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Security Settings Everything-well almost everything, ok-some things that will help you with Security Settings!

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Presentation on theme: "Security Settings Everything-well almost everything, ok-some things that will help you with Security Settings!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Security Settings Everything-well almost everything, ok-some things that will help you with Security Settings!

2 Make a Plan Before you start your wiki with your class(es), make some basic decisions: How do you envision using the wiki? ( How will you explain it to parents and administration? ) Who will be able to see the wiki? (the public? members only?) Who will be able to edit the wiki? (the public? members only? vary by section?) Who will be able to join the wiki? (students only? parents? invited guests? the public?) What parts of the wiki will you “protect” (lock from changes)? Who will moderate the wiki for appropriateness, etc? Who will have the ability to reset changes? Will you, as the teacher, be notified of all changes? Will the wiki have Individual or global memberships? (by individual students if you want an individual record of who made changes, or with one log-in per group Teachers First. Wikis in Education

3 Step One Go to Settings

4 Step Two Click on Workspace Security and choose settings

5 Step Three Create Classroom Accounts and assign Permission Levels-Editor, Writer, Reader

6 Permission Levels Reader-can only read the wiki (Surprised?) Writer-can read and write, upload files, create pages and folders Editor-can do everything the writer does as well as delete files. Editors cannot change any settings on the wiki The ability to comment must be enabled for all users.

7 Parental Concerns The best way to alleviate parental concerns is to get them involved. Prior to using a wiki with students, send home a letter informing them of the activity, why you are using it and the security/privacy steps being taken. You can consider inviting them to the wiki.

8 Student Responsibilities It is a good idea to have students sign a contract that acknowledges their agreement to the terms of the wiki and the consequences for violating those terms. This contract could also be included on the wiki itself. As issues arise, students can make suggestions on how to alter the contract to address the issue.

9 The creator of the Wiki bears responsibility for the security and privacy of its users. You must be willing to be diligent as a moderator or assign someone or a group of people to act in this role. Participants in the wiki need to know that they will be moderated.

10 Copyright Wikis can include writing, images, and sound or video files. Most wikis fall under a special copyright agreement called Creative Commons. This essentially means that any content users place on the wiki can be used by others under a "share and share alike" arrangement. All Creative Commons uses must be properly cited. properly cited You and your students do not own materials you find on the web, such as music, video, or images. You must make sure that anything you do use from other sources is also under a Creative Commons license. Most photos on Flickr are available this way, for example.y, for Important note: Unless your wiki is completely password-protected and seen only by registered students of your course, you and your students may NOT use copyrighted materials under "Fair Use." Fair Use does not permit you to place the items on the web. Teachers First. Wikis in Education

11 Discussion Question Many teachers shy away from using wikis because they view them as labor intensive. What are some ways you can think of to manage a class wiki in terms of moderating student content and comments?

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