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2 NCOIC Semantic Wiki Aaron Budgor Bruno Carron Stephan Chevalier Ken Cureton Mills Davis Vish Dixit Steve Russell Conor Shankey Jacques-Arial Sirat John.

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Presentation on theme: "2 NCOIC Semantic Wiki Aaron Budgor Bruno Carron Stephan Chevalier Ken Cureton Mills Davis Vish Dixit Steve Russell Conor Shankey Jacques-Arial Sirat John."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 NCOIC Semantic Wiki Aaron Budgor Bruno Carron Stephan Chevalier Ken Cureton Mills Davis Vish Dixit Steve Russell Conor Shankey Jacques-Arial Sirat John A. Yanosy Jr

3 3 Topics +Background & schedule — John Yanosy & Steve Russell +Presenter bios — Mills Davis & Conor Shankey +Semantic wiki +Semantic wiki concept of operation +NCOIC Work Group sample scenarios +Demos

4 4 Mills Davis 202-667-6400 +Mills Davis is Project10X’s founder and managing director for industry research and strategic programs. He consults with technology manufacturers, global 2000 corporations, and government agencies on next-wave semantic technologies and solutions. +Mills serves as co-chair of the Federal CIO council’s Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice (SICoP) where he leads research into the business value of semantic technologies and the Semantic Wikis for Information Management (SWIM) working group. Also, Mills is a founding member of the AIIM interoperable enterprise content management (iECM) working group, and a founding member of the National Center for Ontology Research (NCOR). +A noted researcher and industry analyst, Mills has authored more than 100 reports, whitepapers, articles, and industry studies.

5 5 Conor Shankey 604-730-0086 +Founder and CEO of Visual Knowledge — a 15 year old software company specializing in semantic wikis, enterprise class semantic applications, and highly scaleable semantic agent technology. +Architected largest corporate wan/lan of it’s kind outside US in 1990 as part of an enterprise transactional frame system to supplement/replace mission critical mainframe systems of large power utility. +CTO/co-founder of several spin out companies from Visual Knowledge. Also, co-founder Clera Pharmaceuticals, a small anti-psychotic drug discovery company +Member of the NCOR technical committee, Chair of 2006 OWL workshop (International Semantic Web Conference), and industry studies.

6 6 NCOIC Semantic Wiki Pilot

7 7 The original WIKI* idea +“A web site where anybody can create/edit a web page” +Structure +is not pre-determined +invented & evolved by community +neither top down or bottom up +Quick collaborative writing +Non-linear hypertext * Wiki is the short form for “wiki wiki web,” from the Hawaiian expression “wiki wiki” meaning fast or quick.

8 8 WIKI concepts +Authoring via web browser — Also, uploading of arbitrary (multimedia) content +Simplified wiki syntax — Very simple markup for authors +Collaborative editing — Any page can be immediately contributed to, extended, revised, corrected assuming you have the right privileges +Rollback mechanism — All changes are versioned, audited and transparent to the community +Strong linking — “Concepts” in text can immediately become active resources (pages/links) +Search — Typically, a full text search capability

9 9 Benefits of the wiki idea Wiki way: +Distinct concepts or topics are built on the fly +Discourse forms around or in the context of a topic +Eliminates serialized document work flow +Team or community members can immediately see commentary in the context of a topic Versus: +Each person edits a copy of the document +A poor soul merges the results +Expensive file shares +E-mailing bulky documents +“Versions” of opaque documents everywhere +“Organizing” documents in hierarchal file system

10 10 Semantics? It’s what we do every second. What? +Convert data into something we can comprehend… +By developing or applying concepts… +Quickly relating them to instances in the world… +Applying and revising our world models, and… +Sharing our thoughts with others How? +Identify—concept encoding +Generalize—organizing concepts by kind +Aggregate—organizing complexes into simpler concepts +Model Common Properties— relationships (connecting properties), & attributes (flat properties) +Naming Conventions— terms / phrases; language

11 11 Semantic Technologies: Represent meanings & knowledge about things so both computers and people can work with it

12 12 Model knowledge about infrastructure, information, behavior, & domain expertise separately from programs, data, & documents

13 13 Semantics We have plenty of experience encoding our thoughts and meanings… Natural languageDocuments, speech Visual languageTables, graphics, charts, maps Formal language Models, schema, logic, mathematics, professional and scientific notations Behavior language Software code, declarative specifications, functions, algorithms, Sensory language User experience (UX), human-computer interface

14 14 NCOIC Semantic Wiki Pilot Goal: Manage concepts, relationships & models across NCOIC products using a semantic wiki!

