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9/9/2013Functional Decomposition P14462 Tethered, Human Controlled Glider Flight Collect DataFly Plane.

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Presentation on theme: "9/9/2013Functional Decomposition P14462 Tethered, Human Controlled Glider Flight Collect DataFly Plane."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/9/2013Functional Decomposition P14462 Tethered, Human Controlled Glider Flight Collect DataFly Plane

2 9/9/2013Functional Decomposition P14462 Collect DataSetup BaseStart Program Attach Tether to base Fly Plane

3 9/9/2013Functional Decomposition P14462 Collect Data

4 9/9/2013Functional Decomposition P14462 Start Data collection Press “record”Store DataPress “record”Process Data Enter into MATLAB/EXCEL Calculate relevant data Report Data

5 9/9/2013Functional Decomposition P14462 Attach Tether to Plane

6 9/9/2013Functional Decomposition P14462 Flying plane

7 9/9/2013Functional Decomposition P14462 Prep for flight Secure Tether Charge Batteries Assemble Plane Find Clear area Set up camera

8 9/9/2013Functional Decomposition P14462 Plane Takeoff Power On Obtain Initial Velocity Pull back on Elevators Start video Recording

9 9/9/2013Functional Decomposition P14462 Flying mission Obtain Tether tension Become stable Cut throttle power Execute flight plan

10 9/9/2013Functional Decomposition P14462 Plane Landing Exit Flight path Regain stability Begin approach to landing point Land successfully

11 9/9/2013Functional Decomposition P14462 Plane StoragePower off Assess Damage Dissassemlbe Plane & Componenets Box/put in storage End Recording

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