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Published byCory Gilbert Modified over 9 years ago
PRESENTATION OUTLINE PART A Performance Indicators and Targets PART B Performance Information Conclusion PART C Financial Report: First Quarter Expenditure 2
PART A Performance Indicators and Targets 3
PROGRAMMES OF THE DBE The ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN summarises the priorities of the DBE as aligned to the Delivery Agreement of OUTCOME 1: Improving the quality of Basic Education and the Action Plan to 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2025. The activities of the DBE have been structured into five programmes as elaborated in the Annual Performance Plan: o PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION o PROGRAMME 2: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING o PROGRAMME 3: TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT o PROGRAMME 4: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT o PROGRAMME 5: EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SERVICES 4
STATUS BAR FOR INDICATORS 5 The status of all Annual Targets is White. Where 50% of the target has not been achieved, the status will be reflected as red. Where 50% or more of the target has been realised, supported by credible evidence, the status will be reflected as amber. Green will be reflected when the target has been fully achieved. Programme No. of indicators per programme Q1 One41012 Two88000 Three74102 Four94005 Five21010 Total distribution according to status 3019128
PROGRAMME ONE: ADMINISTRATION The purpose of Programme One is to manage the Department and provide strategic and administrative support services.
PROGRAMME 1 Human Resource: A total of 6 staff development opportunities offered to officials that are paid by the Department and 10 interns were appointed in this quarter. Legal Services: The Legislative Services Chief Directorate is responsible for providing Minister, Deputy Minister, Director-General and all directorate with legal advice,scrutinize policies, guidelines and Norms and Standards and draft legislation. For the 1 st quarter: 10 Legislation is in process, 9 policy instruments are under scrutiny by the legal services. Strategic Planning and Reporting: The final MPAT scores for 2014/15 (v1.4) were received from DPME on the 24 May 2015. 7
PROGRAMME 1 …cont. Quarterly Performance Reports for all the quarters were received from the different branches, compilation, evidence verified and report consolidated and produced. Reports for outcomes 1, 7, 13 and 14, FOSAD and SONA were compiled and submitted timeously. The DBE produced analysis report for the three public entities, that is ELRC, SACE and Umalusi and Provincial departments on their performance information Research Monitoring and Evaluation: Monitoring f the Sector the department has received GHS report Focus on Schooling using 2014 data and the department has been reviewed and quality assured the quantitative information presented in the General Household Survey(GHS) report. The final report has been edited and published on the DBE website. 8
PROGRAMME 1:OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TARGET FOR 2015/16 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FIRST QUARTER OF 2015/16 STATUS Number of staff development opportunities offered to officials in the DBE Annual: 15 Quarter 1: 6 Number of internships implemented in the Department Annual: 65 Quarter 1 : 10 Signed Financial Disclosure forms for all DBE SMS members submitted by due date every year. Annual: All SMS members Quarter 1: All SMS members have submitted Signed Performance Agreements by all DBE SMS members submitted by due date every year. Annual: All SMS members Quarter 1: All SMS members have submitted 9
PROGRAMME TWO: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING The purpose of Programme Two is to develop curriculum and assessment policies and monitor and support their implementation.
