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Presentation to the Portfolio Committee On Commission for Gender Equality Annual Report 2011/2012 24 October 2012 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to the Portfolio Committee On Commission for Gender Equality Annual Report 2011/2012 24 October 2012 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee On Commission for Gender Equality Annual Report 2011/2012 24 October 2012 1

2 CONTENTS OF PRESENTATION Constitutional Mandate Strategic Objectives Performance for Financial Year 2011/12 Conclusion 1

3 INTRODUCTION Overview This presentation comprises of work done for the financial year 2011/2012 against the Strategic Plan and APP that was lodged with Parliament at the beginning of the financial year. It must be noted that there were some challenges given the fact that most of our Commissioners terms ended and for most part of the financial year the Commission only had three Commissioners which number decreased to one during May 2012. New Commissioners are on board and they were appointed in June 2012. We recognise that we have not met the 100% mark in terms In terms of our targets, however most of the work at the time of reporting was done, however publishing was outstanding at the time of audit. ( all these have now been finalised and lodged with Parliament.) 3

4 CGE MANDATE Constitutional Mandate  S187 (1) The Commission for gender equality must promote respect for gender equality and the protection, development and attainment of gender equality. Additional Powers and Functions prescribed by National legislation  S11 (1) of the CGE Act 39 of 1996 Monitor Investigate Research Educate Lobby Advise Parliament and report on issues concerning gender equality 4

5 CGE MANDATE Monitor compliance to Regional & International Conventions  Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000 (PEPUDA) Assist complainants in instituting proceedings in the Equality Court conduct investigations and make recommendations regarding persistent contraventions of PEPUDA 5

6 Vision & Mission Vision  A society free from all forms of gender oppression and inequality Mission Monitor, evaluate and make recommendations on policies of the public and private sector Information and educational programmes Evaluate and make recommendations on legislation affecting the status of women Investigate, resolve and rectify gender issues Collaborate with government and civil society Monitor and report on international conventions 6

7 S TRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic Objective 1 o To ensure the creation and implementation of an enabling legislative framework that promotes the attainment of gender equality Strategic Objective 2 o To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress Strategic Objective 3 o To monitor state compliance with regional and international conventions, covenants and charters which have been acceded to or ratified by the Republic, relating to the objects of the Commission 7

8 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic Objective 4 o To build an effective, efficient and sustainable institution that will fulfil its constitutional mandate on gender equality 8

9 THEMATIC AREAS Thematic Governance Oversight approach by Commissioners o Gender and Poverty o Gender based violence o Democracy and Good Governance o Gender, Culture, Religion and Tradition o HIV/AIDS o National Gender Machinery 9

10 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES1 Under this strategic objective in working towards ensuring creation and implementation of an enabling legislative framework that promotes the attainment of gender equality. The Commission made 14 submissions and/ or inputs towards legislative change. The following areas were covered in these submissions:- 10

11 Overview of Policy & Legislative Submissions o Confronting Youth Unemployment:- Where Commission noted the New Growth Path as a means to creating employment however proposal were made seeking for gender equity to be embraced in the policy documents o Draft Municipal Property Rates Amendment Bill o Traditional Courts Bill o National Traditional Affairs Bill o Tax Administration Bill:- advocated for removal of clauses o Further Education and Training Colleges Bill o Government Employees Pension Law Amendment Bill o Policy – national Climate Change Response Green Paper o Policy- Green Paper on Land reform o National health Insurance Policy o Draft National Education Evaluation and Development Bill 11

12 Overview of Policy & Legislative Submissions Gender Barometer :-The Commission completed and finalised the gender barometer report which assessed gender mainstreaming in National Departments Water Study:- Completed and finalised report on gender mainstreaming in the water sector. The study sought to assess the ability and capacity of Municipalities designated as Water Services Authorities and Provincial Water Boards to comply with and implement current legislations and related instruments to promote gender equality in the water sector. The findings of this report are currently being used in the Water and Sanitation hearings held in collaboration with the SAHRC. EE Hearings:- The Commission held Employment Equity Hearings to assess implementation of and compliance with the provisions of the Employment Equity Act. For the reporting period the report was still in draft and not published as we had targeted. 12

