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Designing and Evaluating Supple (?) Interfaces Alistair Sutcliffe Manchester Business School University of Manchester Manchester M60 1QD UK CHI07 Supple.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing and Evaluating Supple (?) Interfaces Alistair Sutcliffe Manchester Business School University of Manchester Manchester M60 1QD UK CHI07 Supple."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing and Evaluating Supple (?) Interfaces Alistair Sutcliffe Manchester Business School University of Manchester Manchester M60 1QD UK CHI07 Supple UIs Workshop

2 Supple & Engaging ? Some users hated it Some adapted and loved it …once they figured out how to use it

3 Judgement - Decision making Process Users’ background Knowledge/ training Culture Context & task Preference Intentions Behaviour Criteria usability content aesthetics reputation customisation adaptation engagement Criticality of decision Strategies Assessing UI quality Quick plug for Monday session 4 Empirical studies Hartmann, Sutcliffe & DeAngeli

4 Supple by customisation/adaptation Pliant UIs allow us to customise and configure interaction - upsides- sense of ownership, better fit for interaction, meets user requirements - downsides- effort of customisation, more complexity Pliant UIs adapt to us (adaptive intelligent UIs) - upsides- the UI is pliant by anticipation, save us effort, meets our expectations - downsides- very difficult to get adaptive UIs right, cost of error, become the opposite of supple, obstructive Uis

5 Supple by immersion and engagement The UI seduces us to become pliant by - immersion ego centric, character based interaction i.e. avatar presences, virtual worlds - by computer as social actor for engagement, e.g. chatterbots, limited dialogue capabilities but people really relate to avatars Engagement by surprise and curiosity - unexpected interaction seduces us, e.g. technological and culture probes (Gaver, Sengers and others) - upsides: stimulates curiosity, excitement, +ve affect - downsides: does the effect last, is it just design ephemeroptera ?

6 So what’s the debate ? Understanding suppleness and experience at a deep level Where design genres are likely to succeed or not (cost- benefit analysis) The psychology of suppleness - ego character based interaction- affective but also mimicking human discourse - oddity, surprise and curiosity- affective and arousing contexts for interaction - changing relationship between users and software, end user development.. you configure interactive services to your own needs

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