PROGRAMME 2 Library and Information Services The DBE formed a steering committee on the formation of 1000 Libraries Campaign “Getting the Nation to read” a total of 35 trolleys have been procured for delivery in 35 multi-grade schools in Kwazulu-Natal. Early Child Development (ECD) Implementation of the National Curriculum Framework for children from birth to four years has commenced and delivery of training for the first phase of the NCF was concluded on the 1 st April 2015 in all delivery points as per provincial directives. 92750 documents have been delivered to provinces. Training of 13 500 ECD practitioners at level 4 is ongoing Rural Education Implementation of the Multi-grade toolkit commenced during the quarter under review, provinces have been provided with the compact disks containing the multi-grade toolkit. Four provinces have trained subject advisors who will train teachers on multi-grade teaching and the use of toolkit. 11
PROGRAMME 2 …cont. LTSM The department focused on corrections of the data received from provinces and finalisation of print orders. Printing of 2016 workbooks commenced in May 2015. As of 29 June 2015 a total number of 23 432 954 Grades 1 to 9 workbooks had been printed which represented 88% of the 26 500 000 volume 1 workbooks. Catalogue Development The department has developed the national catalogue for Grade 10-12 FET literature and the Grade R materials catalogue was released in April 2015. The revised catalogue for Grade 4-6 and Grade 1-3 addendum was released in April 2015. Development of State-owned textbooks: The following books have been developed and completed: –Grades 4-6 Mathematics textbooks –Grade 10 Technical Mathematics –Grades 10 Technical Science 12
PROGRAMME 2 …cont. Maths Science and Technology (MST) The department is monitoring the implementation of 1+4 intervention Model. The department has also completed lesson plans for all four terms and has distributed to all provinces. The department has also completed the monitoring instrument that will assist to track progress of the model. HEDCOM approved the implementation of Delphi as a computer programme used for practical papers for CAT and IT subjects in all provinces Skills Revolution in the Basic Education sector brought about by CAPS for Technical High Schools and vocational programmes for Schools of Skills. ICT 325 schools have been connected through Vodacom as part of their License obligation. Operation Phakisa The department successfully held the commencement of the initial phase of Operation Phakisa lab called “soft start” on the 22 June to 3 July 2015. Kha Ri Gude The department edited learner Support Material in all 11 official languages including Braille material for the Blind learners and volunteers prior to GPW printing workbooks for the 2015/16 campaign. Nine provincial coordinators have been appointed to strengthen, support and coordinate the programme. 13
PROGRAMME 2:OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORSTARGET FOR 2015/16 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FIRST QUARTER OF 2015/16 STATUS Percentage of qualifying public schools with workbooks for Grade R leaners. Annual: 97-100% Quarter 1: None Percentage of Grade R practitioners with NQF level 6. Annual: 20% Quarter 1: None Percentage of Grade R practitioners with NQF level 4 and 5. Annual: 50% Quarter 1: None Percentage of public schools with Home language workbooks for leaners in Grade 1-6. Annual: 97-100% Quarter 1: None 14
PROGRAMME 2: OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TARGET FOR 2015/16 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FIRST QUARTER OF 2015/16 STATUS Percentage of public schools with Mathematics workbooks for leaners in Grade 1-9. Annual: 97-100% Quarter1: None Number of learners completing the Kha Ri Gude programme. Annual: 430 441 Quarter 1: None Percentage of learners who obtain a National Senior Certificate. Annual: 76% Quarter 1: None Number of teachers trained in multi-grade teaching. Annual: 500 Quarter 1: None 15
PROGRAMME THREE : TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT The purpose of Programme Three is to promote quality teaching and institutional performance through the effective supply, development and utilisation of human resources.
