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Session 7 September 27th Introduce: Journal Prompt Discuss: Lesson Plan Format Review: Tovani Ch. 1-3; Oczkus Ch. 1-2 Model: Content Comprehension (Tovani,

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Presentation on theme: "Session 7 September 27th Introduce: Journal Prompt Discuss: Lesson Plan Format Review: Tovani Ch. 1-3; Oczkus Ch. 1-2 Model: Content Comprehension (Tovani,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 7 September 27th Introduce: Journal Prompt Discuss: Lesson Plan Format Review: Tovani Ch. 1-3; Oczkus Ch. 1-2 Model: Content Comprehension (Tovani, 1-3) –? Explore: Guided Writing (Oczkus, 1-2) –Share Literature Response 1 (Historical Fiction) –Discuss Writing Lesson Plan Conclude: Assignment Overview –Read Tovani Ch. 4-6; Oczkus Ch. 3, 4, & 7; RR –Read Outside the U.S. Novel

2 Session 8 October 4th Introduce: Journal Prompt Discuss: Outside the U.S. novel Model: Content Comprehension (Tovani 4-6) –? Review: Tovani Ch. 4-6; Oczkus Ch. 3, 4, & 7 Explore: Writing Poems & Narratives Conclude: Assignment Overview –Read Tovani Ch. 7-9; Oczkus Ch. 5-6; RR –Read Informational Text

3 Session 9 October 11th Introduce: Journal Prompt Discuss: Informational Text Model: Content Comprehension –? Review: Tovani Ch. 7-9; Oczkus Ch. 5-6 Explore: Informational Text – Patterned & Expository Writing –Text Structure & Author’s Craft Conclude: Assignment Overview –Read QRI Ch. 1-4* –Lesson Plan Two due November 15th??

4 Session 10 November 1st Introduce: Journal Prompt Discuss: Lesson Plan Two Review: Writing Instruction Present: QRI Overview Explore: Literature Response 2 Conclude: Assignment Overview –Read QRI 5-8 –Read Science Fiction Novel –Literature Response 2

5 Session 11 November 8th Introduce: Journal Prompt Discuss & Review: QRI Ch. 5-8 Present: QRI-4 –Uses, Administration, & Scoring Explore: Science Fiction Text –Share Literature Response 2 Conclude: Assignment Overview –Read QRI 9-12* –Lesson Plan Two*

6 Session 12 November 15th Introduce: Journal Prompt Discuss & Review: QRI Ch. 9-12 Present: QRI-4 –Summary & Example Uses Explore: Word Study –Vocabulary Instruction –Spelling Instruction Conclude: Assignment Overview –Read QRI 13-14* –Read Fantasy novel* –Literature Response #3*

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