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Succeeding with Technology Information, Decision Support… Decision Making and Problem Solving Management Information Systems Decision Support Systems Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Succeeding with Technology Information, Decision Support… Decision Making and Problem Solving Management Information Systems Decision Support Systems Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Succeeding with Technology Information, Decision Support… Decision Making and Problem Solving Management Information Systems Decision Support Systems Group Decision Support Systems Artificial Intelligence and Special-Purpose Systems Please discontinue use of cell phone and turn off ringer Chapter 9

2 Succeeding with Technology Decision Making & Problem Solving Process Intelligence Stage Design Stage Choice Stage Decision Making Implementation Monitoring Problem Solving Potential Problems and opportunities are identified and defined Alternative solutions to the problem are developed Select a course of action Solution put into effect Evaluate the implementation

3 Succeeding with Technology MIS vs. DSS A MIS sheds light on a wide-range of common, day-to-day business decisions. A DSS supports decision making for specific unique and difficult decisions.

4 Succeeding with Technology Optimization and Heuristic Approaches An optimization model finds the best solution, usually the one that will best help individuals or organizations meet their goals. Heuristics, “rules of thumb”—commonly accepted guidelines or procedures that usually find a good solution, but not necessarily the optimal.

5 Succeeding with Technology 9.2 Management Information Systems Management Information System (MIS) Scheduled report Demand report Exception report Key Terms

6 Succeeding with Technology Management Information Systems (MIS) MIS: an information system designed to provide routine information to managers and decision makers

7 Succeeding with Technology MIS Input and Output

8 Succeeding with Technology Reports, Reports, Reports

9 Succeeding with Technology Scheduled Reports are produced periodically on a schedule; daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annualy, ect. Demand Reports are developed to get certain information at a person’s request. Exception Reports are automatically produced when a situation is unusual or requires action. Reports

10 Succeeding with Technology 9.3 Decision Support Systems Decision Support System What-if analysis Goal-seeking analysis Key Terms

11 Succeeding with Technology Decision Support Systems A decision support system (DSS) is an information system used to support problem-specific decision making.

12 Succeeding with Technology What-if? What-if analysis is the process of making hypothetical changes to problem data and observing the impact on the results. What-if is used in projecting paths of hurricanes

13 Succeeding with Technology Goal-seeking Goal-seeking analysis is the process of determining what problem data is required for a given result. What must be done in order to safely withdraw troops within a year?

14 Succeeding with Technology 9.4 Group Decision Support Systems Group decision support system (GDSS) Groupware Key Terms

15 Succeeding with Technology Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) A GDSS or computerized collaborative work system is designed to provide effective support in group decision-making settings. A GDSS is flexible, supports anonymous input, and reduces negative group dynamics

16 Succeeding with Technology Groupware GDSS software, called groupware, helps with joint work group scheduling, communication, and management.

17 Succeeding with Technology 9.5 AI and Special-Purpose Systems Robotics Vision systems Natural language processing Learning systems Neural network Fuzzy logic Key Terms Genetic algorithm Intelligent agent Expert system (ES) Virtual reality Geographic information system (GIS) Game theory

18 Succeeding with Technology An Overview of AI AI systems simulate human thought and behavior.

19 Succeeding with Technology

20 Robotics Robotics involves developing mechanical or computer devices to perform tasks that require a high degree of precision or are tedious or hazardous for humans.

21 Succeeding with Technology Other Forms of AI Vision systems permit computers to capture store and interpret visual imaged and pictures. Natural language processing, or speech recognition, allows a computer to understand and react to statements and commands made in a natural language. Learning systems allow the computer to change how it functions or reacts to situations based on feedback it receives.

22 Succeeding with Technology Other Forms of AI A neural network is a computer system that can act like or simulate the functioning of the human brain. Fuzzy logic allows computers to deal with ambiguous criteria or probabilities and events that are not mutually exclusive. A genetic algorithm is an approach to solving large, complex problems where a number of algorithms or models change and evolve until the best one emerges.

23 Succeeding with Technology Other Forms of AI An intelligent agent consists of programs and a knowledge base used to perform a specific task for a person, a process, or another program. As expert system (ES) acts or behaves like a human expert in a field or area. Physicians rely on expert systems to analyze complex medical data.

24 Succeeding with Technology Specialized Systems Virtual reality is a computer-simulated environment or event.

25 Succeeding with Technology Specialized Systems A geographic information system (GIS) is capable of storing, manipulating, and displaying geographic or spatial information including maps of locations or regions around the world.