PROGRAMME 3 Human Resources Planning 1 941 young and qualified educators were appointed at schools during the reporting period. The annual target for financial year is 8600. As the end of June 2015, there were 4 657 graduates eligible for placement in 2015; in the first quarter 3995 were placed in schools and 662 remained unplaced. Additional 208 who remained unplaced in the 2014 placement cycle were also placed by end of June 2015. Labour Relations Six collective agreements have been signed in the PSCBC. During the quarter under review 12 queries have been received of which 5 have been finalized and others are still under investigation The Ministerial Task Team recorded interviews in WC, LMP, NC, FS and KZN regarding an investigation into the allegations of selling of educators posts. 64 potential witnesses were interviewed and documents pertaining new evidence found were obtained. Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme A list of 2015 new applicants recommended for Funza Lushaka bursary from 24 universities offering initial teacher education programs has been consolidated. A total of 13 939 Funza Lushaka bursary awards were made by 30 June 2015. A total of 46 quality assured lists were sent to NSFAS with validated ID numbers. 17
PROGRAMME 3 Human Resource Development Number of training workshop on different and programme and projects took place as follows: –Training of 89 officials including the first cohort of 79 Grades 3,6 and 9 Mathematics subject advisors from 9 provinces in institutionalised of the ANA Data Usage at DBE on the 25TH -27th May 2015. –Trained 155 MST Grade 8 and 9 lead in Gauteng 272 MST HODs in Northern Cape and 75 GET MST subject advisors I KwaZulu-Natal. –8 Provinces except Western Cape were visited to support the implementation of the 1+4 Model for Mathematics. Integrated Quality Management System School monitoring visits were undertaken at 6 schools in Kwa-zulu Natal and 5 schools In Mpumalanga. The department commenced with the preparation of resources for the implementation of the QMS. The purpose of the resources is to support provinces to understand the process in the IQMS after the signing of the collective Agreement. During the period under review work was done on the following resources: –Draft rating Guide for Post level 1-4. –Draft evaluation tool in excel format for post level 1 and 4 educator, –Draft work plan agreement and IQMS appraisal package principals. 18
PROGRAMME 3 Whole School Evaluation As part of the initiative to support PEDs to institutionalise School Self Evaluation (SSE) in all schools a user-friendly SSE tool in excel format has been developed. Support visits were undertaken to Free State and Limpopo to provide support to institutionalise SSE. The implementation of an online SSE instrument in 225 schools countrywide in partnership with General Motors South Africa Foundation (GMSAF) continued with training taking place in Free State, Northern Cape, and KwaZulu-Natal during this quarter. The revised WSE policy was presented to HEDCOM as well as MMM during under review. School Governing Bodies The department has produced and distributed guidelines for the capacity building programme for SGBs as well as to oversee the training of SGB by participating in the training of newly elected SGBs. Two draft guidelines were completed during the term under review. The Guidelines on Support Parents can give to Children and the Guideline on Discipline in Schools. 19
PROGRAMME 3: OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TARGET FOR 2015/16 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FIRST QUARTER OF 2015/16 STATUS Number of Funza Lushaka bursaries awarded to students enrolled for initial teacher education. Annual: 13 000 Quarter 1: 13 939 The bursary is awarded based on the estimated value of the bursary at each Higher Education Institution Percentage of Funza Lushaka bursary holders placed within six months of their graduation. Annual: 85% Quarter 1: 86% 3995/4657= 85.7% Number of qualified teachers aged 30 and below, entering the public service as teachers during the financial year. Annual: 8 600 Quarter 1: 1941 20
PROGRAMME 3:OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORSTARGET FOR 2015/16 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FIRST QUARTER OF 2015/16 STATUS Percentage of principals appointed based on competency assessment processes. Annual: 75% of advertised posts. Quarter 1: None Number of teachers who have written the Self-Diagnostic Assessments for English First Additional Language(EFAL) and Mathematics. Annual: EFAL: 20 000 Maths: 20 000 Quarter 1: 150 Percentage of SGBs that meet minimum criteria in terms of effectiveness (in sampled schools) Quarterly: 70% of 500 SGBs Quarter 1: None Term 1,2,3 will be used to train newly elected SGBs for their 3 year term. Evaluation will only commence in the 4 th term Number of public schools supported by external moderators to monitor the utilisation of findings of school profiles to improve leaner performance. Annual: 6 000 Quarter1 : 59 21
PROGRAMME FOUR: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT The purpose of Programme Four is to promote quality and effective service delivery in the basic education system through planning, implementation and assessment.
