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Published byDonna Atkinson Modified over 9 years ago
Case Study: Xilinx Synthesis Tool (XST)
Arrays & Records 2
Multi-Dimensional Arrays No restriction on the number of dimensions −Previously: up to 3 dimensions. Indexes can be variable. Array > one-dimension: −Not accepted as ports Supports array aggregate Can be: −Signals −Constants −variables 3
Multi-Dimensional Arrays Allowed operations with arrays: Assignments Arithmetic operations Pass multi-dimensional arrays to functions Use them in instantiations 4
Multi-Dimensional Arrays Array must be fully constrained in all dimensions 5 subtype WORD8 is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); type TAB12 is array (11 downto 0) of WORD8; type TAB03 is array (2 downto 0) of TAB12; subtype TAB13 is array (7 downto 0,4 downto 0) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (8 downto 0);
Records XST supports record types A field of a record type can also be of type record. Supports aggregate assignments to record signals. Constants can be record types. 6
Data Types Integer, natural and positive: Implemented on 32 bits by default. Real: for calculations only, −such as the calculation of generic values Boolean, bit, bit_vector, unsigned, signed Fully supported Unconstrained ports: Ports can be constrained or unconstrained. 7
Data Types Std_logic, std_ulogic, X01, X01Z, UX01, UX01Z: 8
Tri-State Buffers VHDL Coding for tri-state buffers: Concurrent: O 'Z'); Process: process (T, I) begin if (T = '0') then O <= I; else O <= 'Z'; end if; end process; 9
Tri-State Buffers Inferred tristate buffers are implemented with different device primitives when driving an: −Internal bus (BUFT) −External pin of the circuit (OBUFT) 10
Tri-State Buffers Buffer ports: Xilinx recommends: Do not use buffer port mode. −Is a potential source of errors during synthesis. −Complicates validation of post-synthesis results through simulation. 11
Tri-State Buffers Converting tristate buffers to logic: −Some devices do not support internal tristates. − XST replaces the internal tristates of those devices with equivalent logic using the Convert Tristates to Logic (TRISTATE2LOGIC) constraint. − generally increases area. If your optimization goal is area, set this constraint to no. 12
Recursion Recursive Instantiation: XST supports VHDL recursive component instantiation. −To prevent endless recursive calls, the number of recursions is limited by defaultto 64. −Use -recursion_iteration_limit to specify the number of allowed recursive calls. 13
Recursion Example 14
Recursion 15
Configuration XST supports component configuration in the declarative part of the architecture. Supported only with the all clause for instances list. 16 for instantiation_list : component_name use LibName.entity_Name(Architecture_Name); entity FULLADDER is... end FULLADDER; architecture STRUCT of FULLADDER is for MODULE1: HALFADDER use entity work.HALFADDER (RTL); for MODULE2: HALFADDER use entity work.HALFADDER (RTL); begin …. end STRUCT;
Generic Generic: XST supports all types for generics including: −integer −boolean −string −real −std_logic_vector Declare a generic with a default value. 17
Concurrent Signal Assignments Unsupported: after clause, transport or guarded options, waveforms 18
Generate for-generate Supported for constant bounds only if-generate Supported for static conditions only 19
If-then-else, case-when if statement: Supports nested if statement case statement: Supports case statement 20
Loops for-loop: Supports for-loops for: −Constant bounds for I in 7 downto 0 loop Next and Exit: Supported while loop: Supported 21
Process Combinational Process: sensitivity list must contain: −All signals in conditions (for example, if and case). −All signals on the right-hand side of an assignment. For missing signals in the sensitivity list: −XST issues a warning message. −XST adds the missing signals to the sensitivity list. To avoid problems during simulation: −Explicitly add all missing signals in the HDL source code. 22
Process Sequential Process with sensitivity list: A sensitivity list containing: −clock signal −optional signal controlling the sequential element asynchronously(asynchronous set/reset). −if statement that models the clock event. −If clk’event and clk = ‘1’ then −If clk’event and clk = ‘0’ then −If rising_edge(clk) then −If falling_edge(clk) then 23
Process Sequential Process with wait: Allows only one wait statement: −The wait statement is the first statement. −The condition in the wait statement describes the sequential logic clock. Describing clock enable (type 1): process begin wait until rising_edge(clk) and clken = '1'; q <= d; end process; 24
Process Sequential Process with wait: Describing clock enable (type 2): process begin wait until rising_edge(clk); if clken = '1' then q <= d; end if; end process; 25
Process Sequential Process with wait: Describing Synchronous Control Logic(sync. set/reset): −You cannot describe a sequential element with asynchronous control logic using a process without a sensitivity list. XST does not allow the description of a Latch based on a wait statement. 26
Subprograms Functions and Procedures: Supported Resolution functions: Not supported except the function defined in the IEEEstd_logic_1164 package Recursive functions: Supported 27 function my_func(x : integer) return integer is begin if x = 1 then return x; else return (x*my_func(x-1)); end if; end function my_func;
Packages Supported packages and types: numeric_std unsigned, signed std_logic_arith unsigned, signed std_logic_unsigned, std_logic_signed std_logic_vector 28
Operator 29
References [XST12] XST User Guide for Virtex-6, Spartan-6, and 7 Series Devices, UG687 (v 14.1) April, 2012. 30
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