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1 Office on the Rights of the Child Performance Status Report: 2005/2006.

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2 1 Office on the Rights of the Child Performance Status Report: 2005/2006

3 2 ORC Strategic Objective To Provide Leadership in the Development, Application and Management of the National Children’s Rights Programme

4 3 Key Result Areas  Establishment of systems for mainstreaming a child centred governance approach Strategic Objective: To ensure a governance approach that affirms the principle that “child survival, protection, development and participation is central to national development and economic prosperity”  Development of a system to monitor and evaluate children’s rights delivery in Government Strategic Objective: To improve the performance of Government’s children’s rights delivery systems and quality outputs – by providing 1) an early warning signal and 2) mechanisms to respond speedily to problems as they arise  Strengthening of strategic children’s rights management and leadership capability in the ORCs and Children’s Rights Focal Points at all spheres of Government Strategic Objective: Strengthen Strategic Management and Leadership capability to achieve organisational cohesion

5 4 Performance Milestones in 2005/06 Systems for Children’s Rights Mainstreaming  National Policy Framework for the Advancement and Coordination of Children’s Rights Delivery in SA” has been produced.  Operational children’s rights Mainstreaming and Policy Analysis Guidelines for ORCs and Children’s Rights Focal Points at all spheres of Government has been produced.  A Guide on Departmental Children’s Rights Obligations was developed to assist Departments to clarify their responsibilities

6 5 Consultations and other initiatives  Consulted with Departments of Public Enterprise and Housing to clarify their individual responsibilities and contribution to the National Children’s Rights Mainstreaming Programme.  Meetings were held with the Offices of DGs in the Western Cape, North West, Free State, and Gauteng to negotiate the efficiency of children’s rights mainstreaming systems  ORC joined Minister Pahad and the Chief Director Programmes at a meeting to negotiate GDC&Y mainstreaming in Government with FOSAD.  Analysed, 1) Tshwaragano ka Bana Policy Framework 2) Child Labour Action Plan 3) Policy Framework for Orphaned and Other Children Made Vulnerable by HI&AIDS

7 6 Consultations and other initiatives Cont….  Strengthened M&E capabilities in the ORC by attending training in Botswana, on “the Development Information M&E Systems  Shared information on the National Children’s Rights M&E Framework with the ORCs and CR Focal Points at all spheres of Government  Initiated a process that coordinates collective action towards the development of a Comprehensive National Policy Framework for the Protection and Development of Vulnerable children in South Africa

8 7 Children’s Rights Monitoring & Evaluation Systems  Initiated a process to mainstream sectoral or child specific indicators into the Government Wide M & E indicators  Developed the M&E Operational Framework to guide M&E activities in the ORCs and Children’s Rights Focal Points  Facilitated and organized the Annual Sectoral Performance Evaluation and Planning Meeting.  Facilitated and organised the first National Children’s Rights Advisory Council Meeting. This Council is composed of Government and civil society structures

9 8 Strengthening of Performance Competencies in the ORCs & CR Focal Points  Compiled POA related children’s rights indicators into a single document.  Conducted training on “Introductory Modules for Mainstreaming, Policy Analysis, M&E and Coordination of integrated Policy Implementation” to strengthen operational competencies in the ORCs and CR Focal and CR Focal Points

10 9 Support, Develop & Consolidate Initiatives for a Better Africa & a Better World: Performance Milestones  Initiation of SADC countries on Early Childhood development Process  Contribution to the UN Global Study on Violence Against Children  Compilation of the Global Study & CRC Reports for the UN

11 10 Performance Milestones  Endorsement of the M&E Operating Framework by the National Task Team  Mainstreaming of children’s rights indicators into the Government wide indicators Framework  Partnership with Stats SA to refine the Children’s Rights M&E Template  Progress reports from Provinces re awards given to winning schools in the “Children’s Rights & Responsibilities Competition”  Affirmation of the revised core functions of the ORC in the sector  Agreement with FOSAD on institutional arrangements for CR mainstreaming into governance processes  Agreement with DGs on improvements in the ORCS in GP, NW, FS, and EC.

12 11 Performance Milestones Continued:  1st National CR Advisory Council Meeting  UNICEF & GOSA Protocol and CR Delivery Collaboration Agreement to be approved by the Minister  Facilitated the Commemoration of the National Children’s Day that was hosted by the KZN Province  Agreement on national plans for ECD & VCSA

13 12 Performance Challenges  Inadequate competencies in Government for children’s rights mainstreaming, policy analysis, M&E, and coordination of integrated policy implementation  Location of CR Focal Points in Government Departments  Lack of ORCS in the offices of Mayors  ORC structures in Gauteng, N.West, E. Cape, and Free State

14 13 Office on the Rights of the Child: The Presidency THANK YOU

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