PROGRAMME 4 Examinations and Assessment Registration data on approximately 7.5 million learners were collected from approximately 25 000 schools and 50% of those records have been verified. A set of 102 assessment guidelines and test exemplars for Grade 1-9 were developed and placed on the DBE website. Cleaning of SACMEQ IV data has been completed and submitted to the SACMEQ coordination centre. All 258 NSC question papers have been set, 247 have been internally moderated and 182 externally moderated and approves by Umalusi. A total of 90 Senior Certificate May/June 2015 question papers were successfully written by candidate. commenced on 1 June and ended 3 July 2015. To ensure that the scores emanating from the implementation of SBA are valid and reliable the DBE strengthened it's moderation team by: Administering competency tests in 10 selected subjects namely English FAL, Accounting, Economics, Business Studies, Physical Science, Life Science, Mathematics, Geography, History and Life Orientation on 23 March 2015. Conducting interviews for moderators on 24 April to 3 May 2015. Appointing 83 SBA moderators. The first phase of SBA moderation has taken place on 29 June 2015 across all PEDs. 23
PROGRAMME 4 Financial Planning Economic Analysis and Provincial Budget Monitoring The department has provided feedback on the 4 th quarter performance report to all PEDs as part of their oversight role. The PEDs 2015 MTEF analysis report was produced to determine the credibility of the budget allocation. Lists of No Fee Schools for 2015 have been gazetted. Physical planning Education Infrastructure Grant (EIG): the first and second tranches of EIG allocation for 2015/16 financial year was transferred on 17 April 2015 and the 29 May 2015. To date a total of R3 02 982 billion or 32% of R9 517 555 billion allocated to the sector has been transferred to the respective PEDs. NEIMS data is updated on a daily basis and to date 140 schools have been captured 125 verified and then the school approved on the system. Human resources capacitation :a total of 153 vacancies have been filled. The skills conveyed in the nine provincial departments include those from the Built Environment and the Finance sector. 24
PROGRAMME 4 To date 20 architects, 18 Quantity surveyors, 3 electrical engineers, 2 GIS specialist,5 Town Planners and 59 works inspectors and 39 finance personnel have been appointed. School furniture the department of Basic education has ordered 358 481 double combination desks 5375 teachers table and 5490 teachers chairs from the department of labour, Environmental (DEA) and Correctional Services (DCS) The learner transport policy was published for public comments. The draft was presented to the Portfolio Committees on Basic Education and Transport and the policy was approved by Cabinet on 27 May 2015. ASIDI Replacement of inappropriate schools: as at 30 June 2015, 116 schools had been completed. 228 inappropriate schools in the Eastern Cape are affected by rationalisation and mergers and have not been allocated to any implementing agents. Sanitation: 439 of 741 schools targeted for Sanitation projects have been provided with sanitation facilities. Water: 518 of 1120 schools targeted for Water projects have been have been provided with water. Electricity: 295 of 914 schools Electricity have been provided with electricity. 25
PROGRAMME 4 District level planning and implementation support Department developed a guideline draft recruitment and selection criteria for competency assessment which will be used to strengthen appointment of the right people in the right roles. Baseline information was collected on the use of competency assessment in the recruitment of district officials including district directors as required in the legislation. Draft roles and responsibilities were also developed for district officials starting with district directors to clarify the work of these officials. A handbook on district standard routines and operations was developed by district coordination, monitoring and support HEDCOM subcommittee task team. The purpose of the handbook is to standardised the work of district directors and to ensure predictability in what they do. School level Planning The department introduced a school improvement support project to assist districts and circuits to address school specific challenges to quality learning and teaching. The rationale for the project is for the officials and selected circuit managers to: –work together to strengthen capacity –to utilise available data to address school specific challenges, using school profiling data as a springboard. 26
PROGRAMME 4:OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORSTARGET FOR 2015/16 AS PER APPACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FIRST QUARTER OF 2015/16 STATUS Valid and reliable data on learner results of performance in ANA. Annual: National ANA report Diagnostic report Annual ANA district report Quarter 1: None Valid and reliable data on learner results of performance in NSC. Annual: 4 National Exam reports on learner performance in Grade 12: a.Technical report b.Detailed schools statistics report c.Diagnostic report in selected subjects; and d.Report o schools statistics indicating 3 year performance in selected subjects. Quarter 1: None Percentage of schools provided with sanitation facilities. Annual: 99% Quarter 1: 99% Percentage of schools provided with water. Annual: 98% Quarter 1: 99% Percentage of schools provided with electricity. Annual: 96% Quarter 1: 96% 27
PROGRAMME 4:OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORSTARGET FOR 2015/16 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FIRST QUARTER OF 2015/16 STATUS Percentage of public schools that use the schools administration and management systems to electronically provide data to the national learner tracking system. Quarterly: 60% Quarter 1: 99% 23 768/23 907 = 99.4% A total of 9 930 805 learners uploaded on LURIS Number of officials from districts that achieved less than 65% in the NSC participating in mentoring programme. Annual: 24 Quarter 1: 25 Percentage of principals rating the support of district offices as satisfactory. Annual: 60% Quarter 1: None Percentage of district managers assessed against development criteria. Annual: 65% Quarter 1: None 28
PROGRAMME FIVE : EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SERVICES The purpose of Programme Five is to develop policies and programmes to improve the quality of learning in schools.