13 Overview of Policy & Legislative Submissions 50/50 Dialogue :-The Commission successfully hosted a dialogue on 50/50 or equal representation in Political Parties. A number of organisations in the forefront of the 50/50 campaign were invited to share insights from their respective interventions, with a view to mapping a way forward to embed this principle in legislation. 365 days of Action Plan :-Under this Strategic objective, the Commission monitored the implementation of the 365 days National Action Plan to assess progress made on commitments made. Victims’ Charter :- The Commission evaluated the implementation of this Charter, focus for the reporting period was on DSD and NPA. Assessing work carried out by shelters and Thuthuzela centers for victims of crime. 13

14 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2 To protect and promote gender equality by engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress. The work under this objective entails legal investigations attended, awareness and advocacy initiatives done and material development. The Commission handled 844 cases. This number is inclusive of telephonic and walk-in consultations which would not have warranted a prolonged investigation or those that would have been referred to other institutions. The table below highlights case load per Province 14


16 Advocacy and Awareness A number of awareness and advocacy initiatives involving stakeholders such as Houses of Traditional Leaders Provincial and South African Council of Churches were undertaken. The Commission engaged in 44 intervention for 16 days of activism and 42 interventions were embarked on for Women’s Month. These activities were guided by concept documents looking into issues relating to violence against LGBTI communities and reproductive health and Women in decision making and women empowerment One of the activities that had to be carried under material development related to translation of materials. Initially when this activity was conceptualised, PANSALB was going to be engaged, however upon holding meetings with them it became clear that translation was not part of their mandate. Due to financial constraints the Commission could not achieve its target for this activity. 16

17 Collaboration This has been budgeted under the current financial year, even though its going to be impossible to undertake this process on a full scale dues to budgetary constraints. Key to this strategic objective is collaboration. The Commission has successfully interacted and collaborated with a number of institutions as is espoused by its enabling legislation. A number of MOUs and ToRs were entered into identifying specific interventions to be collaborated on. These include but not limited to other C9 Institutions, The NDI, LRC and COSATU 17

18 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 3 To monitor state compliance with regional and international conventions, covenants and charters which have been acceded to or ratified by the Republic, relating to the object of the Commission for Gender Equality One of the work under this objective was removal of SA Reservations on the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights and Rights of Women. Meetings were held during the reporting period with DIRCO. This engagement has not yielded much fruit. This is one of the areas where the Commission hopes to get intervention from the Committee. A comprehensive list of treatise, obligation by SA and their reporting timelines was put together to allow easy monitoring and ensuring that in instances where the Country misses its reporting obligations Parliament will be timely alerted. 18

19 HIGHLIGHTS OF PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 1 APRIL 2011 TO 31 MARCH 2012 o Gender barometer o The Water study- gender-mainstreaming in the water sector o Local government Elections project- gender analysis of party manifestos o 365 days of National Programme of Action Report o 50/50 dialogue o Dialogue on Maternity benefits o Consultative dialogue on Consensual sex for under-age children o Employment Equity Hearings 19

20 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4 To build an effective, efficient and sustainable institution that will fulfil its Constitutional mandate on gender equality This strategic objective is inward looking focusing on governance, Human Resources, Finances, Communication and Information Technology An analysis of the IT infrastructure was undertaken. It was found that the infrastructure is old, six years. Normally IT lifespan is three years. The overhaul will be implemented in phases in the new financial year depending on availability of funds. Projects included in the overhaul will be an Electronic complaints management system and others Human Resources policies covering all aspects have been drafted and will be finalised in the new financial year A draft communications strategy was drafted, this will be improved in the new financial year. Vacancies for key management + Commissioners 20

21 Conclusion The Commission received an Unqualified Opinion from the AGSA with matters of emphasis. Management is currently implementing corrective actions to ensure that root causes of these issues are dealt with. 21


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