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Chapter 3 Religious and Political Change in Europe Mr. Freeman US History.

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1 Chapter 3 Religious and Political Change in Europe Mr. Freeman US History

2 Martin Luther Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation when he posted his 95 Theses on the Castle Church in Germany. The Printing Press help spread the reformation quickly due to cheap copies of the bible being made available to anyone who could read.

3 Refusing to give up his views Martin Luther refused to give up his views, even to the emperor Charles the 5. The reformation will soon lead to fight between the Catholics of Spain and the Protestants of England

4 Henry the 8 founded the Church of England or the Anglican Church So that he could get a divorce and marry Anne Boleyn Their daughter was Queen Elizabeth I

5 Queen Elizabeth and the Sea Dogs Queen Elizabeth used Sea Dogs like Francis Drake to raid Spanish ships. She acted like her government had nothing to do with the raids.

6 Spanish Armada King Phillip was mad at England due to the raids on his ships. Spain was the most powerful country in the world due to gold from the Americas. He sent a fleet of 130 ships to defeat England. England only had 40 ships to fight against this Spanish Armada

7 “I know I have but the body of a weak and feeble woman: but I have the heart and stomach of a King, and a King of England, too: and I think it foul scorn that… Spain…should dare to invade the borders of my realm.” England had quicker ships and defeated the Spainish Armada. This shocked Spain which soon started to have Inflation problems Ending Spain’s Golden Age

8 This opened the door for other European countries to challenge Spain power in America England, France, and the Netherland started colonies after Spain decline.

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