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? ? ? ?.  Course name: Algorithms and programming techniques  Course and seminars: Cristian Uscatu  Course: Monday 15:00 - 16:20  Seminars: Monday.

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1 ? ? ? ?

2  Course name: Algorithms and programming techniques  Course and seminars: Cristian Uscatu  Course: Monday 15:00 - 16:20  Seminars: Monday 12:00 - 13:20 (1025)  Monday 16:30 - 17:50 (1026)  Tuesday 13:30 - 14:50 (1028)  Friday 12:00 - 13:20 (1027)  Consultations ▪Room 2301, Monday 13:30-14:50 ▪Appointment by email ▪(use your institutional address, provided by the university) Algorithms and programming techniques

3  Prerequisites  Basic computer knowledge and abilities  Programing basics (first semester)  Basic Visual Studio skills  You must understand and know how to work with  C/C++ ▪Write console applications ▪Arrays -1, 2, 3 etc. dimensions ▪Pointers-operations, memory (de)allocation ▪Subprograms-build, use, parameters  Visual Studio ▪Create a simple Console Application (no precompiled headers) ▪Write C/C++ code ▪Compile/build the application ▪Debug the application Algorithms and programming techniques

4  You will study  Function libraries  Pointers to functions  Iterativity and recursivity  Divide et Impera method  Search, sort, merge arrays  Data validation  External data structures: files - text, binary (sequential, relative, indexed)  Graphs: representation, traversing, connectivity, paths, trees  Greedy method  Backtracking method Algorithms and programming techniques

5  Books, available at library  Manual ▪C. Uscatu, C. Cocianu, B. Ghilic-Micu, M. Stoica, M. Mircea, Algoritmi i tehnici de programare, Editura ASE Bucureti 2014, 2015  Solved problems /examples book ▪C. Uscatu, C. Cocianu, M, Mircea, L. Pocatilu, Algoritmi i tehnici de programare. Aplicaii, Editura ASE 2015  Other books ▪I. Gh. Roşca, B. Ghilic-Micu, C. Cocianu, M. Stoica, C. Uscatu, M. Mircea, Programarea calculatoarelor. Algoritmi în programare, Editura ASE Bucureşti, 2007 ▪C. Uscatu, M. Popa, L. Pocatilu (Bătăgan), C. Silvestru, Programarea calculatoarelor. Aplicaii, Editura ASE Bucureti 2012 ▪Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald R. Rivest, Introducere în algoritmi, Computer Libris Agora, 2000 ▪D. Knuth, Arta programării calculatoarelor, vol. 1-3, Ed. Teora, 1999, 2000, 2001 Algorithms and programming techniques

6  Evaluation ▪Seminar: 40% ▪Mandatory homework (prerequisite for practical test): 10% ▪Practical test: 30% ▪Examination: 50% ▪Ex officio: 10%  Miscellaneous ▪Attendance, missed classes, individual study, rules, collaboration  – accessible from ASE intranet  Course description (fia disciplinei), presentations, other materials Algorithms and programming techniques

7 Libraries  Library: collection of functions  Purpose  Code reuse for multiple applications  Distribution to other users  Types  Source code, binary (object) code  Static, dynamic

8 Libraries  Work options  Command line ▪cl.exe- compiler ▪lib.exe- library manger ▪link.exe- link editor  In IDE (Visual Studio) ▪Same solution (with multiple projects) ▪Separate solutions

9 Static libraries  Function code is inserted into the program  File extension  Windows:.lib  Linux:.a  Advantages  Single executable file  Only called functions are extracted from the library and inserted in the program  Drawbacks  Larger executable file  Each executable includes a separate copy of the same functions

10 Static libraries  Create static library  Use the library Link editor Source code (.c,.cpp,.h) Object code (.obj) Object code library (.lib) Source code files (.c,.cpp,.h) Executable file (.exe) Compile Library manager Object code library (.lib) Object code (.obj) Compile

11 Static libraries  Source files  header (antet)matrice.h  implementationmatrice.cpp  testtest.cpp //alocare dinamica matrice // I - nr. linii, nr. coloane // E - adresa matricei double **aloca_matrice(int m, int n); //dezalocare matrice dinamica // I - adresa matricei, nr. linii // E - adresa matricei (NULL) double** dezalocare_matrice(double **a, int m); //produs matrice patrate de dimensiuni egale, prealocate // I - a, b, n // E - c void produs_mpn(double** a, double **b, int n, double** c); //copiaza matrice prealocate // I - a, m, n // E - b void copiaza(double** a, int m, int n, double** b); //citire matrice patrata cu alocare // I - // E - adresa matrice, dimensiune double** citire_matrice(int *m); //afisare matrice patrata // I - adresa matrice, dimensiune // E - void afisare_matrice(double** a, int m); #include #include "matrice.h" //citire matrice patrata cu alocare // I - // E - adresa matrice, dimensiune double** citire_matrice(int *m) { int i,j; double** a; printf_s("\n\nDimensiune: "); scanf_s("%d",m); a=new double*[*m]; for(i=0;i<*m;i++) a[i]=new double[*m]; for(i=0;i<*m;i++) for(j=0;j<*m;j++) { printf_s("a[%d,%d]= ",i,j); scanf_s("%lf",&a[i][j]); } return a; } //afisare matrice patrata // I - adresa matrice, dimensiune // E - void afisare_matrice(double** a, int m) { int i,j; //cout<<"\nMatricea este: \n"; for(i=0;i<m;i++) { for(j=0;j<m;j++) printf_s("%10.6lf ",a[i][j]); printf_s("\n"); } printf_s("\n"); } #include #include "matrice.h" void main() { double** a; int m,n; a=citire_matrice(&m); afisare_matrice(a,m); _getch(); }

