nationality, age, sex)? ____________________________________________________ 1.BACKGROUND: What is the culture like in your home country at the time (examples of language, religion, customs)? SOURCE(S):____________________________________________ 1.WHY DID YOU IMMIGRATE? Push/ pull? What are typical reasons people left that nation at the time (push)? Why did they come to America (pull)? 2.SOURCE(S):____________________________________________ (text: 460-462) 3.Trip over, ARRIVAL: / Angel/ Ellis Island- what was it like to be “processed” at these places? 4.SOURCE(S):____________________________________________ (text 462- 463) 5.Experiences in America- what was city life like during this time? New inventions? Living conditions (slums/ tenement housing)? Ethnic neighborhoods? Sanitation? Crime? Architecture? Skyscrapers? Elevators? Sights…smells…. What challenges do you face (language/ culture/ different life here) 6.SOURCE(S):____________________________________________ (468-472; 482-487) 7.How did you make a living? Working conditions- what kind of job do immigrants have? What are the conditions like? 8.SOURCE(S):____________________________________________ 9.Nativism- how were you treated?- how were your people treated at the time by Americans? What types of discrimination did you face? From whom? Why? 10.SOURCE(S):____________________________________________ (462-3) 11.What other historic details and events can you bring into your story? (Be sure to look at the required information)

17 Some useful websites: Some sources of information: there are tons of sites on turn of the century New York City and San Francisco. Great overview: ; (38a- f) Digital History:  All sorts of information on “new immigrants” History Channel: (text and video) Swedish immigration: Jacob Riis photographs of New York City slums: Urbanization: Videos: (America the Story of Us: Cities) (ellis island)







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