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Examinations 2009/16121[2]. Purpose of external examinations Provide independent measure of student achievement. Strengthen and add credibility to school-based.

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Presentation on theme: "Examinations 2009/16121[2]. Purpose of external examinations Provide independent measure of student achievement. Strengthen and add credibility to school-based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Examinations 2009/16121[2]

2 Purpose of external examinations Provide independent measure of student achievement. Strengthen and add credibility to school-based assessment.

3 Use of external examinations Means of adjusting school assessments for comparability across schools. WACE score indicates student achievement against the standard for the stage and relative to other students state-wide. Enables scaling of course scores for tertiary selection purposes. Assists in the selection of students for exhibitions and awards.

4 School-based and external assessment: for and against See table summary on external assessment H/O (Pink)

5 Examination sample papers Stages 2 and 3 See Stages 2 and 3 final sample papers and marking keys for: English Career and Enterprise Materials Design and Technology Philosophy and Ethics Italian.

6 Workshop: Stages 2 and 3 examinations Select one course and consider the key differences between the Stage 2 and 3 examinations in terms of: nature of the questions structure of the sections use of stimulus material nature of expected responses.

7 Practical examinations (performance or production) The following courses have a practical examination in 2009: Aviation Chinese: Second Language Dance Drama English as an Additional Language or Dialect Italian Materials Design and Technology Media Production and Analysis Physical Education Studies

8 Online assessment 2009 Online marking TEE courses: Discrete Mathematics, Applicable and Calculus; Biology WACE courses: EAL/D, Stages 2 and 3 Online marks collection Electronic data entry by markers for all courses Curriculum Council Online_examinations_trial

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