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Gigabit Ethernet EE 164 Group 2 – Presentation 3 Ungtae Lee February 19 th 2004 2/13.

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Presentation on theme: "Gigabit Ethernet EE 164 Group 2 – Presentation 3 Ungtae Lee February 19 th 2004 2/13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gigabit Ethernet EE 164 Group 2 – Presentation 3 Ungtae Lee February 19 th 2004 2/13

2 Gigabit Ethernet Project Status 2/12-2/19 Completed/ In Progress Test Tx Eval board Built Rx Test board Revise Gantt Charts Explore Express PCB Tools Chose VCSEL and PD vendors and parts Update Optical Link Budget Website Upcoming Tasks Call vendors and order parts Schematic board design using Express PCB Tools Group 2 – Presentation 3 February 19 th 2004 2/13

3 Gigabit Ethernet Tx Eval board [1] Maxim 3287 Evaluation Board [2] PRBS 7 signal at 1 sec. persistence Group 2 – Presentation 3 February 19 th 2004 3/13

4 Gigabit Ethernet Rx Test board Group 2 – Presentation 3 February 19 th 2004 4/13

5 Gigabit Ethernet Rx Test board [3] Finished Rx test board with all same value capacitors Group 2 – Presentation 3 February 19 th 2004 5/13

6 [4] Major Triggering problems or just bad soldering? Gigabit Ethernet Rx Test board Group 2 – Presentation 3 February 19 th 2004 6/13

7 Gigabit Ethernet Rx Test board [5] Group 1 Receiver board[6] PRBS 7 signal at 1 sec. persistence Group 2 – Presentation 3 February 19 th 2004 7/13

8 Gigabit Ethernet Rx Test board [7] Luis’ Test board results PRBS 7 signal at 1 sec. persistence Group 2 – Presentation 3 February 19 th 2004 8/13

9 Gigabit Ethernet Gantt Chart Gantt Chart 9/13

10 Group 2 – Presentation 3 February 19 th 2004 10/13 Gigabit Ethernet Express PBC Tools [9]

11 Group 2 – Presentation 3 February 19 th 2004 11/13 Gigabit Ethernet IEEE Laser Safety [10] IEEE reference to eye safety

12 Group 2 – Presentation 3 February 19 th 2004 12/13 Gigabit Ethernet PD/VSCEL Photo Diode: Device Parameters VendorPart# Cap pF (max)Responsively (A/W) mintyp LasermatePST M85A 3061.500.350.40 OptekOPF 4203.000.450.55 OSIFCI - 125G 006HR0.65 0.36 OptowayOPDR1-GSA31.500.500.55 VendorPart # Slope Efficiency (mW/mA) Threshold Current (mA) minmaxtypminmaxtyp HoneywellHFE 438x5210.020.040.1 3.56 HoneywellHFE 438x5220. OptekOPV2100.24 2 5 LuxnetVGIA 9001 SCTOSA0.03 0.150.03 0.15 VCSEL: Device Parameters

13 Honeywell VCSEL for Data Communication Lasermate Group, Inc Optek Photodiodes OSI Fibercomm Optoway Optek VCSEL Luxnet VCSEL Gigabit Ethernet Specification Links Group 2 – Presentation 3 February 19 th 2004 13/13

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