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The Person of Jesus. Last Week… We saw God lead his chosen people, Israel, out of horrible slavery in Egypt. He gave them instructions (Laws) on how to.

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Presentation on theme: "The Person of Jesus. Last Week… We saw God lead his chosen people, Israel, out of horrible slavery in Egypt. He gave them instructions (Laws) on how to."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Person of Jesus

2 Last Week… We saw God lead his chosen people, Israel, out of horrible slavery in Egypt. He gave them instructions (Laws) on how to live close to him, in freedom, in a covenant relationship. He summed up these Laws in 10 commands, with the first being all-encompassing: Put me (God) above everything else. Do not worship other things.

3 Last Week… The people of God continued to rebel against him calling these Laws a new kind of slavery. But he loved his people and God gave them a system of sacrifice where they could substitute the life and blood of an innocent animal in place of their own life—the payment required for rebellion against God. God accepted this, but only as a symbol of what was to come…

4 Last Week… The people would come to God and worship him when they needed help, but when things were going well, they returned to worshipping other things. This was a time where everyone did what was right in their own eyes. God foretold through Prophets of a coming savior, a messiah who would save the people once and for all…

5 Last Week… What really stuck with you from our last time together?

6 The Person of Jesus

7 How well do you do at always choosing what is good and right and perfect?

8 What do you think enabled Jesus to do this—live this way perfectly?


10 Celebrate Immanuel’s Name by Charles Wesley Celebrate Immanuel’s Name, the Prince of life and peace. God with us, our lips proclaim, our faithful hearts confess. God is in our flesh revealed; Heav’n and earth in Jesus join. Mortal with Immortal filled, and human with Divine. Fullness of the Deity in Jesus’ body dwells, Dwells in all His saints and me when God His Son reveals. Father, manifest Thy Son; breathe the true incarnate Word. In our inmost souls make known the presence of the Lord. Let the Spirit of our Head through every member flow; By our Lord inhabited, we then Immanuel know. Then He doth His Name express; God in us we truly prove, Find with all the life of grace and all the power of love.

11 If what we discussed today is true, how does/should it affect your life?

12 How would it affect us as a community?

13 How would it affect others… our neighborhood, our city?

14 WALKING IT OUT… Engage the Story more deeply with each other this week.

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