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Chase A Game of Tag. Game Outline Multiplayer free-for-all, 4-8 players Competitive First person Targeted at ages 13 and up.

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Presentation on theme: "Chase A Game of Tag. Game Outline Multiplayer free-for-all, 4-8 players Competitive First person Targeted at ages 13 and up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chase A Game of Tag

2 Game Outline Multiplayer free-for-all, 4-8 players Competitive First person Targeted at ages 13 and up

3 Core Concepts The players race to a certain power-up The first player to reach it becomes the Hunter Only the Hunter can destroy the other players While hunted, the other players immediately race toward the next power- up to claim the Hunter role Rinse and repeat! Most kills wins the game

4 Themes and Atmosphere Convey the rush of being hunted Claustrophobic Fast-paced and chaotic Very streamlined, goal-oriented gameplay

5 Environment Abandoned, overgrown industrial environments Contrasts between vegetation and machinery Colourful, but not over-saturated. Hand-painted aesthetic Art Deco elements


7 Characters Robots, with character The Hunter –Huge mechanical monster –Heavy, makes a lot of noise The Prey –Small and fragile –Sympathetic Personality through body language, animation and sound



10 The Power-Up ”Invisible” –Compass –Sound Immediately respawns at a new location when picked up

11 Player Abilities The Hunter –Grenade launcher –Stomp The prey –Grappling Hook –Shockwave –Sprint

12 Progression and Rewards Items unlock per match, not persistently Experience gain –Assist –Proximity –Survival Three different abilities –Variations –Fixed starting abilities –Dynamic unlock order

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