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Quantitative and Qualitative Research Project Findings Analysis By Amy Evans & Kate Madeley.

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Presentation on theme: "Quantitative and Qualitative Research Project Findings Analysis By Amy Evans & Kate Madeley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Project Findings Analysis By Amy Evans & Kate Madeley

2 Qualitative Research For our task we had to get an even amount of genders to get a variety of different opinions and to make our information unbiased. Our target market was teenagers as you could argue that they are the majority who watch reality TV. This gives us more of an opportunity to analyse our results to professional standard. Kate Madeley

3 Our Focus Group Analysing our Focus Group The six people we chose to interview for our focus group all agreed that they watched reality TV to keep them entertained. They all believe that reality TV will always be available to watch whether it is on the internet or TV. The majority of people we asked said that they watched reality TV when they had the time to as they are still in education. The future of watching reality TV would be on any new technology such as iPads and tablets that are portable. Kate Madeley

4 Quantitative Research

5 Questionnaire results This clearly shows that half of the people that answered my questionnaires are females and the other half are males. This is so my results aren’t sexist and it is an accurate average of what young males and females feel about reality TV. Kate Madeley

6 We asked questions about Reality TV The majority of people that we asked watched reality TV. This shows that a large amount of teens watch reality TV more than other programmes for the simple reason that it entertains them. Amy Evans

7 The reality TV show that stands out the most The majority of teens that we asked showed that the most popular reality TV show was I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. They said this because it was funny, entertaining and liked it most when the celebrities had to complete the tasks. Compared to the x Factor which was the least popular one, People don’t like it for one reason they keep people in who sings similar songs and the responses from the judges are just repeated, this makes it less entertaining for teens to watch. Amy Evans

8 What draws the audience to reality TV? Others at 30% said that they decide to watch reality TV because of their family. Now most families sit down and watch TV together, other people commented that they only watch programmes because their sibling watches it ( so they have company). Other people said Advertisement. Now most advertisements for realty TV are trailers or clips to draw the audience in for example for Britain's got talent they show other previous acts. Amy Evans

9 As an interest to the target market This result is interesting considering the amount of teenagers who watch reality TV, as 60% said no they wouldn’t like to be featured. The reasons why were, some don’t have the patience and that its not interesting. From the responses you could argue that they are biased considering that they have the patience to sit and watch them with their families. Amy Evans

10 Do you think that there are too many reality TV shows? The majority of teens said that there is too much reality TV. Most of them have the same TV presenters for example Ant and Dec Present I'm a celebrity, Britain's got Talent and Saturday Night Takeaway. People also have the choice between whether they want to watch the UK or USA version for getting better enjoyment out of it. Amy Evans

11 What Days do teens most likely watch reality TV? Saturday and Sunday are the best days that teens watch reality TV as most teens are off at the weekend. Another Factor is that the results for the programme are normally displayed on Sundays as it’s the last day of the week and they can start a new programme the following year. This is so that the audience have to wait till the end of the week, this makes them egger and determined to watch the next time the programme is on. Amy Evans

12 Questionnaire results This shows that reality TV isn’t as popular as everyone believes. As the majority of people assume that all teenagers and young people watch reality TV shows. But you can see clearly from these results that isn’t always the case. Kate Madeley

13 Questionnaire results This shows that reality TV isn’t as popular as everyone believes. As the majority of people assume that all teenagers and young people watch reality TV shows. But you can see clearly from these results that isn’t always the case. Kate Madeley

14 Questionnaire results My results show that the main reason that people watch reality TV shows is to watch people arguing. As well everyone enjoys watching other people argue especially if it is over stupid things. Which in reality TV shows they usually argue over ridiculous things. Kate Madeley

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