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Review Chapter 20. avgapa,w I love daimo,nion Demon.

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1 Review Chapter 20

2 avgapa,w I love

3 daimo,nion Demon

4 avpokri,nomai I answer

5 basileu,j King

6 avpokri,nh| You answer

7 za,w I live

8 avpokri,netai He answers

9 du,nama i I am able; I am powerful

10 du,namij Ability Power;

11 e;rcomai I come; I go

12 zhte,w I seek

13 kale,w I call

14 lale,w I speak

15 vIoudaia Judea

16 vIoudaioj Jewish Jew

17 vIsrah,l Israel

18 karpoj Fruit, crop

19 mei,zwn Greater

20 o[loj Complete Entirely (Holistic)

21 proskunew I worship Literally: “I kiss toward”

22 lalou/men We speak

23 auvtoi. evk tou/ ko,smou eivsi,n( dia. tou/to evk tou/ ko,smou lalou/sin kai. o` ko,smoj auvtw/n avkou,eiÅ They are of the world; therefore they speak of the world, and the world hears them. (1 John 4:5)

24 nux Night

25 oi=da I know

26 poreu,omai I go

27 poreu,omai e`toima,sai to,pon u`mi/n I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:2) To prepare

28 Kai. nu/n, ivdou., dedeme,noj evgw. tw/| pneu,mati poreu,omai eivj VIerousalh.m And now, behold, having been bound in the Spirit, I go to Jerusalem (Acts 20:22) Having been bound

29 avkou,w I hear

30 o` qeo.j fw/j evstin kai. skoti,a evn auvtw/| ouvk e;stin ouvdemi,aÅ God is light and there is no darkness in him at all (not one) (1 John 1:5) Darkness

31 VEa.n ei;pwmen o[ti koinwni,an e;comen metV auvtou/ kai. evn tw/| sko,tei peripatw/men( yeudo,meqa kai. ouv poiou/men th.n avlh,qeian\ If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not do the truth (1 John 1:6) We walkWe are liars (middle)

32 eva.n de. evn tw/| fwti. peripatw/men w`j auvto,j evstin evn tw/| fwti,( koinwni,an e;comen metV avllh,lwn kai. to. ai-ma VIhsou/ tou/ ui`ou/ auvtou/ kaqari,zei h`ma/j avpo. pa,shj a`marti,ajÅ but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7) Cleanses We walk

33 eva.n ei;pwmen o[ti a`marti,an ouvk e;comen( e`autou.j planw/men kai. h` avlh,qeia ouvk e;stin evn h`mi/n If we say that we have no sin, we are leading ourselves astray, and the truth is not in us. (1 John 1:8) We lead astray

34 eva.n o`mologw/men ta.j a`marti,aj h`mw/n( pisto,j evstin kai. di,kaioj( i[na avfh/| h`mi/n ta.j a`marti,aj kai. kaqari,sh| h`ma/j avpo. pa,shj avdiki,ajÅ If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) To forgive To cleanse

35 avkouomen We hear

36 ble,pw I see

37 ble,peij You see

38 ble,pousi They see

39 e;cw I have

40 lu,w I loose or destory

41 poreu,omai I go

42 e;rcomai I come; I go

43 avlla. e;rcetai w[ra kai. nu/n evstin( o[te oi` avlhqinoi. proskunhtai. proskunh,sousin tw/| patri. evn pneu,mati kai. avlhqei,a|\ But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth (John 4:23) Worshipers they shall worship

44 le,gei auvth/| o` VIhsou/j\ pi,steue, moi( gu,nai( o[ti e;rcetai w[ra o[te ou;te evn tw/| o;rei tou,tw| ou;te evn ~Ierosolu,moij proskunh,sete tw/| patri,Å Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, shall you worship the Father” (John 4:21) Mountain

45 lu,ei He looses or destorys

46 no,moj Law

47 o[pou Where

48 pisteu,w I believe

49 proswpon Face, appearance

50 Blepei o[ avdelfo,j ta pro,swpa auvtw/n The brother sees his face

51 o[tan Whenever

52 evn tou,tw| ginw,skomen o[ti avgapw/men ta. te,kna tou/ qeou/( o[tan to.n qeo.n avgapw/men kai. ta.j evntola.j auvtou/ poiw/menÅ In this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and we do His commandments (1 John 5:2)

53 plei,wn / plei/on Larger More

54 oi=da, sou ta. e;rga kai. th.n avga,phn kai. th.n pi,stin kai. th.n diakoni,an kai. th.n u`pomonh,n sou( kai. ta. e;rga sou ta. e;scata plei,ona tw/n prw,twnÅ I know your deeds, and your love and faith and service and perseverance, and that your deeds of late are greater than at first. (Revelation 2:19)

55 plhro,w I fill

56 poie,w I do, make

57 thre,w I keep; I guard

58 ta.j evntola.j auvtou/ throu/men We keep his commandment

59 ouvk e;stin ou-toj para. qeou/ o` a;nqrwpoj( o[ti to. sa,bbaton ouv threi/ This man is not from God, because He does not keep the Sabbath (John 9:16)

60 avllV oi=da auvto,n( kai. to.n lo,gon auvtou/ thrw/ But I know him, and I keep his word (John8:55).

