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Oxford University Library Services WISER Social Sciences: Electronic Resources for Research An introduction to the networked databases available through.

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Presentation on theme: "Oxford University Library Services WISER Social Sciences: Electronic Resources for Research An introduction to the networked databases available through."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oxford University Library Services WISER Social Sciences: Electronic Resources for Research An introduction to the networked databases available through the Oxford Libraries Information Platform (OXLIP) with a particular focus on those relevant to research in the social sciences such as Cambridge Scientific Abstracts and the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences. Judy Reading & Emma Sullivan

2 Oxford University Library Services What is OXLIP? OXLIP (Oxford Libraries Information Platform) is a gateway to hundreds of electronic resources

3 Oxford University Library Services Select the Most Appropriate Database Consider: ● Type of information - catalogues - abstracting & indexing services - reference works - full-text resources - statistical resource - official publications - electronic journals - quality web resources - current awareness services ● Subject coverage ● Dates covered and last updated ● Language and geographical scope

4 Oxford University Library Services Access to OXLIP ● OxLIP on the Web ● OxLIP on your PC ● Athens password ● MyAthens ● OxLIP from outside Oxford ● Frequently asked questions, including further information on database and electronic journal access, are available @

5 Oxford University Library Services Search strategies ● Ask a clear search question ● Break the question into search concepts ● Identify a range of search terms ● Consider the relationships between your search terms ● Try those terms in appropriate databases/resources ● Find more search terms from retrieved records while searching

6 Oxford University Library Services Keyword & subject searching ● Keyword searching - Searches for terms anywhere in the field or record - Useful as a starting place but results can be less relevant ● Subject indexes - Where possible tap into the subject headings or thesauri provided by the databases

7 Oxford University Library Services Boolean logic: OR, AND, NOT Television ObesityChildren

8 Oxford University Library Services How to approach an unfamiliar database ● Check the coverage of a database to see if it includes what you want ● You can use cross-searching for some collections of databases to identify concentrations of useful references ● Databases usually offer similar functions but you may have to delve a bit to see how they do it compared with one you are familiar with ● Use the help screens provided – check the specific conventions (eg do they use &, +, or “and”) ● Use any subject indexes provided

9 Oxford University Library Services Search hints ● Authors names: entered in a particular format (check the online help). If possible use the database index to find different forms of author’s name, otherwise truncate first initial. ● Consider subject synonyms & British and US spellings. ● Apply truncation, usually * to find plurals/alternative word endings and ? to replace a single character. ● Expand search by following hypertext links, e.g. for alternative subject headings. ● Use tagging facilities within database to mark articles for printing, emailing, downloading or exporting.

10 Oxford University Library Services Examples of databases Abstract and Indexing Services: ● CSA (ASSIA, ERIC, LISA, Social Services Abs, Sociological Abs, Worldwide Political Science Abs) ● IBSS (International Bibliography of the Social Sciences) ● WebSPIRS (EconLit, PAIS, PsycInfo) Citation index: ● Web of Knowledge/Social Science Citation Index Other: ● TDNet (Electronic journals) ● Catalogues ● Theses and Dissertations ● Other OXLIP resources ● Web resources

11 Oxford University Library Services Abstracting and Indexing Services ● Cambridge Scientific Abstracts eg Worldwide Political Science Abstracts A new and developing service. Part of Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, covering international serials literature for political science and international relations from 1975 ● BIDS International Bibliography of the Social Sciences Comprehensive, international coverage from 1951 onwards. Articles from 2,700 social science journals and chapters from 7,000 books indexed each year. Source list @ ge.htm ge.htm

12 Oxford University Library Services Constructing a subject search mediapolitical campaign* televisionvot* advert*election* or and The influence of the media during political campaigns

13 Oxford University Library Services Has your search strategy been successful? ● broaden your search by pursuing references to articles, authors and subject headings in different databases and across subject boundaries. Expand your search within a database by following hypertext links, especially for alternative subject headings ● narrow your search by redefining your search terms, applying limits to the search and by searching in specific fields. Where available, use the database thesaurus to pick up terminology. Use the tagging facilities within the database to mark articles of interest for printing, emailing, downloading or exporting

14 Oxford University Library Services Citation searching using the Social Sciences Citation Index Purpose: track the impact of research through time and across subject boundaries Content: indexes articles and their bibliographies from over 1,700 social science journals as well as relevant items from 3,300 science and technology journals. Data begins in 1981 and is updated weekly. Some 60% of records contain abstracts. A journal source list is available at

15 Oxford University Library Services TDNet for Electronic Journals ● Access at ● Conduct a Quick Search by journal title ● Extent of coverage depends on licensing arrangements and any one ejournal may have several entries ● TDNet offers searching by subject. You can also search by journal information (i.e. title, publisher, vendor and ISSN). ● You can create a profile on MyTDNet for weekly email current contents alerts and to search or browse a subset of journals ● The British Library ZETOC service also offers a current awareness service

16 Oxford University Library Services Catalogues ● OLIS: Union catalogue of over 5 million titles from 100 Oxford Libraries ● British Library OPAC: Materials available in reading rooms and items available for interlibrary loan ● COPAC: Union catalogue of 24 of the largest UK academic and research libraries formed by merging the library catalogues of CURL (Consortium of University Research Libraries) ● RLG’s Eureka : Global union catalogue for academic and research libraries; over 40 million titles from the Research Libraries Group ● WorldCat : OCLC catalog of books, web resources, and other material worldwide. Over 40 million records.

17 Oxford University Library Services Theses and Dissertations ● Index to Theses (Great Britain and Ireland) ● Dissertation Abstracts (North America) ● University Library Catalogues

18 Oxford University Library Services Other OxLIP resources include: ● Oxford Analytica Research and Teaching Archive 18 year archive of over 20,000 analytical articles covering global and regional politics and economics. An embargo of 90 days applies ● Lexis Nexis Global coverage of newspapers, updated daily, source list available @ ● International Encyclopaedia of the Social & Behavioural Sciences In-depth articles are supported by abstracts and hyperlinks facilitate cross-referencing ● BOPCAS British Official Publications Search and browse 28,000 references to key official publications from July 1995 onwards. Includes some links to full-text ● Reference works Ulrichs, Know UK

19 Oxford University Library Services Finding information on the Web: ● Subject gateways ● Online tutorials ● Search engines ● Mailing lists ● Always consider: - Authority and accuracy: who wrote it and are they qualified to do so, what institution published it? - Objectivity: does the document express opinions and how are they supported? What is its purpose? - Currency: when was it published, last updated?

20 Oxford University Library Services ESRC Society Today ● ESRC information now available at ● Brings together information about research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council ● The website includes details of available funding and training and contact details of the researchers on funded projects ● Possible to join various discussion forums

21 Oxford University Library Services User guides & workbooks: ● International Bibliography of the Social Sciences m m ● Web of Science: Social Science Citation Index ● Social Science Information Gateway ● INFORMS (information skills tutorials) ● Electronic Resources FAQs (OULS) [choose FAQ from tab at top]

22 Oxford University Library Services We are here to help! ● Remember we are here to help you! ● Make an appointment for individual assistance with your subject librarian ● If in doubt contact Judy Reading ( or Emma Sullivan ( ● Other training is available from OULS, see

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