15 15 Semantic Wikis Make knowledge interoperable…

16 16 Semantic Technologies Make knowledge executable…

17 17 NCOIC Semantic Wiki — Sample Screens

18 18 Semantic Wiki Concept of Operation

19 19 The Problem Document-centric work group process +Inadequate process for reaching reasonable technical consensus +Costly & ineffective collaboration across work groups +Difficulty understanding & managing complex interrelationships across set of NCOIC products +Inefficient, error-prone, and time consuming process for aligning & harmonizing work products across work groups +Costly & ineffective process for managing changes and versions across NCOIC product set +Inability to support user needs to find all relevant NCOIC information and guidance in context +Lack comprehensive solution for compliance, export control, and jurisdictional viewing

20 20 The Solution Knowledge-centric work group process Government NCOIC Member Public/Internet Industry Commercial Government NCOIC Member Public/Internet Industry Commercial CRSIINCATNIFOther SEMANTIC KNOWLEDGE BASE Information Sources Users Security, Control, Administration … NCOIC policy & reference knowledge Governance in wiki Jurisdictional viewing Member profiles/roles Security, sign-on, etc. Browse Search Assess Harvest Ingest Extract Categorize Documents Web DBs Models Schemas INPUTOUTPUT Sign-on Authorize Browse Search Query Navigate Report Web Documents Patterns Models Setup Secure Invite Authorize Search Navigate Train Import Read Author Edit Select Extract Annotate Model Report Harmonize Consense Change Version Approve FT & WG Use NCOIC Semantic Wiki Pilot

21 21 NCOIC Semantic Wiki Pilot Operational capabilities

22 22 NCOIC WG Domain Experts Work with documents & concepts in the semantic wiki NCOIC Security & Export Control Experts Apply law, regulation, policy to knowledge access & sharing across boundaries NCOIC Modeling Experts Develop schemas, models & ontologies SEMANTIC KNOWLEDGEBASE NCOIC Semantic Wiki Pilot User Roles

23 23 NCOIC Semantic Wiki Alignment Environment Defines semantic relationships across WGs Enables collaborative development of visible harmonization across NCOIC work products Creates & manages NCOIC knowledge base and NCOIC ontology CR FT Semantic Wiki WFR Data Collection Workbook Stakeholder List CR Ontology Navy VKR Ontology SII WG Semantic Wiki SCOPE Doc Reference Guide SCOPE Ontology Standards (OWL, WSDL) NCAT WG Semantic Wiki Content Doc Object Model Relational Model Related Standards NIF WG Semantic Wiki Problem Statement Doc Related standards … NCOIC Semantic Wiki Pilot Environment

24 24 NCOIC Semantic Wiki Pilot Semantic Wiki and Integrated NCOIC Semantic Knowledge Base NCOIC Semantic Wiki NCOIC Integrated Knowledge Base NCAT NIF Patterns Semantic Interoperability Patterns -Information Exchange, Semantics -Services, Mediation -Msg Content Transformation -Collaboration, Workflow -Discovery, Context Awareness -Autonomicity, Management Customer Requirements -DAR,CADM, DAP -DoDAF to DRL -JCIDS -PIM -NCOW RM -Capital Planning -PPBE -Acquisition -BCIDS -Net Ready KPPs -KIPs -DISRonlineProfiles NCOIC SCOPE Document NCOIC Lexicon NCO Tenets Ontology Mobility Interoperability Causes Document Interop Ontology SCOPE Ontology NCO Tenet Ontology Open Standards Open Standards Ontology Customer Requirements Ontology NIF Pattern Ontology IA SIOP Ontology Building Blocks Building Blocks Ontology IA Ontology Mobility Ontology NCAT Ontology NCOIC Integrated Ontology

