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Why is today so important? Sherann Hillman Project Lead Family Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Why is today so important? Sherann Hillman Project Lead Family Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is today so important? Sherann Hillman Project Lead Family Services

2 Personal Budgets

3 Right information Understanding – Families & Professionals Knowledgeable people in the room Legislation Empowerment Ambassador Personal Budgets Today


5 Local, Regional & National perspective Parent Carer Forums


7 Personalisation? All you need to know about Personal Budgets! 22 nd February 2016

8 What does personalisation mean to you?

9 Think about every day life….the decisions you take at home…..the shopping budget, who’s going to pick your children up from school, what happens if there’s a delivery when you are away from home, what happens when you need to dash to see a sick relative?

10 And now….. Think about how decisions get made when you are talking about a child’s support…..on how the family need support, on who will pay for……

11 Service land googles

12 Me My Family My Home


14 ‘it’s the way we do things round here’ Personalisation sets out to tackle the culture within the organisations supporting people across ages and different support needs

15 The importance of values Values are the ‘why’ when people ask us why we do this job? …and probably have a lot to do with why we started this work in the first place Values help us keep going when it gets tough and challenging Values can get lost or hijacked………. Like ‘choice and control’ – more and more a term to describe policy

16 Mechanics Approach Values

17 Values of personalisation……. Choice Control Transparency Respect Simplicity Sufficiency

18 Personalisation is meant to be…..

19 Personalisation? All you need to know about Personal Budgets!

20 What are Personal Budgets? Andrew Baxter – In Control

21 Aims to understand: The national context – the law. What is a personal budget. When should/could we use them. Where to find examples of personal budgets. Integrating with health and social care. What else?

22 What does the law say? Partners must set out in their joint commissioning arrangements their arrangements for agreeing Personal Budgets (3.11) Local offer must include information about the option of having a personal budget, including a local policy for Personal Budgets, produced with parents and young people (4.58)

23 What does the law say? The parent or young person has a right to request a personal budget: When the LA has completed an EHC assessment and confirmed that it will prepare an EHC plan (9.98) During a statutory review (9.98) LAs must consider each request on its individual merits and prepare a PB in each case unless the sum is part of a larger amount and disaggregation of the funds for the PB (9.106): Would have an adverse impact on services provided or arranged by the LA for other EHC plan holders, or Where it would not be an efficient use of the LA’s resources.

24 Personal budgets and families Survey carried out by National Network of Parent Carer Forums and In Control Rough and ready – not scientific. A snapshot to highlight progress to date

25 What did the survey tell us? 1 Of 161 responses, 88 families had not been offered a personal budget Lack of information offered to families to help them make an informed choice Lack of consistent and shared knowledge across the workforce Confusion about what is and isn’t a personal budget and direct payments

26 What did the survey tell us? 2 Some evidence of personal budgets working for social care Families told ‘we don’t do personal budgets’ Or families simply told ‘they are not eligible’ Lack of any mention of personal health budgets ……basically not the best of findings

27 However …… As much as it didn’t surprise us it probably doesn’t surprise you….so maybe this is an opportunity….. We need….. – A clear simple definition which is consistent across the country – We need ‘Local Offers’ to share easy to understand and accessible information about personal budgets and for all those supporting families to understand them and to discuss with all families

28 …..and most importantly….. We need people to see personal budgets as positive …….that families wishing to get more involved in their child’s support and lives is a good thing We know personal budgets have a huge potential to improve the support we and families can make available ….. So……….when should we use a personal budget?

29 Let’s start with a clear and simple definition A personal budget is an amount of money identified by the local authority to deliver provision set out in an EHC plan where the parent or young person is involved in securing that provision (9.95) A personal budget is a sum of funding available for children and young people where it is clear that they need additional provision above that available to most children and young people through local services …it is not the sum total of all the resources that are available to support a child or young person and Section J (Personal Budgets) of the EHC Plan does not need to list all the costs associated with supporting a child or young person. (SEND Implementation guidance March 2015)

30 Four ways that parent/young people can be involved (9.101) Direct payment – where they receive the cash An arrangement – where the local authority (or other body) holds the funds (these are sometimes called notional budgets). Third party arrangements – where the cash (direct payment) is paid to another individual or organisation on behalf of parent/young person. A combination of the above.

31 Deciding when a personal budget is needed? It’s all about the outcomes:

32 Deciding when a personal budget is needed: just one part of a whole system of support We have to start on this side and see what we’ve already got. Before we leap into this side to sort everything out

33 Applying the quadrants… Right to education: mainstream offer Work experience GP services A&E Targeted intervention in schools (notional SEN budget/Special school provision?) Paediatric expertise Therapies Short breaks Community groups – church activities, scouts, sports clubs etc Leisure facilities Family activities/expertise Personal assistance Individual learning support (high needs funding) Continuing healthcare Therapies? Short Breaks?

34 A personal budget ……. Is the amount of money that the family/ young person has total control of….this includes choice of how to manage it. Supports needs in a personally directed way in order to achieve the outcomes set out in a plan.


36 Open and honest discussions As part of a person-centred approach to the development of the EHC plan, the local authority should agree the provision to be made in the plan and help the parent or young person to decide whether they want to take up a PB. The child’s parent or young person should be given an indication of the level of funding ….to support the planning process including the development of the draft EHC plan. Chapter 9: 0 - 25 SEND Code of Practice “…if you are open and honest us about what funding is available then maybe we can start to work together, we might not like what you are telling us but at least you are being honest and we may start to trust what you are telling us…..but if you continue to withhold information, make decisions behind closed doors and not give us the information we need to make good decisions about support for our sons and daughters how can we ever trust what you say” Lara Roberts, parent of a young man with a individual budget

37 Personal budgets across education, health and care: Require: A shared understanding of the benefits of holistic support to child/young person and their family A common set of outcomes which outline what the EHC plan will provide Senior leadership support and their support in removal of any barriers which may exist An EHC plan which evidences how the integrated personal budget will be used to provide the support needed and to deliver the agreed outcomes Clarity about funding responsibilities and accountabilities; who is funding what provision and who is accountable for the use of the funding and the delivery of the provision The strategic alignment of budgets prior to any allocation focused on delivering a single support package for a child or young person and their family (Joint commissioning strategies)

38 Personal Budgets, what do we need to do? Information Discussion Support Flexible options Whole life approach Clarity about money Outcomes focused Maximising potential

39 Commissioners guidanceProviders guidance A family guide to Personal Budgets Case studies E learning Making it Personal Products

40 and-young-people/publications/children's- programme-publications/support-and-aspiration- introducing-personal-budgets.aspx resources/research-and-resources/safeguarding- resources/research-and-resources/safeguarding- managing-risk-personal-budgets

41 Table discussions Andrew Baxter – In Control

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