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Click to edit Master title style Literature Review Measuring the Gap Between FPGAs and ASICs Ian Kuon, Jonathan Rose University of Toronto IEEE TCAD/ICAS.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master title style Literature Review Measuring the Gap Between FPGAs and ASICs Ian Kuon, Jonathan Rose University of Toronto IEEE TCAD/ICAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master title style Literature Review Measuring the Gap Between FPGAs and ASICs Ian Kuon, Jonathan Rose University of Toronto IEEE TCAD/ICAS Feburary 2007 Henry Chen February 26, 2010

2 Introduction  Trade-offs between FPGAs and standard-cell ASICs –Decreased NRE, design time –Increased silicon area, power; decreased performance  FPGA inefficiencies known and accepted, but largely un-quantified

3 Previous Comparisons  Jones et al. (1986): MPGAs to standard cells –1.5  2.6x area, ~1.1x delay –Estimates based on only 5 circuits  Brown et al. (1992): FPGAs to MPGAs –8  12x area, ~3x delay –Optimistic FPGA gate counting? –Anecdotal evidence –Doesn’t consider “hard” macros (multipliers, memories)  Combine for FPGAs to standard cells –12  38x area, ~3.4x delay –Dated; based on (questionable?) extractions

4 Previous Comparisons (2000’s)  Zuchowski et al. (2002): LUT to ASIC gate (0.25μm  90nm) –~ 1 / 45 gate density, 12  14x delay, ~500x dynamic power –Unexplained process-dependent density/power variation –Dependent on gates implemented per LUT  Wilton et al. (2005): Partial programmable replacement –88x area, 2x delay –Single logic module  Compton & Hauck (2007): FPGA apps. to standard-cell –Avg 7.2x area –Scaled FPGA 0.15μm to 0.18μm standard-cell

5 Methodology  Implement in both FPGA and standard-cell –Altera Stratix II FPGA: TSMC 90nm multi-V t, 1.2V –Standard-cell: ST CMOS090 90nm, dual-V t, 1.2V  Empirical results from 23 benchmarks –Rejected if different synthesis tools resulted in >5% register count deviation –Mix of logic, memory, DSP  Analyze gains from FPGA’s DSP and memory blocks  Exclude I/Os  Have device data from Altera

6 Implementations  FPGA –Altera-provided CAD flow –Speed/area balanced optimization; optimize critical paths performance, otherwise optimize area –Automatic DSP, memory block inference –Set to mimic effects of high resource utilization  ASIC –Synopsys/Cadence synthesis/PAR flow –Free to choose from high/standard-V t cells –Timing-driven placement; target 75  85% utilization –Emphasized performance in compiled memories

7 Area Comparison  ASIC –Post PAR’d core area –Include memory macros  FPGA –Count only silicon area for used resources –Include surrounding routing resources –Count full block area even if only partially used –Area data from Altera

8 Area Comparison Results  Logic only: 35x avg (17 ‒ 54x)  Logic + DSP: 25x avg (12 ‒ 58x)  Logic + Memory: 33x avg (19 ‒ 70x)  Logic + Memory + DSP: 18x avg (9.5 ‒ 26x)

9 Impact of Hard Macros on Area  Smaller area penalty for designs using hard macros –Hard macro close to ASIC implementation (plus programmable interface & routing)

10 Area Comparison Caveats  Pessimistic FPGA area estimation; count full resource area even if only partially used (~5 ‒ 10% reduction)  ASIC density may decrease for larger designs, while FPGAs are designed to handle large designs

11 Delay Comparison  Altera Quartus II / Synopsys PrimeTime SI  Static timing analysis to extract max. clock frequency  Compare for different FPGA speed grades –FPGAs are binned for performance –ASICs tend to be designed for worst-case

12 Delay Comparison Results (Fastest Speed Grade)  Logic only: 3.4x avg (1.9 ‒ 5.0x)  Logic + DSP: 3.5x avg (2.4 ‒ 4.7x)  Logic + Memory: 3.5x avg (2.8 ‒ 4.3x)  Logic + Memory + DSP: 3.0x avg (2.6 ‒ 3.5x)

13 Delay Comparison Results (Slowest Speed Grade)  Logic only: 4.6x avg (2.5 ‒ 6.7x)  Logic + DSP: 4.6x avg (3.0 ‒ 6.3x)  Logic + Memory: 4.8x avg (3.8 ‒ 5.7x)  Logic + Memory + DSP: 4.1x avg (3.8 ‒ 4.7x)

14 Impact of Hard Macros on Delay  Almost no benefit—sometimes penalty! –Fixed positions in FPGA; extra routing to use –Fixed architecture; some apps. may not use efficiently

15 Power Comparison  Altera Quartus II Power Analyzer / Synopsys PrimePower  Compare power, not energy consumption –FPGAs slower; need more time or parallelism –Implement for highest speed possible –Simulate at same operating frequency, voltage  Measure only core power  Assume constant toggle rates for all nets in design –Meaningful test vectors not available for all designs  FPGA static power consumption scaled by used fraction

16 Power Comparison Results  Logic only: 14x avg (5.7 ‒ 52x)  Logic + DSP: 12x avg (7.5 ‒ 16x)  Logic + Memory: 14x avg (12 ‒ 16x)  Logic + Memory + DSP: 7.1x avg (5.3 ‒ 8.3x)

17 Impact of Hard Macros on Power  Slight benefit—primarily from area savings? –Less area and interconnect

18 Power Consumption Caveats  May be disproportionate power in FPGA clock network –“Overdesigned” for tested circuits –Could have small incremental power increase  ASIC clock network would have to grow with designs

19 Static Power Comparison  Unable to draw useful conclusions about static power –87x for typical silicon, typical temp. (25°C) –5.4x for worst-case silicon, worst-case temp. (85°C)  Had to scale worst-case silicon temp. characterization  Subthreshold leakage is process-dependent –Little information on leakage estimate factors –Different processes from different foundries  Some correlation between static power and area gap (correlation coefficient ~0.8) –Hard macros likely reduced static power penalty

20 Conclusions  Disparity hard to quantify—very application dependent –Avg. gap gap 3x; gap gap range 1.3 ‒ 9.1x  All-LUT designs avg. 35x area, 3.4 ‒ 4.6x delay, 14x power –119x area, 47.6x power gap for equal performance (assuming ideal parallelization)  Hard macros reduce area and power, but have little performance benefit –Avg. 18x area, 3 ‒ 4.1x delay, 7.1x power –54x area, 21.3x power for equal performance

21 References  Jones, Jr., H. S., Nagle, P. R., Nguyen, H. T., “A Comparison of Standard Cell and Gate Array Implementations in a Common CAD System”, Proc. IEEE CICC, 1986, pp. 228  232  Brown, S. D., Francis, R., Rose, J., Vranesic, Z., Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, Norwell, MA: Kluwer, 1992  Zuchowski, P. S., Reynolds, C. B., Grupp, R. J., Davis, S. G., Cremen, B., Troxel, B., “A Hybrid ASIC and FPGA Architecture,” Proc. ICCAD, Nov. 2002, pp. 187  194  Wilton, S. J., Kafafi, N., Wu, J. C. H., Bozman, K. A., Aken’Ova, V., Saleh, R., “Design Considerations for Soft Embedded Programmable Logic Cores”, IEEE JSSC, vol 40, no. 2, pp. 485  497, Feb. 2005  Compton, K., Hauck, S., “Automatic Design of Area-Efficient Configurable ASIC Cores,” IEEE Trans. Comp., vol 56, no. 5, pp. 662  672, May 2007

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