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World War II SOL USII.6. Causes of WWII Political and economic conditions in Europe following World War I led to the rise of fascism and to World War.

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Presentation on theme: "World War II SOL USII.6. Causes of WWII Political and economic conditions in Europe following World War I led to the rise of fascism and to World War."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War II SOL USII.6

2 Causes of WWII Political and economic conditions in Europe following World War I led to the rise of fascism and to World War II. The rise of fascism threatened peace in Europe and Asia. What is fascism? –Fascism is a political movement that stresses allegiance to the country/leader and was started in the 1920s in Italy by Mussolini.

3 Causes of World War II Political instability and economic devastation in Europe resulting from World War I. Worldwide depression. High war debt owed by Germany. High inflation. Massive unemployment.

4 Axis Powers The fascist dictators included Adolf Hitler of Germany.

5 Axis Powers Benito Mussolini of Italy.

6 Axis Powers Hideki Tojo of Japan. These three men led the countries known as the Axis Powers. Led their countries that became known as the AXIS POWERS JIG

7 Axis Powers Germany Italy Japan

8 Allies Democratic nations were known as the Allies. The Allies included the United States.

9 Allies Great Britain

10 Allies Canada

11 Allies The Soviet Union joined the Allies after being invaded by Germany.

12 Allies United States Canada Great Britain Soviet Union

13 Which countries made up the Axis Powers? Germany Italy Japan

14 Which countries made up the Allies? United States Canada Great Britain Soviet Union


16 As conflict grew in Europe and Asia, American foreign policy evolved from neutrality to direct involvement. What is neutral? Why do you think America tried to remain neutral?

17 Gradual change in American policy from neutrality to involvement Isolationism (Great Depression, legacy of World War I)

18 War in the Pacific The United States stopped shipping oil, scrap metal, and gasoline to Japan. Letter from Franklin Roosevelt, dated June 10, 1934, issuing early economic sanctions on Japan.

19 Gradual change in American policy from neutrality to involvement Economic aid to the Allies What kind of economic aid did the US provide?

20 What is….? Cash and Carry? The U.S. allowed warring nations to purchase arms provided they paid for them in cash and transported them in their ships. (1939) Destroyers for Bases Trade? President Roosevelt gave 50 destroyers to Great Britain in exchange for 99 year leases on naval and air bases in the British West Indies (1940)

21 Gradual change in American policy from neutrality to involvement Direct involvement in the war after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on Dec 7 th, 1941.

22 War in the Pacific The United States declared war on Japan.United States President Roosevelt signs a declaration of war on Japan on December 8, 1941.

23 War in the Pacific Germany declared war on the United States right after the United States declared war on Japan.

24 War in the Pacific Rising tension developed between the United States and Japan because of Japanese aggression in East Asia. Japanese kamikaze pilots in a field drinking ceremonial sake before taking off. Kamikazes were an elite group sworn to make a suicidal crash into an enemy target.

25 War in the Pacific On December 7th, 1941, Japan attacked the U.S. at Pearl Harbor without warning The U.S. declared war on Japan. Germany declared war on the U.S.

26 War in the Pacific On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor without warning. JapanPearl Harbor Japan launching their attack.Japan launching their attack. View from Japanese planes as they attack Pearl Harbor.View from Japanese planes as they attack Pearl Harbor.

27 Major events and turning points of World War II Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and then Germany declared war on the U.S. How do you think Americans felt after the bombing of Pearl Harbor? A few years ago, what did many people compare Pearl Harbor to?

28 Major events and turning points of World War II The United States declared war on Japan and Germany. The first draft of Franklin Roosevelt’s war address to Congress.

29 Major events and turning points of World War II The U.S. was victorious over Japan in the Battle of Midway. This victory was a turning point because the U.S. gained control of the Pacific Ocean.Midway

30 Major events and turning points of World War II Germany invaded Poland in 1939, setting off war in Europe. The Soviet Union also invaded Poland and the Baltic nations. What were the Baltic countries? Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania The aftermath of the German invasion of Poland.

31 Major events and turning points of World War II Germany invaded France, capturing Paris. German troops march toward the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

32 Major events and turning points of World War II Germany bombed London and the Battle of Britain began.Battle of Britain began. World War Two Battle of Britain replicas.

33 Major events and turning points of World War II The U.S. gave Britain war supplies and old naval warships in return for military bases in Bermuda and the Caribbean. Called the Lend-Lease Act Most M4A4 Sherman Vs were Lend-Leased to allies.

34 Major events and turning points of World War II Germany invaded the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union defeated German in Stalingrad, marking the turning point of the war in Eastern Europe.

35 Major events and turning points of World War II American and Allied troops landed in Normandy, France, on D-Day to begin the liberation of Western Europe.

36 D-Day Landings

37 Major events and turning points of World War II The U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, forcing Japan to surrender and ending WWII. Hiroshima Do you think President Truman was right to drop the Atomic bombs on Japan? Why or why not?

38 Major events and turning points of World War II Despite initial Axis success in both Europe and the Pacific, the Allies persevered and ultimately defeated Germany and Japan.

39 What was the Holocaust? The Holocaust was Hitler’s systematic program to exterminate the Jews in Europe. The Holocaust is an example of prejudice and discrimination taken to an extreme.

40 Tactics of the Holocaust Boycott (refusal to buy goods and services of Jewish stores; threats, segregation, imprisonment and killing of Jews and others in concentration camps.concentration camps

41 Tactics of the Holocaust Jews and others in concentration camps were liberated by Allied troops. Slave laborers at Buchenwald after liberation, showing the effects of Nazi cruelty. Included in this photo is Elie Wiesel, future Nobel Peace Prize recipient, pictured in the second row of bunks, seventh from the left, next to the vertical beam. (Photo credits: U.S. National Archives)

42 Tactics of the Holocaust A truckload of bodies from Buchenwald concentration camp. The Nazis were about to dispose of them by burning when the camp was captured by troops of the U.S. 3rd Army. The camp was used as a center for slave labor, where as many as 6,000 persons died each day from starvation and brutality.

43 The War at Home World War II affected every aspect of American life. Americans were asked to make sacrifices in support of the war effort and the ideas for which we fought.

44 American support of the war effort at home American involvement in World War II brought an end to the Great Depression. Factories and workers were needed to produce goods to win the war. Workers show off a torpedo made at a factory in Alexandria, VA.

45 American support of the war effort at home Thousands of American women took jobs in defense plants during the war (i.e., Rosie the Riveter). American women

46 The effect of WWII on race relations Need for workers temporarily broke down racial barriers (i.e., hiring in defense plants).

47 The effect of WWII on race relations Discrimination against African Americans continued.

48 The effect of WWII on race relations Many Japanese Americans served in the war, but others were treated with distrust and prejudice. What is an internment camp? Camps where Japanese Americans were forced to live, and where they were kept segregated from society.

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