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This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian.

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Presentation on theme: "This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian."— Presentation transcript:

1 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Electronic Regional Risk Atlas Regional Workshop May 18-22, 2015 Tbilisi, Georgia

2 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 PPRD East Programme Phase 2 Use Case Analysis Paolo Campanella ICT NKE

3 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Project Goal : create product that satisfy User needs under expense, time and resources constraints Working Method: abstract model of real procedures that has to be followed to reach Project Goals Definitions

4 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Hypothesis Project is driven by User Requirements. End User cannot have a detailed prior knowledge of the system needs Project Manager has to help and drive stakeholders to focus on real and sustainable requirements Requirements changes: this is a strong hypothesis in ICT Engineering

5 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Software life cylce is iterative Analysis, Design, Development and Test phases are repeated in a cycle to follow requirements changes Software Life Cycle Management

6 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Analysis 1/2 Target: Detail system functionalities Collect User requirements System Detailed Architecture Deliverables : Project Glossary Use Case Analysis Updated Questionnaire System Prototype

7 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Time criticality? Most important feature? Worst procedure at the moment? Technical, politic, commercial constraints? Who is responsable for what? Priority List? Analysis 2/2

8 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Use Case - Actors The Actor is someone or something that interacts with the System. The Actor can be a human, an external system, or time. Project Stakeholders are entities that have an interest in a given project. Actors are always Stakeholders, but not all Stakeholders are Actors. Use Case defines the interactions between external Actors and the system to accomplish a goal A person using a system may be represented as different Actors because he is playing different roles

9 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Use Case Diagram

10 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Use Case Use case is a list of steps defining interactions between an Actor and the system to achieve a goalUse-case UC.ERRA.100 Publish a map with ERRA Primary Actor Erra GIS Expert Goal in context Upload a Layer in Erra Platform and share it with other ERRA Users Preconditions The Users has prepared a new Layer to share The User is signed in ERRA Platform and has the rights to publish new Layers Trigger Decision Makers ask for that layer in ERRA

11 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Use Case 1/4Scenario 1.The User selects the Spatial Data Manager Module; 2.The system shows a three panel window, dived in: 1.Files; 2.Data; 3.Layers; 3.The user clicks the + button on the file panel; 4.The system ask the user to select the file on his PC; 5.The user uploads the file; 6.The system adds the file to the file list; 7.The user clicks on the new uploaded file; 8.The user click on the Publish Option; 9.The user selects the group into witch publish the layer;

12 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Use Case 2/4Scenario 10.The user selects the group where to publish the layer; 11.The user choose to publish it as a new layer or to overwrite an existing layer; 12.The user sets a title for the layer; 13.The user type an abstract of the layer; 14.The user set the keywords associated to the layer; 15.The user sets the metadata link of the layer; 16.The user can access the advanced settings; 17.The user can set if the layer is protected or not; 18.If the layer is protected: 1.The user can choose groups that are enabled or not to see the layer; 19.The user sets the Native projection of the layer; 20.The user clicks on the Publish Button;

13 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Use Case 3/4Scenario 20.The system adds the new layer in the Data panel; 21.The user clicks on the new layer in the data panel; 22.The user clicks on publish; 23.The user can set again the title of the layer; 24.The user type an abstract of the layer; 25.The user set the keywords associated to the layer; 26.The user sets the metadata link of the layer; 27.The user can access the advanced settings; 28.The user can set if the layer is protected or not; 29.If the layer is protected: 1.The user can choose groups that are enabled or not to see the layer; 30.The user sets the Native projection of the layer; 31.The user clicks on the Publish Button; 32.The system adds the layer in the layers panel and make it available to ERRA system

14 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Use Case 4/4Exceptions The layer is not in a supported projection: the system shows a message alerting the user that layer is not published Priority High When available First Release Frequency of use High Channel to actor ERRA – Spatial Data Manager Secondary actors None Channel to secondary actors None Open issues Q Which file formats are supported? AThe system supports ESRI Shape Files and KML files.

15 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Preliminary Information Who has an User in the ERRA Platform? When it was the Last Login? Have you seen any layer on the ERRA Map? Have you ever published a new layer with Spatial Data Manager? Have you changed the style of a Layer with ERRA? Have you searched a Layer from another country? Have you created a new Metadata record? Have you read metadata of an existing layer?

16 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Have you ever downloaded a layer from ERRA ? Have you ever linked another catalogue in ERRA? Have you have ever set the visibility of a layer in ERRA? Have you ever used ERRA Qgis plugin? Have you ever used Vulnerability module? Have you ever used Critical Asset module? Have you ever used ERRA Mobile App? Do you use the drawing tools of ERRA? Preliminary Information

17 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 In your opinion the layer list on the right of the map is clear to use? Which is the most useful functionality of ERRA in your opinion? Which is the most difficoult functionality to use? What would you like to change of the platform? What would you like to add to the platform? Which other system are in use in your organization at the moment? And what about GIS? Preliminary Information

18 This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a consortium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Thank you! Any Question?

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