12 Static libraries  Command line  Create a new folder and save the required files  Run vcvars32.bat, found in Visual Studio’s folder bin ▪ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin  cl -c matrice.cpp ▪ matrice.obj  lib matrice.obj /out:matrice.lib ▪ matrice.lib  cl test.cpp matrice.lib ▪ test.exe

13 Static libraries  In IDE – create binary library  Create a new project, Win32 Console Application ▪ solution name: BSIDE, project name: matrice  In Application settings dialog choose ▪Application type: Static library ▪Additional options: Empty project, no Precompiled headers  Add source files to the project (header and implementation)  Compile solution (Build)  The library is created in folder BSIDE\Debug ▪Library name: matrice.lib

14 Static libraries  In IDE – use binary library in the same solution  Create a new project Win32 Console Application ▪ project name: Test, add to existing solution BSIDE  In Application settings dialog choose: ▪Application type: Console Application ▪Additional options: Empty project, no Precompiled headers  Add source file to the project (test file, with main function)  Project > Properties > Common Properties > Framework and References > Add New Reference… > matrice  Project > Properties > Configuration Properties > C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories > path to matrice.h  Project > Set As StartUp Project  Compile (Build)  Launch from IDE or separately ▪Test.exe is in BSIDE\Debug

15 Static libraries  In IDE – use binary library in the separate solution  Create a new project Win32 Console Application in a new solution ▪ solution name (also for project): TestS  In Application settings choose ▪Application type: Console Application ▪Additional options: Empty project, no Precompiled headers  Add source file to the project (test file with main function)  Copy to the project folder the files matrice.h and matrice.lib  Project > Properties > Configuration Properties > Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies > add matrice.lib  Compile (Build)  Launch

16 Dynamic libraries  Function code is separated from the main program  File extension  Windows:.dll   Advantages  Smaller executable  The library is shared by several applications  Drawbacks  Several files (main executable + dynamic libraries)  Additional processing time  Library must be on the search path or current folder

17 Dynamic libraries  Create dynamic library  Use library  Launch application with dynamic library Link editor Source code (.c,.cpp,.h) Object file Object file (.obj) Import table (.lib) Dynamic library (.dll) Source code (.c,.cpp,.h) Executable file (.exe) Compile Link editor Object code library Object file (.obj) Compile Executable file (.exe) Dynamic library (.dll)

18 Dynamic libraries  Building and using dynamic libraries is similar to static libraries  Differences  Function prototypes must include (only the header file.h) __declspec(dllexport)  For each function: __declspec(dllexport) double** citire_matrice(int *m);  At execution,.dll file must be available (same folder or known search path)

19 Dynamic libraries  Command line  Create a new folder for the project, include the 3 files  Run vcvars32.bat, from bin folder of Visual Studio ▪ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin  cl matrice.cpp /LD ▪ matrice.dll, matrice.lib  cl test.cpp matrice.lib ▪ test.exe  For execution you need both: ▪ text.exe and matrice.dll

20 Dynamic libraries  In IDE – create dynamic library  Create new project Win32 Console Application ▪ Solution name: BDIDE, project name: matrice  In Application settings dialog choose ▪Application type: DLL ▪Additional options: Empty project  Add source files to the project (header and implementation)  Build solution (Build)  The dynamic library will be in the folder BDIDE\matrice\Debug ▪files: matrice.dll, matrice.lib

21 Dynamic libraries  In IDE – use the dynamic library in the same solution  Create a new project Win32 Console Application ▪ project name: Test, add to existing solution BDIDE  In Application settings dialog choose ▪Application type: Console Application ▪Additional options: Empty project, no Precompiled headers  Add source file to the project (text file with main function)  Project > Properties > Common Properties > Framework and References > Add New Reference… > matrice  Project > Properties > Configuration Properties > C/C++ > General > Additional Include Directories > path to matrice.h  Project > Set As StartUp Project  Build solution (Build)  Run the application

22 Dynamic libraries  In IDE – use the dynamic library in a separate solution  Create a new project Win32 Console Application ▪ solution name (same for project): TestD  Copy matrice.h and matrice.lib to project folder  In Application settings dialog choose ▪Application type: Console Application ▪Additional options: Empty project, no Precompiled headers  Add source file (test file with main function)  Project > Properties > Configuration Properties > Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies > add matrice.lib  Project > Properties > Configuration Properties > Debugging > Environment > add path to matrice.dll  Build solution (Build)  Run the application

23 Libraries  H O M E W O R K !  Create and test a library with functions for processing arrays (1/2 dimensions) – must include reading and displaying the arrays. All arrays will be allocated dynamically. ▪Static library ▪Work in command line ▪Work in IDE (same solution) ▪Dynamic library ▪Work in command line ▪Work in IDE (separate solution)

24 Dynamic libraries  H O M E W O R K !  Size comparison:  When should we use libraries?  When should we choose static / dynamic library? Static (.lib)Dynamic (.dll) L.C.IDEL.C.IDE matrice.h ???? matrice.lib ???? matrice.dll --?? test.exe ????

25 Spor la înv ă ţat!

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