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Bellringer Download today’s notes: Scientific Revolution Answer the following question: – What do you think the best invention of all time is? What is.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer Download today’s notes: Scientific Revolution Answer the following question: – What do you think the best invention of all time is? What is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer Download today’s notes: Scientific Revolution Answer the following question: – What do you think the best invention of all time is? What is one invention you couldn’t live without? Why?

2 The Scientific Revolution The Big Idea Europeans developed a new way of gaining knowledge, leading to a Scientific Revolution that changed the way people thought about the world. Main Ideas The Scientific Revolution marked the birth of modern science. Discoveries and inventions helped scientists study the natural world. The Scientific Revolution had broad effects on society, changing ideas about the physical world, human behavior, and religion.

3 Main Idea 1: The Scientific Revolution marked the birth of modern science. The series of events that led to the birth of modern science is called the Scientific Revolution. (1540-1700) Science was a completely different way of looking at the world – relied on Catholic Church and Greek philosophers for information before. Science starts with observations, and then scientists begin to identify the facts. The explanations that scientists develop based on the facts are called theories. Scientists design experiments to prove their theories.

4 Roots of the Revolution Many ideas of the Scientific Revolution had been expressed in ancient times. Greek thinkers such as Aristotle and Ptolemy were rationalists. Europeans studied their work and also began to view the world in a rational way, thinking like scientists. –Rationalists looked at the world in a rational, or reasonable and logical, way. Developments in Europe, such as the growth of humanism, helped bring about the Scientific Revolution.


6 Connect! 1. What was the Scientific Revolution? 2. What are theories? 3. How does a scientist prove a theory? 4. What does the Renaissance have to do with the Scientific Revolution?

7 Show and Tell! With a partner, use the Internet to find one key invention from the Scientific Revolution. 1. Find an accurate picture of the invention. 2. Write a paragraph explaining its use and its significance today. 3. We will share with the class.

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