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Preparation of the Body. Hello, Welcome, Failte, Aloha! Complete the “Continuous Training “ sheet for your notes: - Three things you know about Continuous.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparation of the Body. Hello, Welcome, Failte, Aloha! Complete the “Continuous Training “ sheet for your notes: - Three things you know about Continuous."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparation of the Body

2 Hello, Welcome, Failte, Aloha! Complete the “Continuous Training “ sheet for your notes: - Three things you know about Continuous Training - Why it is specific to you as a Footballer - How can we progressively overload our session using Frequency, Intensity and Duration?

3 Learning Intentions - We are going to revise the methods of developing our CRE out the activity - We are going to learn about training in the activity using a Conditioned Approach - We are going to compare the benefits of both training out the activity and in the activity

4 Developing CRE for Football Over the last few weeks, we have discovered the ways of training for CRE out with the activity: *Continuous Training *Interval Training *Fartlek Training These methods of training are specifically appropriate for PRE SEASON Training, as they are focussing solely on the fitness needs.

5 Describing these methods You will be asked to describe and explain these three methods, so when preparing to do this, you should be able to talk about: - Name the method - Name the Aspect of Fitness you are improving - Describe EXACTLY what you did in the session - How long was the session? - How hard did you work? - How often did you work per week - How did you check you were working hard enough? - Training Zones

6 A Conditioned Approach Sometimes it is not appropriate to train out with the activity. More specifically, during the season, when you want to combine skill work, tactical work, team work and fitness all into the one session. While the season is going on, you want to maintain your high level of CRE while focussing on other aspects of the game. This is why a Conditioned Approach, or Training IN the activity, is important.

7 A Conditioned Approach - Session When planning and carrying out a CRE conditioning session, you should make sure that you still consider the following key points in order for CRE to improve: - Session must be a minimum of 20 minutes - Session should still be three times per week - You should still work inside your training zone The basis of this session is FOUR practices which each last FIVE minutes each (20 minutes in total). So you would move round the four practices in the full session. The practices must include skill work but also allow you to get into your training zone.

8 Label this – MY SESSION

9 Label this – OUR SESSION

10 Practice 1 – Our Session POSSESSION GAME In threes, two people pass the ball around trying to keep possession from the person in the middle. When they get possession, they swap with someone on the outside. Work for 5 mins (CONTINUOUS)

11 Challenge Time! Using the Session 1 as an example, come up, in pairs, with three more practices. The practices must keep you moving, keep you in your training zone but also work on skills. Write these in to MY SESSION....

12 Practice 2 – Our Session PASS AND MOVE In three’s pass the ball to your partner and then follow the pass. Work for 5 minutes constantly. (CONTINUOUS)

13 Practice 3 – Our Session 3 v 3 game Play 3 v 3 games for 5 minutes. The game is high intensity, if the ball goes off the side, then a new ball is put in immediately. Work for 5 mins. (FARTLEK)

14 Practice 4 – Our Session Shooting Drill Start at the cone, run to the first ball, take it in and shoot it. Then run back to the cone, then do the same for every ball, returning to the cone after each. In threes, one goes at a time. Work for 5 mins. (INTERVAL)

15 Benefits of Training IN the Activity Increases motivation as session is a lot more interesting Increases focus as practices are more game-like Increases co-operation and team work as you are working with others Maximises the training session as you are combining skills and fitness Can work on tactics prior to big matches/tournaments while still focussing on fitness

16 Higher Homework (a) Explain the fitness demands required for successful performance in your role in Football. (4) (b) Select one method of training you have used to develop your physical aspect of fitness. Describe what you did and discuss the advantages of this method. (6) (c)Select a second method of training you have used to develop your physical aspect of fitness. Describe what you did and discuss the advantages of this method (6) Intermediate 2 Homework (a)Describe two physical, one skill related and one mental aspect of fitness required for successful performance in Football (4) (b)Choose one method of training you have used to develop one of the physical aspects of fitness. Describe what you did. (4) (c)Describe the advantages of using this method of training. (4)

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