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NAAUG Enhancement Process for 2003-2004 Discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "NAAUG Enhancement Process for 2003-2004 Discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAAUG Enhancement Process for 2003-2004 Discussion

2 Issues Enhancements and Aleph versions Enhancement Groups – the work they do Past requests, documentation Ex Libris’ development pointing

3 Enhancements  Versions 2000 Enhancements  Version 16 2000 Enhancements 2001 Enhancements  Version 17 2001 Enhancements 2002 (this year) Enhancements  Version 18 2002 (this year) Enhancements Proposal – rename our Enhancements after the target version. So for the coming year: Enhancements (for Version) 19

4 Enhancements Coming Due Who is to check that the 2000 enhancements are all delivered in version 16? If they are not all delivered, what should happen?

5 Enhancements Retro-fitted Version 18 is a long way away… Can Ex Libris back-engineer enhancements?

6 Systems/Admin Development Proposals What happens to: 1. Reporting Reporting 2. Staff privileges Staff privileges 3. AlephADM AlephADM 4. GUI Services Documentation GUI Services Documentation 5. User Profiles User Profiles

7 Enhancement Working Groups Continue with the existing 6 EGs? Add ILL? Proposal: add a Systems volunteer to each EG, to help with spec writing EG membership – Past chairs or members, for continuity – Wanted: volunteers from new sites – on latest release

8 Enhancement Chairs for 2003-04 Acquisitions: Sue Koelmel (Minnesota) Cat/Auth: Sandy Card (SUNY Binghamton) Circulation: Larry Deck (McGill) OPAC: Tracy Gabridge (MIT) Serials: Patty Hatch (Harvard) Sys/Admin: Brian Thompson (Iowa)

9 EGs - Gathering Requests Open Call on NA list Reconsider previous years’ requests Know what is in the Enhancement queue Know what is under Development ? How? Edit and prioritize Assign tracking number Limit number of requests? Keep at 5?

10 EGs – Fine-tuning Requests EG Chairs meet with Ex Libris to explain requests Expectation that weeding will occur – already done, contracted for, etc. Top 30 go to Ex Libris for pointing Clarification re pointing: needs more time Define terminology for pointing?

11 Proposed Timetable for 2003-2004 Chairs appointed by SC April 11, 2003 EG Call for participation April 11, 2003 EGs appointed  June Initial top “X” requests due  October Chairs meet with Ex Libris  November Final top “X” requests sent to EL  December Pointed Requests returned  February Clarification period  March Requests mounted for voting  April Voting deadline  May

12 Voting Procedure Different procedure used – was it okay? Was there enough time?

13 Background Documents The Restricted Enhancement Directory on the NAAUG websiteRestricted Enhancement Directory Was it useful ? What is missing ? What about the Iowa request database?

14 Liaisons Continue ICAU Liaisons? – Role? – NAAUG requests and ICA requests ? Ex Libris contacts on EGs ? – Role? How to improve participation?

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