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Medieval Europe The Early Middle Ages Roman Empire Ends AD 476 = Unity lost (Med Sea) Western Europe divided into many Kingdoms Due to constant invasions.

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Presentation on theme: "Medieval Europe The Early Middle Ages Roman Empire Ends AD 476 = Unity lost (Med Sea) Western Europe divided into many Kingdoms Due to constant invasions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medieval Europe The Early Middle Ages Roman Empire Ends AD 476 = Unity lost (Med Sea) Western Europe divided into many Kingdoms Due to constant invasions from Germanic tribes Rome Gone = __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Continent & also Large & Small Peninsulas Most land within 300 miles of ocean = trade & fish Seas & Rivers = Safety English Channel =_________________________________________ __________________________________________

2 Europe’ Seas & Rivers Provide Safety, Trade, and Encourage the Rise of Separate Societies Visigoths in Spain / _______________________________________ (copy Rome) England ______________________ (Denmark) & Saxons (Germany) In time Become Anglo-____________________ ______________________________________,

3 Franks = France (Germanic Tribe) AD 400s King Clovis (Franks) Catholic = Roman Support _______________________________________ Clovis Death = Divided Empire / Kings fight Kings Charles Martel = “______________________” Strong Leader____________________________ Pope Wants Roman Lands Restored to \_______________________________________ Battle of Tours (AD 732) Franks defeat Muslims Stops Muslim invasion on___________________ Christianity major religion in Europe

4 Charles Martel dies Pepin (son) Becomes Mayor of the Palace or King of the Franks Pepin ___________________________________ Donates lands he conquered to Pope known as The Papal States (Pope Rules As King) Pepin Dies = ____________________________ Also Aids Pope Against Lombards in Italy Invades East________________________________ Invades East Spain defeats Muslims = Stopped Muslim Invasion

5 Charlemagne is “Charles the Great AD 800 = ________________= W. & Central Europe Christmas Day (800) Pope crowned Holy Roman Emperor. _______________________________________? Charlemagne’s Empire Capital = Aachen Control = Law Courts run by Nobles called Counts Counts watched by “_______________________________________” Education = religion, Latin, Music, Lit, _____________

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