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Part II OUTBOUND TOURISM Unit 8 Free Activities. Teaching Objectives  Learn how to take the public transportation in a foreign country  Learn how to.

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Presentation on theme: "Part II OUTBOUND TOURISM Unit 8 Free Activities. Teaching Objectives  Learn how to take the public transportation in a foreign country  Learn how to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part II OUTBOUND TOURISM Unit 8 Free Activities

2 Teaching Objectives  Learn how to take the public transportation in a foreign country  Learn how to accompany the sick tourist to the hospital  Learn how to ask the road directions  Learn the process to mail letters, postcards and parcels

3 Briefing on the Working Procedures 在自由活动阶段,领队有时会和游客一起自由 活动。作为领队,对国外的各种交通方式要有 所了解,比如地铁,公共汽车和出租车等等。 领队还要能用英语问路,陪客人看医生和帮助 客人邮寄包裹,明信片和信件等。在自由活动 中,领队要竭尽所能保护客人的人身安全,不 要建议游客去参加危险的活动。 在自由活动阶段,领队有时会和游客一起自由 活动。作为领队,对国外的各种交通方式要有 所了解,比如地铁,公共汽车和出租车等等。 领队还要能用英语问路,陪客人看医生和帮助 客人邮寄包裹,明信片和信件等。在自由活动 中,领队要竭尽所能保护客人的人身安全,不 要建议游客去参加危险的活动。

4 Warming-up Activities  Discuss the following questions in group and report the results to the class  1. Imagine you are a tourist, what would you want to do for free-day activities?  2. How can you ask for road directions?

5 Working Process of Mailing Letters/Parcels Decide the shipment method Choose if extra services need to be added Last-check the letter and seal it Pay the post office staff

6 Working Process of Mailing Letters/Parcels I.Check the fare rate and decide the sending method you want to use (by sea, ground, air or Express) II.Choose if any specific services are needed (e.g. registered, insured) III.Last-check the letter and seal it IV.Pay the post office staff

7 Explanation of Texts (I) 1.Taking Subways Key Words: downtown, track, monthly pass dispensing machine Useful Expressions: 1.Which line do I need to take for XXX? 2.What time does it get in? 3.It’s scheduled to arrive at XXX.

8 Explanation of Texts (II) 2.Taking Taxi Key Words: stuck, traffic jam, Statue of Liberty Useful Expressions: a.Where do you intend to go? b.How far away is it from XXX to XXX? c.Keep the change.

9 Explanation of Texts (III) 3. Accompanying the Sick Tourist to the Hospital Key Words: sore throat, chest, flu, prescription, chill, upset stomach Useful Expressions: a.How long has he been like this? Culture Notes: Seeing a doctor can be very expensive in some countries, so it is better to contact your health insurance agent in advance to see if the expense can be covered.

10 Explanation of Texts (IV) 4. Asking the Way to the Mail Office Key Words: block, post office Useful Expressions: a.I wonder if you could tell me how to get to the mail office. b.Keep going straight for X blocks, then turn right on XXX street. c.It only takes about five minutes by feet.

11 Explanation of Texts (V) 5. Mailing Letters, Post Cards and Parcels Key Words: stamp, registered, manuscript, insured, stick, return address Useful Expressions: a.I want to send this package registered. b.Do you want it insured?

12 Consolidation  Q and A 1.If a tourist does not feel well, what would you do? 2.Can you show the directions from the TCZJ gate to the dinning hall? 3.What is the process of mailing letters or parcels?

13 Consolidation  Role-play You are a tour leader. A guest asks you to send post cards back home for him. You go to the post office to send the mail for her, although you are familiar with the city.

14 Assignments 1.Learn by heart the dialogue “Mailing Letters, Post Cards and Parcels” and then practice the dialogue in pair. 2.Design a free-day itinerary for the trip in Hong Kong

15 Thank you!

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