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Internet Searching Strategy Boolean How Should I Search?

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Searching Strategy Boolean How Should I Search?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Searching Strategy Boolean How Should I Search?

2 Search Strategy

3 Research

4 From Book, Taylor Define a need Find Information Evaluate Information Organize Information Communicate Information

5 Defining a need Relevant? Meet needed criteria Are you answering question asked? Meet Goldilocks standard Verifiable (not subjective/opinion) 6 questions Primary vs. Secondary Sources Reference Sources = Gateway to Research

6 Effective Internet Searching

7 Why Keywords? SE don’t think Match letters and word Webpage design makes keyword No standard or editing Search screen enter in keyword Hit enter search database Recall screen displays matched words

8 Expands or Narrows search AND/OR/NOT Used with keyword = search string And Ask SE to do ADDITONAL work Less recall OR This or that (don’t care) More recall


10 Boolean Each has 2 million Television Violence

11 2000 hits about both

12 2000 Hits 200 Hits

13 4 Million Hits "greenhouse effect" or ozone “acid rain" or pollution OR TelevisionViolence

14 NOT

15 Phrase Searching “…..” Search for multiple word phrases motion pictures college students. When you search for phrases, the database looks for the words right next to (adjacent to) each other. searches for college immediately followed by the word students. Website 1 College, shirts, hats, sports, teams, clothing, students Website 2 Tuition, library, sports, college students, admissions, development

16 Search String What are you asking Iraq War Iraq Iraq War “War Iraq” War AND Iraq War OR Iraq Iraq NOT war “War Iraq” AND Military Not United States “War Iraq” AND (Military Not United States)

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