26 Succeeding with Technology Specialized Systems Game theory involves developing strategies for people, organizations, or even countries that are competing against each other. Informatics combines traditional disciplines, like science and medicine, with computer systems and technology.

27 Succeeding with Technology Chapter 9 Questions? Don’t forget to turn your phone on!!

28 Succeeding with Technology Systems Development An Overview of Systems Development Tools and Techniques for Systems Development Systems Investigation Systems Design Systems Implementation Systems Maintenance and Review Please discontinue use of cell phone and turn off ringer Chapter 10

29 Succeeding with Technology 10.1 An Overview of Systems Development Systems development Systems development life cycle System stakeholders Systems analyst End-user systems development Key Terms

30 Succeeding with Technology Systems Development Systems development is the activity of creating new or modifying existing information systems. The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is the ongoing activities associated with the system development process including investigation, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance and review.

31 Succeeding with Technology The SDLC

32 Succeeding with Technology programmers Systems Analyst Systems Analyst: professional who specializes in analyzing and designing systems. Knowledge Workers Stakeholders are those that stand to benefit from a new system.

33 Succeeding with Technology Participants in Systems Dev.

34 Succeeding with Technology End-User Development Non-tech users are becoming increasingly involved in system and software development in businesses and organizations. Why?  They understand the problems at hand  They are increasingly technically savvy  Software development tools are increasingly easier to use  Programmers are not able to keep up with organization demands

35 Succeeding with Technology 10.2 Tools and Techniques for Systems Development Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools Flowchart Decision Table Project management Prototyping Outsourcing Object-oriented systems development Key Terms

36 Succeeding with Technology CASE Tools Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools automate many of the tasks required in a systems development effort

37 Succeeding with Technology Flowchart A flowchart is a system design diagram that charts the path from a starting point to the final goal of a system. A decision table is a systems development tool that displays the various conditions that could exist in a system and the different actions that the computer should take as a result of these conditions.

38 Succeeding with Technology Project Management The overall purpose of project management is to plan, monitor, and control necessary development activities. Gantt Chart

39 Succeeding with Technology Iterative Approach With the iterative approach, each phase of the SDLC is repeated several times (iterated). Prototyping typically involves creating a preliminary model or version of a major subsystem, or a small or scaled-down version of the entire system.

40 Succeeding with Technology Outsourcing and Offshoring Outsourcing is a business’ use of an outside company to take over portions of its workload. Offshoring relocates an entire production line to another location, typically in another country with cheaper labor, lower taxes, or other financial benefits.

41 Succeeding with Technology 10.3 Systems Investigation Systems investigation Feasibility analysis Key Terms SDLC

42 Succeeding with Technology Systems Investigation The overall purpose of systems investigation is to determine whether or not the objectives met by the existing system are satisfying the goals of the organization. A key part of the systems investigation phase is feasibility analysis, which investigates the problem to be solved or opportunity to be met.

43 Succeeding with Technology 10.4 Systems Analysis Systems analysis Requirements analysis Key Terms SDLC

44 Succeeding with Technology Systems Analysis Systems analysis attempts to understand how the existing system helps solve the problem identified in systems investigation and answers the question, “What must the computer system do to solve the problem?” The overall purpose of requirements analysis is to determine user, stakeholder, and organizational needs.

45 Succeeding with Technology 10.5 Systems Design Systems design Request for proposal (RFP) Key Terms SDLC

46 Succeeding with Technology Systems Design The purpose of systems design is to select and plan a system that meets the requirements defined in the requirements analysis. The request for proposal (RFP) is generated during systems development when an organization wants a computer systems vendor to submit a bid for a new or modified system.

47 Succeeding with Technology 10.6 Systems Implementation Systems implementation Direct conversion Phase-in approach Pilot startup User acceptance document Key Terms SDLC

48 Succeeding with Technology Systems Implementation Systems implementation includes hardware acquisition, software acquisition or development, user preparation, hiring and training of personnel, site and data preparation, installation, testing, startup, and user acceptance.

49 Succeeding with Technology SDLC 10.7 Systems Maintenance and Review Systems maintenance Systems review Key Terms

50 Succeeding with Technology Systems Maintenance and Review Systems maintenance involves checking, changing, and enhancing the system to make it more useful in achieving user and organizational goals. Systems review, the final phase of the systems development life cycle, is the process of analyzing systems to make sure that they are operating as intended.

51 Succeeding with Technology Chapter 10 Questions? Don’t forget to turn your phone on!!

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