61 to,te Then

62 to,poj Place

63 pisteu,ousin oi` a;ndrej tou/ to,pou evkei,nou The men of that place believe

64 tuflo,j blind

65 cara, Joy

66 cai,rw I rejoice

67 e;comen We have

68 e;cete You have

69 cai,rousin They rejoice

70 pisteu,eij You believe

71 avkou,ousin They hear

72 cai,romen We rejoice

73 avkou,ete Ya’ll hear

74 pa,ntej avnqrwpoi pisteu,sousin eivj auvto,n All men will believe in Him

75 avmh.n avmh.n le,gw u`mi/n o[ti e;rcetai w[ra kai. nu/n evstin o[te oi` nekroi. avkou,sousin th/j fwnh/j tou/ ui`ou/ tou/ qeou/ kai. oi` avkou,santej zh,sousinÅ Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and those who hear shall live. (John 5:25) having heard

76 eva,n ti aivth,shte, me evn tw/| ovno,mati, mou evgw. poih,swÅ If ya’ll ask Me anything in My name, I will do it. (John 14:14) Ya’ll ask

77 evge,neto h` basilei,a tou/ ko,smou tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n kai. tou/ cristou/ auvtou/( kai. basileu,sei eivj tou.j aivw/naj tw/n aivw,nwnÅ The kingdom of the world became the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever (Revelation 11:15) Became

78 o` de. qeo,j mou plhrw,sei pa/san crei,an u`mw/n kata. to. plou/toj auvtou/ evn do,xh| evn Cristw/| VIhsou/ But my God will fill your every need according to His wealth in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:9). need wealth

79 zhtei/ He seeks

80 zhtw/ avnqrw,pouj tou/ qeou/ I seek men of God

81 auvto.j u`ma/j bapti,sei evn pneu,mati a`gi,w| kai. puri, He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and Fire (Luke 3:16) Fire

82 avlla. dia. th/j ca,ritoj tou/ kuri,ou VIhsou/ pisteu,omen But through the grace of the Lord Jesus we believe

83 evxousi,an e;cei o` ui`o.j tou/ avnqrw,pou the son of man has authority

84 Ti,na zhtei/teÈ Oi` de. ei=pon( VIhsou/n to.n Nazwrai/onÅ Who are ya’ll seeking? And the (men) said, “Jesus the Nazarene” (John 18:7)

85 Pisteu,eij toi/j profh,taijÈ You believe in the prophets?

86 ble,pete kai. avkou,ete to.n no,mon You see and you hear the law

87 pisteu,omen eivj to. o;noma tou/ ui`ou/ tou/ qeou/ We believe in the name of the Son of God

88 kai. avnqrwpoi evpi. th/j gh/j cai,rousin And men upon the earth rejoice

89 evcomen to.n no,mon tou/ Cristou/Å We have the law of Christ

90 ouv pisteu,ete, moi You do not believe me

91 su. pisteu,eij o[ti ei-j evstin o` qeo,j You believe that there is one God (James 2:19)

92 Ouvk e;cw a;ndra I do not have a man (husband)

93 ti, de. ble,peij to. ka,rfoj (splinter) to. evn tw/| ovfqalmw/| tou/ avdelfou/ sou; Why do you see the splinter in the eye of your brother?

94 pisteu,w ga.r tw/| qew/| For I believe in God

95 koinwni,an e;comen metV avllh,lwn We have fellowship with one another (1 John 1:7)

96 su. pisteu,eij eivj to.n ui`o.n tou/ avnqrw,pouÈ Do you believe in the son of man?

97 Nu/n cai,rw evn tai/j evkklhsiaij u`pe.r u`mw/n Now I rejoice in the churches for you

98 ~H avga,ph ouv cai,rei evpi. th/| avdiki,a| Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness (Paraphrase of 1 Cor 13:6)

99 pisteu,omen eivj Cristw/| We believe in Christ

100 le,gw ga.r u`mi/n o[ti oi` a;ggeloi auvtw/n evn ouvranoi/j dia. panto.j ble,pousi to. pro,swpon tou/ patro,j mou tou/ evn ouvranoi/jÅ For I am telling you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my father in heaven.

