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TAC Mission Analysis. Oporder Format Situation – Higher Headquarters’ Mission and Intent (Citadel’s Mission Statement and Guide to LDP) Mission (Commandant’s.

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Presentation on theme: "TAC Mission Analysis. Oporder Format Situation – Higher Headquarters’ Mission and Intent (Citadel’s Mission Statement and Guide to LDP) Mission (Commandant’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 TAC Mission Analysis

2 Oporder Format Situation – Higher Headquarters’ Mission and Intent (Citadel’s Mission Statement and Guide to LDP) Mission (Commandant’s Department Mission Statement) Execution – Commander’s Intent (COL Trez’s Brief and Commandant’s Expectations) – Tasks to Subordinate Units (TAC Mission Statement) – Coordinating Instructions (Job Advertisement, Contract, and BB/WB)

3 Specified, Implied, and Essential Tasks Task – “a clearly defined and measurable activity” – the “what” of a mission statement Specified task – A task specifically assigned by a higher headquarters – Can come from orders, directives, and verbal instructions

4 Specified, Implied, and Essential Tasks Implied tasks – A task that must be performed to accomplish a specified task or mission but is not stated in the higher headquarters’ order – Derived from detailed analysis of orders and the situation Essential task(s) – A specified or implied task that must be executed to accomplish the mission – Essential tasks are always included in the mission statement (along with the purpose)

5 Constraints (operational limitation) A restriction placed on the command by a higher command Dictates an action or inaction, thus restricting the freedom of action of a subordinate commander

6 Commander’s Critical Information Requirements IRs are all information elements the commander and staff require to successfully conduct operations Some IRs are of such importance that the commander deems them “critical”

7 Mission Creep “Tangential efforts to assist in areas of concern unrelated to assigned duties that cripple efficient mission accomplishment” – ADRP 1-02

8 Exercise Determine specified, implied, and essential tasks – Group 1 within the Citadel mission and LDP – Group 2 within the Commandant-issued documents – Group 3 within the BB/WB – Group 4 within the contract and job advertisement Group 5 identify areas of mission creep Commandant, CoS, and SgtMaj identify IRs and CCIRs Record on butcher paper, reconvene at 1020, each group give a five minute brief of its findings (President arrives at 1100)

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