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Innovative CAD–GIS–BIM Solutions

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Presentation on theme: "Innovative CAD–GIS–BIM Solutions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovative CAD–GIS–BIM Solutions

2 Specialized: GEOMATICS CAD GIS BIM Focused areas:Planning, design and maintenance of the infrastructure facility Urban design Architectural design



5 The main references: 72 municipal government 14 state institutions 21 urban and architectural bureaus GIS support for management of cities and utilities systems

6 georeferencing and calibration of cartographic material onsite maping conversion coordinates between different projections DB management of raster and vector geodetic maps and cartographic materials iGEO

7 INOVA iPLAN Making investment plans and programs Creating a project and tender specifications Agreement monitoring Monitoring of construction investment facilities Warehouse operations relating to the construction of investment facilities Financial operations relating to the construction of investment facilities

8 INOVA iCOD Defining, monitoring and measurement achieve company objectives and its organizational units Balanced Scorecard Concept

9 Telekom Srbija Mtel Telenor BH Telekom SBB Beograd TeleGroup Connect, Prijedor Eling inženjering, Teslić Energomontaža, Beograd GrimTel, Prijedor Hidrokop, Banja Luka Integra-Tel, Novi Sad Intel-co, Novi Sad Invest inženjering, Novi Sad Kablprojekt, Banja Luka K-Inel, Istočno Sarajevo Koming-Pro, Gradiška Konekta inženjering, Kurtagić inžinjering, Ljubljana Metro Line, Beograd Milinković Company MKM Communications NI-TEL, Niš NovaTEL, Beograd PTT Inženjering, Pale Saobraćajni institut CIP Telefon, Kragujevac Telefonija, Beograd TeleGroup, Beograd Telekomunikacija, Blace Teletehnika, Novi Sad Telkomprojekt Telrad, Bijeljina Terc-Trade, Prnjavor Terra Engineering, Beograd Trmka-kabl, Vrnjačka Banja TT Inženjering, Banja Luka Urbanistički zavod RS.....




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