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Presentation: Annual Report 2007-2008 by Dr Shuaib Manjra: Chairman of the Board.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation: Annual Report 2007-2008 by Dr Shuaib Manjra: Chairman of the Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation: Annual Report 2007-2008 by Dr Shuaib Manjra: Chairman of the Board

2 Corporate Governance Board of Directors –Dr S. Manjra (Chairman) –Dr Bevan Goqwana –Mr Chris Hattingh –Mr Raymond Hack –Dr Ismail Jakoet –Ms Nomveliso Ntanjana –Dr Victor Ramathesele –Dr Harold Adams –Dr Mamisa Chabula-Nxiweni –Prof John Ojewole

3 Audit Report Audit performed by the Auditor-General –Revenue = R6 369 537 Unqualified audit report –Financial statement submitted for audit were not subject to any material amendments resulting from audit –No financial irregularities Areas for improvement –Governance matters (better compliance with treasury regulations as far as risk management and supply chain management)

4 Doping Control Statistics –2874 drug tests were performed for the year in review In-competition = 1706 Out-of-competition = 1168 –Top five sports codes that were tested Rugby (431) Athletics (372) Soccer (252) Cycling (161) Swimming (108)

5 Doping Control Violations –Twenty two Adverse Analytical Findings 9 Cannabinoids (marijuana) 5 diuretics 2 anabolic steriods 2 stimulants 2 Beta blockers 1 refusal 1 Glucocorticosteroid

6 National Testing Pool The National Testing Pool is an independent process utilising the following criteria: –Science of doping –Historical propensity for doping –National profile of the sport –Infrastructure of the sport Anti-doping code World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) signatory –International and national level of competitions

7 Anti-Doping Education Target audiences: –South African international and national ranked athletes –National sports federations –High school athletes –Competitive recreational athletes –General sports public –Media

8 Anti-Doping Education Projects –Seminars customised to different national sports federations –Provincial seminars to coaches –Regional seminars to medical doctors and sports medicine community –Presentations to high schools athletes –Integration with Life Orientation Curriculum focusing on; Fair play Ethics in sport Drugs specific to sport (doping) Drugs in broader societal context

9 International Relations –The SA Institute for Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS) is the only WADA recognised national anti-doping agency in Africa –SAIDS is WADA’s primary partner in Africa in building anti-doping capacity –For the year in review we have conducted training and education seminars on behalf of various African sports authorities in: Egypt Kenya Ethiopia Sudan Lesotho Namibia

10 Way Forward – Strategic Vision –Improved relationships with Police, Customs and Judicial sectors Targeting supply-chain –Maintain international standards for testing Compliance with World Anti-Doping Code Comprehensive blood sampling program – Integrating drug-free sport ideals with sport sponsors –Education campaign that harness various media outlets and targets teenage competitors to focus on; Ethics Fair Play Health risks of performance-enhancing drugs Consequences

11 Other Matters –Ironman South Africa Ironman is a private sports franchise, not a recognised sports federation Ironman International became a signatory to the WADA code SAIDS now has the authority to test at recognized Ironman events


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