25 25 1.Lines indicate technical alignment is required and complex and costly to perform 2.Semantic Wiki will enable detailed alignment specifications to be developed and captured SCOPE Ref Guide CR WSBB S&RL Workbook MECI Workbook IA Workbook FORCENet Workbook CR Ontology CR Source Information -Documents -- Web sites -- Models -Frameworks -Architectures -R&D -Experiments -Live Exercises SII Workbook MBWG Workbook NCAT NCAT Engine NCAT Content Standards NCAT Ontology NIF ver 2 MBWG MNO MBWG MNE CR Workbook SCOPE Document SII Source Docs SCOPE Ontology CR WFR Building Blocks NCOIC Semantic Wiki Pilot NCOIC Work Product Alignment Relationships Map (Subset)

26 26 NCOIC Semantic Wiki Pilot Benefits CapabilityBenefit 1. Semantic wiki work group process WGs gain faster, more transparent, concept-centric technical collaboration for development, harmonization, life cycle change management, consensus building, and approval of NCOIC work products including cross-product semantic models. 2. Semantic search, query & navigation End-users and communities of interest (COIs) gain capability to access NCOIC knowledgebase semantically to find more relevant information with less effort. 3. Semantic content authoring, editing, and review WGs gain capability to upload documents, extract concepts and relationships, explore concepts across sources, and post comments via web or email, with content managed semantically across all sources. Semantic process is flexible, faster, less error prone, than with document exchanges. 4. Semantic modelingWGs gain capability to import schemas & models, edit & refactor them, link concepts & relationships extracted from documents and other sources. WG can exploit semantic models to develop, harmonize, and manage change to concepts across WG products. 5. Semantic harmonizationWGs gain capability to flexibly map, align, integrate, restructure concepts across work products, posting comments and documenting the results of harmonization, enabling end-users to access consistent NCOIC knowledge. 6. Semantic change management & versioning WGs gain savings in time & effort through automated detection and impact assessment changes to and versions of the NCOIC product set. 7. Semantic security & jurisdictional viewing US & international partners gain comprehensive compliance for access to NCOIC knowledge, governed by applicable law (e.g. ITAR), policy & user role.

27 27 NCOIC Semantic Wiki Pilot Results for NCOIC +Improve collaborative development, access to, and lifecycle management of NCOIC work products — including documents, knowledgebases, and underlying semantic models. +Establish an easily used social computing fabric for collaboration and consensus building across all concepts and work products that NCOIC is developing in its multiple working groups. +Pilot test a semantic wiki based concept of operations that provides work group collaboration; semantic email discussion; semantic search, query & navigation; content authoring, editing, and review; semantic modeling; harmonization of work products and models; automated change management & versioning; and semantic security, jurisdictional viewing & export control. +Enable creation, management and sharing of ontologies aligned with work products that all NCOIC members can share and use in multiple situations, especially to relate NCO problems, operational and technical requirements, force capabilities, architectural frameworks, architectural patterns, standards, and technology enablers. +Establish a semantic knowledge base that integrates NCOIC information and ontologies (semantic models) so that all concepts become visible and easily discoverable from a COI and user context perspective, consistent with jurisdictional viewing and export controls. +Create knowledge-based, executable NCO tools and collaborative applications that provide value to our stakeholders.

28 28 Pilot Action Recommendations +Authorize the NCOIC Semantic Wiki Pilot +Charter NCOIC Semantic Team to: +Maintain the NCOIC semantic model +Technically support for Semantic Wiki Pilot +Manage creation of an Integrated Semantic Knowledge Base +Approve the Pilot Plan +Review Statement of Work +Allocate Pilot Budget +Execute the Semantic Wiki Pilot with participation from SII, CR, NCAT, Building Blocks, NIF +Write the Pilot Evaluation Report for the Tech Team


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