PROGRAMME 5 Care and Support National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) For the period under review NSNP reached 15 232 Quintile 1-3 and 5 116 Quintile 1- 3 secondary school as well as 262 specials schools in all nine provinces. This bring to a total of 9 125 358 learners that benefited from the programme. Monitoring of NSNP for the period under review 4 schools were visited in the Western Cape province in 3 districts were monitored against a quarterly target of 66 schools. Health and Promotion Per education: 220 Peer Educator and Peer Mentor manuals, Health sessions, posters and 40 000 ISHP leaflets were printed to be distributed to 286 schools in 8 districts in KZN, MP and EC. HIV & TB: Finalising the Draft DBE National Policy on HIV, STIs and TB. The policy was gazetted and published on 5 May 2015 for public comments, which closed on 19 June HIV & Reproductive Health: The department reached a total of 2 497 educators who received training on sexual and reproductive health programmes Safety National School Safety Framework was approved and signed by the Minister in April 2015. To date 1391 Provincial Master Trainers have been trained and 12 354 school-based training workshop have been conducted by Provincial Master Trainers on Prevention and Management of bulling in schools. 30
PROGRAMME 5 ENRICHMENT AND SPORT IN EDUCATION South African School Choral Eisteddfod (SASCE) The department hosted SASCE on the 30 th June to 2 July 2015. a total number of 6 722 learners and 436 teachers participated in the national eisteddfod. Spelling Bee The department in partnership with Spell It South Africa, conducted training in Kwa-Zulu Natal, Mpumalanga and North West provinces for officials who will officiate the Spelling Bee during the year under review. Sports Leagues The Department in partnership with the Physical Education Institute of South Africa (PEISA) hosted the 2015 Physical Education Symposium from the 1 st - 2 nd of April 2015 in Cape Town, Western Cape Social Cohesion A number of social cohesion activities were held in the quarter covering learners, educators, and other officials. These activities include Moor Courts, iNkosi Albert Luthuli Oral History programme and essay writing competition workshops. 31
PROGRAMME 5:OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORSTARGET FOR 2015/16 AS PER APP ACTUAL OUTPUT AS AT END OF FIRST QUARTER OF 2015/16 STATUS Number of educators, officials and learners participating in DBE organised activities on social cohesion, nation building, citizenship, rights & responsibilities and constitutional values. Annual: 5000 Quarter 1: 1782 Number of schools that provide with nutritious meals. Quarterly: 19 800 Quarter 1: 11 815 32
PART B Conclusion Performance Information 33
Conclusion DPME has released Guidelines for 2015/16 reporting These details might be helpful in providing the Committee with information on when and how the reports will be processed –All quarterly reports must either be (1) signed off by the Accounting Officer of the institution or (2) accompanied by a Quality Assurance Certificate by Internal Audit. –QRs are submitted in two phases The preliminary data for a particular quarter must be submitted 30 days after the end of the quarter. The actual data for a particular quarter must be submitted with preliminary data for the next quarter (i.e. 3 months after the preliminary report). 34
THE DUE DATES FOR SUBMISSION QuarterDue date for submission Q1: Quarter ending 30 June31 July (Preliminary data) Q2: Quarter ending 30 September 31 October (Q2-Preliminary data) & (Q1-Actual data) Q3: Quarter ending 31 December 31 January (Q3- Preliminary data) & (Q2 Actual data) Q4: Quarter ending 31 March 30 April (Q4- Preliminary data) & (Q3 Actual data) 31 May Q4 Actual data & annual reporting 35
PART C Financial Report: First Quarter Expenditure 36
INTRODUCTION The total Appropriation budget of the Department for the 2015/16 financial year amounts to R21 511.140 million The majority of the budget (R17 033.856 million) is allocated to transfer payments as follows: –Conditional Grants: R15 856.485 million –Transfers to Public Entities: R1 103.789 million –Other Transfers: R73.582 million The remainder of the budget (R4 477.284 million) is allocated to the following: –Compensation of Employees: R368.715 million –Examiners and Moderators: R20.445 million –Earmarked Funds: R1 665.793 million –Office Accommodation: R166.118 million –Specifically and Exclusively Appropriated: R2 046.186 million –Departmental Operations: R87.541 million –Departmental Projects: R122.486 million 37