101 eiv de. pneu,mati a;gesqe( ouvk evste. u`po. no,monÅ But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. (Galatians 5:18). You Are Led

102 kai. evn tou,tw| cai,rw And in this I rejoice (Phil 1:18)

103 pisteu,eij tou/toÈ You believe this?

104 Pau/loj kai. Silouano.j kai. Timo,qeoj( th/| evkklhsi,a| Qessalonike,wn evn qew/| patri,( kai. kuri,w| VIhsou/ cristw/|\ ca,rij u`mi/n kai. eivrh,nh avpo. qeou/ patro.j h`mw/n kai. kuri,ou VIhsou/ cristou/Å

105 eva.n ei;pwmen o[ti a`marti,an ouvk e;comen( e`autou.j planw/men kai. h` avlh,qeia ouvk e;stin evn h`mi/nÅ If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. (1 John 1:8) We deceive We say

106 o,te le,gei auvtw/| o` Pila/toj\ ouvk avkou,eij po,sa sou katamarturou/sin; Then Pilate said to Him, “Do You not hear how many things they witness against You?” (Matthew 27:13) How Much

107 lu,w lu,eij lu,ei Sng lu,ome n lu,ete lu,ousi n Pl I Loose You Loose He Looses We Loose Ya’ll Loose They Loose lu,omai lu,h| lu,etai luo,meq a lu,esqe lu,ontai Active Voice Passive/Middle Voice

108 lu,omai I am loosed / destroyed

109 lu,etai He is loosed / destroyed

110 avgapw/mai I am loved

111 kalou/ntai They are called

112 blepetai He is being seen

113 lu,h You are loosed / destroyed

114 luo,meqa We are loosed / destroyed

115 lu,esqe Ya’ll are loosed / destroyed

116 blep,esqe Ya’ll are being seen

117 zhtei/te He is sought

118 lu,ontai They are loosed / destroyed

119 zhtei/ He seeks

120 kalei/tai He is called

121 VAne,bh de. kai. VIwsh.f avpo. th/j Galilai,aj evk po,lewj Nazare.q eivj th.n VIoudai,an eivj po,lin Daui.d kalei/tai Bhqle,em. But Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem (Luke 2:4) Went up

122 blep,ontai They are seen

123 ~O ga.r pa/j no,moj evn e`ni. lo,gw| plhrou/tai( evn tw/|( VAgaph,seij to.n plhsi,on sou w`j e`auto,nÅ For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the one, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself.“ (Gal 5:14) You shall loveNeighbor

124 oi` pa,ntej ga.r ta. e`autw/n zhtou/sin( ouv ta. VIhsou/ Cristou/Å For they all seek (for) themselves, not for the (things) of Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:21)

125 Si,mwn Pe,troj ei=pen\ su. ei= o` cristo.j o` ui`o.j tou/ qeou/ tou/ zw/ntojÅ Simon Peter said, You are the Christ, the son of the Living God (Matthew 16:16).

126 kagw. de, soi le,gw o[ti su. ei= Pe,troj( kai. evpi. tau,th| th/| pe,tra| oivkodomh,sw mou th.n evkklhsi,an kai. pu,lai a[|dou ouv katiscu,sousin auvth/jÅ I will build gates They will overcome

127 kai. kale,seij to. o;noma auvtou/ VIhsou/n\ auvto.j ga.r sw,sei to.n lao.n auvtou/ avpo. tw/n a`martiw/n auvtw/nÅ And you will call His name Jesus, for he will save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21)

128 ~O presbu,teroj evklekth/| kuri,a| kai. toi/j te,knoij auvth/j( ou]j evgw. avgapw/ evn avlhqei,a|( kai. ouvk evgw. mo,noj avlla. kai. pa,ntej oi` evgnwko,tej th.n avlh,qeian The elder to the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in truth; and not only I, but also all those having known the truth (2 John 1:1) Having known

129 dia. th.n avlh,qeian th.n me,nousan evn h`mi/n kai. meqV h`mw/n e;stai eivj to.n aivw/na Through the truth having remained in us and which shall be with us in eternity (2 John 1:2) Having remained

130 e;stai meqV h`mw/n ca,rij e;leoj eivrh,nh para. qeou/ patro.j kai. para. VIhsou/ Cristou/ tou/ ui`ou/ tou/ patro.j evn avlhqei,a| kai. avga,ph|Å There shall be with you grace, mercy, peace from God the father and from Jesus Christ the son of the father in truth and love (2 John 1:3) mercy


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