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DAY 6: SPRING 2016 EXCEL Rahul Kavi January 28, 2016 1.

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Presentation on theme: "DAY 6: SPRING 2016 EXCEL Rahul Kavi January 28, 2016 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAY 6: SPRING 2016 EXCEL Rahul Kavi January 28, 2016 1

2 MYITLAB Try different computers, different browsers. Try lab computers. Email me the screenshot of the problem (or take a picture with your phone and send me those). 2

3 ASSIGNMENT DUES AssignmentDue MyITLab Lesson AFriday 01/29 Homework # 1Friday 02/05 3

4 MYITLAB Finish lesson A before Friday 01/29/2016. Each Lesson: –Chapter 1, Chapter 2,….. Finish all (assessment) chapters in lesson A (5 or 6 chapters). 4

5 LAST CLASS If function. Rank.EQ function. Randbetween function. Table options (total row, first column, last column). 5

6 FORMULAS Other functions: Minimum: Using “=min(cell-range)”, you can calculate the minimum of range of cells. –E.g. “=min(A1:A30)” Maximum: Using “=max(cell-range)”, you can calculate the maximum of range of cells. E.g. “=max(A1:A50)” 6

7 CONDITIONAL IF IF(condition, then, else) –Equal = –Not Equal <> –Less Than <, LT or Equal <= –Greater Than >, GT or Equal >= Example: If you want to assign pass or fail based on value in “C2” cell, you can do the following. =IF(C2>600, “TRUE”, “FALSE”) 7

8 RANK.EQ FUNCTION Rank items based on a given condition RANK.EQ(cell-reference or value, range of references,[order]) If [order] = 0, descending (highest value first). This is default value. If [order] = 1, ascending (lowest value first). 8

9 RANDOMBETWEEN Function to generate random numbers between given numbers. Usage: “=RANDOMBETWEEN(100, 200)” The above formula gives you a value between 100 and 200. 9

10 TODAY Download today’s Excel File. Download today’s data file. Submit the work as an in-class project work (This is the second in-class project). 10

11 Log off your computer

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