INTRODUCTION (cont.) The total actual expenditure of the Department for the 2015/16 financial year first quarter amounts to R7 096.216 million The majority of the expenditure (R6 246.837 million) is made up of transfer payments as follows: –Conditional Grants: R5 485.069 million –Transfers to Public Entities: R721.043 million –Other Transfers: R40.725 million The remainder of the expenditure (R849.379 million) is made up as follows: –Compensation of Employees: R92.668 million –Examiners and Moderators: R1.175 million –Earmarked Funds: R217.873 million –Office Accommodation : R40.133 million –Specifically and Exclusively Appropriated: R428.252 million –Departmental Operations: R41.117 million –Departmental Projects: R28.161 million 38
ALLOCATION AGAINST ACTUAL EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME FOR THE 2015/16 FINANCIAL YEAR PROGRAMMES 2015/16 Expenditure as % of Appropriation APROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE R’000 Administration 357 69794 247263 45026.35% Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring 1 877 765294 4251 583 34015.68% Teachers, Education Human Resources Development and Institutional Development 1 171 484742 212429 27263.36% Planning, Information and Assessment 12 129 7384 029 3088 100 43033.22% Educational Enrichment Services 5 974 4561 936 0244 038 43232.41% Total 21 511 1407 096 21614 414 92432.99% 39
EXPLANATIONS FOR DEVIATIONS Programme 2: Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring The bulk of the allocation in Programme 2 is in respect of Kha Ri Gude and workbooks earmarked funds. The spending trends on this programme will be influence when Kha Ri Gude classes for 2015 start as well as the printing and delivery of workbooks. Programme 3:Teachers, Education Human Resources Development and Institutional Development The high spending in Programme 3, is due to the transfer of 69.91% of the Funza Lushaka Bursaries funds to NSFAS, which were transferred in April 2015. The remainder of the Funza Lushaka bursary funds will be transferred in January to cover the registration fees for the 2016 academic year. 40
ALLOCATION AGAINST ACTUAL EXPENDITURE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION FOR THE 2015/16 FINANCIAL YEAR PROGRAMMES 2015/16 Expenditure as % of Appropriation APROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE R’000 Compensation of Employees 440 945109 957330 98824.94% Goods and Services 1 990 931322 0011 688 93016.17% Transfers and Subsidies 17 033 8566 246 83710 787 01936.67% Payment for Capital Assets 2 045 408417 4211 627 98720.41% Total 21 511 140 7 096 216 14 414 924 32.99% 41
EXPLANATIONS FOR DEVIATIONS Goods and Services: The spending will accelerate in the second and third quarter of the financial year when Kha Ri Gude classes have started. The invoices for the printing and distribution of Annual National Assessment tests and workbooks will also be received during the second and third quarter. Transfer and subsidies: The bulk of the allocation on this item are conditional grants. The transfers for the first quarter were made as scheduled except the transfer of the EIG to Limpopo province. The transfer was delayed due to non submission of the business plan. However, the business plan was submitted and the transfer was made in July 2015. Payments for Capital Assets : the bulk of the allocation is this item is in respect of the ASIDI project. Although the spending seems low, the progress on the ground has gained momentum. The invoices receive from implementing agents are review prior processing. The delays in reviewing invoices are not compromising the projects since IAs receive advances to pay contractors within 30 days. 42
ALLOCATION AGAINST ACTUAL EXPENDITURE FOR THE 2015/16 FINANCIAL YEAR SERVICE 2015/16 Expenditure as % of Appropriation APPROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE R’000 Compensation of Employees 1 368 715 92 668276 04725.13% Examiners and Moderators 20 445 1 17519 2705.75% Transfers to Public Entities 1 103 789 721 043382 74665.32% Other Transfers 73 582 40 72532 85755.35% Conditional Grants15 856 4855 485 06910 371 41634.59% Schools Infrastructure Backlogs Indirect Grant 2 046 186428 2521 617 93420.93% Earmarked Funds 1 665 793 217 8731 447 92013.08% Departmental Operations 87 541 41 11746 42446.97% Office Accommodation 166 118 40 133125 98524.16% Projects 122 486 28 16194 32522.99% Total 21 511 140 7 096 216 14 414 924 32.99% 43
