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Presentation on theme: "ANIMAL INSTINCTS - THE RAPE OF DINAH"— Presentation transcript:

GENESIS Chapter 34 ANIMAL INSTINCTS - THE RAPE OF DINAH I. Introduction A. Jacob met his brother Esau.

2 1. He travels on into Shechem.
2. He changed “territories” from Gilead to Canaan. a)   Moved into pagan territory! (1) There is a price to pay.

3 B. A different man after encounter with the Lord.
1. Still has a lot of uncle Laban in him. II. Genesis 34:1-4 A. These 4 verses can’t explain the pain.

4 1. Young Shechem just. took what he wanted. a) He put sex before
1. Young Shechem just took what he wanted! a)   He put sex before marriage. b)   He justified it in his mind. (1) Starting in sin – gives poor chance of God’s blessing.

5 (2) Cannot honor the Lord during courtship?
(3)   How will we be faithful in larger issues? 2.  One other thing. a) Not to cast a bad light upon Dinah. (1)   Dinah is in a pagan land, around pagan people!

6 (i) Ladies be careful whom you hang out with.
III. Genesis 34:5-12 A. Jacob should have told his sons. 1. Hamor and Shechem trying to make it right.

7 a)   Try to keep it from getting worse.
2. Jacob could have given godly counsel. 3. Verse 9 a)   A person feels like, “just go for it.” IV. Genesis 34:13-24

8 A. Verse 13 1. From the beginning they had a plan. a)   Ever been that angry? B. Circumcision won’t make them godly!

9 1. Godliness = circumcision of the heart
2. If the Lord does not have a person’s heart, sacrifice will not make them godly! a)  Like a young person saying, “I cannot marry you unless you are a Christian.”

10 (1) In reality they do not know the Lord!
(2) The real intent of their hearts. V. Genesis 34:25-29 A. Simeon and Levi kill every man.

11 1. They pillaged and looted everything.
a)   Is what they did better? (1) Anger and vengeance makes us blind. VI.  CONCLUSION

12 A. Genesis 34:30-31 1. Jacob still doesn’t quite get it. a)   More concerned about reputation! b)   The boys justify their actions. (a) Most can relate to Jacob and his sons.

13 (b) Some feel what they did commendable.
(c) Many would react in the same way. (i) Sin is never a correct response! (ii) Vengeance is never safe in our hands.


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