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Amelia Mary Earhart By:. Amelia Earhart Amelia was born in Kansas on July 24,1897. She was born in her Grandparents house. Her Grandpa’s name is Alfred.

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Presentation on theme: "Amelia Mary Earhart By:. Amelia Earhart Amelia was born in Kansas on July 24,1897. She was born in her Grandparents house. Her Grandpa’s name is Alfred."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amelia Mary Earhart By:

2 Amelia Earhart Amelia was born in Kansas on July 24,1897. She was born in her Grandparents house. Her Grandpa’s name is Alfred Otis. Amelia’s Mom is named Amy Earhart. Her Dad’s name is Edwin Earhart. Amelia’s Sister is named Muriel Earhart, she was born 2 years later than Amelia.

3 Amelia Earhart Amelia was 10 when she saw her first plane. She was a volunteer nurse during World War2 (1914-1918). When she went to live with her aunt she married George Palmer Putnam on February 7 1931.

4 Amelia Earhart She went to Hyde Park High School. Amelia started flying on January 3,1921. She took flying lessons from Neta Snook. She was third at Cleveland Woman’s Air Derby. Amelia was soon nicknamed “Powder Puff Derby” by Will Rogers.

5 In 1932 Amelia was the first person to fly alone over the Atlantic Ocean.1935 she was the first person to fly alone over the Pacific.1937 Amelia began attempt to fly around the world.

6 Amelia Earhart On July2 at 12:30pm, Amelia went around the world. Amelia completed two thirds of the flight when her plane vanished near Howland Island in the South Pacific. She was never seen again. People think she and her partner Noonan crashed in the ocean and died. Some people say she was a spy who was captured by the Japanese.

7 Amelia Earhart Amelia held many flying records over the years. She will always be thought as the First woman plane driver ever.

8 Sources

9 Amelia Earhart ……………………………………………..THE END…………………………………………………

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