EXPLANATIONS FOR DEVIATIONS Examiners and Moderators: The spending on examiners and moderators increases after the end of year the examinations have taken place. Based on history, the bulk of the expenditure increases during December/January. Transfers to Public Entities: The transfer payments to NFSAS for Funza Lushaka Bursaries (69.91%) and the first quarterly transfer to UMALUSI (25 %) were made in April 2015 as scheduled. Other transfers: The allocation for other transfers includes the transfer of the NECT. As at the end of the first quarter 66.67% has been transferred to the NECT. The other transfers are made during January/February of the financial year. 44
EXPLANATIONS FOR DEVIATIONS School Infrastructure Backlog Indirect Grant : Although the spending seems low, progress on the ground is accelerating. The allocation for the current year might not cover the work that is currently continuing on the ground. The Department is projecting to overspent on the grant. Earmarked funds: The spending on earmarked funds is normally taking place in the second and third quarters of the financial year for projects like Workbooks, Kha Ri Gude and Annual National Assessments (ANA). 45
DETAILS OF EARMARKED ALLOCATIONS/CONDITIONAL GRANT FOR THE 2015/16 FINANCIAL YEAR SERVICE Expenditure as % of Appropriation APPROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE R’000 Earmarked Funds: 1 665 793 217 8721 447 92113.08% Kha Ri Gude Literacy Project 439 584155 190284 39435.30% EPWP: Kha Ri Gude 65 099- 0.00% Workbooks 957 82543 423914 4024.53% NEEDU 14 9395 9259 01439.66% MST 5 000464 9540.92% NSNP 15 9863 87112 11524.21% National Assessment 167 3609 417157 9435.63% Conditional Grants:15 856 4855 485 06910 371 41634.59% Education Infrastructure 9 517 5553 468 4416 049 11436.44% National Schools Nutrition Programme 5 703 7151 902 7573 800 95833.36% HIV and AIDS (Life Skills Education) 221 07022 102 198 92810.00% Occupation Specific Dispensation for Therapists (OSD) 67 00022 33444 66633.33% MST 347 18769 435277 75020.00% 46
EXPLANATIONS FOR DEVIATIONS Kha Ri Gude Literacy Project: The bulk of the allocation in Kha Ri Gude is in respect of stipends paid to volunteer educators. Kha Ri Gude classes are expected to start during August 2015. Workbooks: The verification and signed off learner’s data has been received form Heads of Departments and the printing of the 2016 volume 1 workbooks is in process. It is anticipated that the delivery of workbooks volume 1 will be made from August 2015. National Assessments: The Annual National Assessment is scheduled to take place during September 2015. A service provider has been appointed for the printing and packing ANA tests for the 2015. Maths, Science and Technology The bulk of the allocation on the earmarked is in respect of compensation of employees. Department is currently in the process of appointing officials who will be monitoring the implementation of the conditional grant in provinces. 47
DETAILS OF TRANSFERS AGAINST ACTUAL EXPENDITURE FOR THE 2015/16 FINANCIAL YEAR SERVICE Expenditure as % of Appropriation APPROPRIATION ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE R’000 Transfers to Public Entities1 103 789721 043382 74665.32% NSFAS: Fundza Lushaka Bursaries 991 084692 867298 21769.91% Umalusi 112 70528 17684 52925.00% Other Transfers73 58240 725 32 857 55.35% ETDP SETA 1850 0.0% UNESCO Membership Fees 13 1910 0.0% ADEA 330 0.0% Childline South Africa 550 0.0% Guidance Counseling & Youth Development Centre: Malawi 1180 0.0% Households 1 -724-7240.0% National Education Collaboration Framework 60 00040 00020 00066.67% 48
EXPLANATIONS FOR DEVIATIONS Other transfers: UNESCO membership fees, ADEA and Guidance Counseling & Youth Development Centre: Malawi are foreign transfers. The invoices on this transfers are received in January/February. Households The expenditure for this item is in respect of leave gratuity for officials who are exiting Government. The item is not allocated a budget since resignations of officials cannot be pre-determined. 49
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