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Unit 8 Phone Calls. How to make a great first impression over telephone? Smile Be polite, courteous and helpful Learning to Listen Send the professional.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8 Phone Calls. How to make a great first impression over telephone? Smile Be polite, courteous and helpful Learning to Listen Send the professional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8 Phone Calls

2 How to make a great first impression over telephone? Smile Be polite, courteous and helpful Learning to Listen Send the professional message Could say more: Please, I understand, Sorry about that, I’m afraid…., thank you, etc…..

3 Do you know? Answer/pick up the phone The line is busy. Sb is not available now. Put ….through Please hang/hold on. Please wait a moment. 接电话 电话线路忙 将 … 的电话转接过去 请稍等

4 We are going to learn how to: Connect a phone call Leave / Take a message Wrong numbers Make an appointment

5 1. Telephone – connecting a call

6 Imagine you are calling a company and want to speak to someone who works there. Can you think of any phrases you might use, or that you might hear?

7 Check your understanding by reading the scripts below:  Michelle: Hello, you've reached the marketing department. How can I help?  Male: Yes can I speak to Rosalind Wilson, please?  Michelle: Who’s calling please?  Male: It’s Richard Davies here  Michelle: Certainly. Please hold and I’ll put you through.  Male: Thank you.

8 Check your understanding by reading the scripts below:  Michelle: Hello, marketing. How can I help?  Male: Could I speak to Jason Roberts please?  Michelle: Certainly. Who shall I say is calling?  Male: My name’s Mike Andrews.  Michelle: Just a second - I’ll see if he’s in. Hello, Jason, I’ve got Mike Andrews on the phone for you... OK - I’ll put him through. Hang on a moment, I’m just putting you through.

9 Telephone - Connecting Quiz  1. When you telephone a company the person answering the phone may ask you a question. Which is the correct question? A Who’s calling please? B Who calls? C Who it is? D Who called?  2. Which phrase means the same as ‘hang on a moment?’ A Just a second B I’ll put you on C Go ahead D I’m ready

10 Telephone - Connecting Quiz  3. Choose the correct word: “Please ……. and I’ll put you through.” A stop B stay C talk D hold  4. What is the expression used to connect two people on the telephone? A I’m sending you through B I’m putting you through C I’m calling you through D I’m talking you through

11 Role Play ! 2. Telephone – Leaving a message

12 Useful Expressions

13 Wake up ! Class Begins !

14 Check your understanding: Claire:Hello, finance department Female:Hello, can I speak to Adrian Hopwood, please? Claire: I’m afraid he’s in a meeting at the moment. Can I help? Female: No I need to talk to Mr Hopwood, I think. What time will he be out of the meeting? Claire:In about an hour. Can you call back later? Female: Okay, I’ll do that.

15 Claire:Or can I take a message? Female:Actually, would you mind? Could you tell him that Jennifer McAndrews called and that I’m in the office all day if he could call me back. Claire:Can I take your number, please? Female: Yes, it’s 5556872. Claire:5556872. Okay, I’ll make sure he gets the message. Female:Thanks very much for your help, bye! Claire:Goodbye!

16 3 Telephone – wrong number

17 Listen to the audio and see if you can hear the following expressions:  I’m sorry, You must have the wrong number.  There’s no-one of that name here.  Can I check the number I’ve got…. is that not 5568790?  Sorry about that. I must have dialed the wrong number.  I’m sorry, you’ve got the wrong number, but he does work here. I’ll try and put you through.  Sorry to have troubled you.

18 4 Telephone – Making an appointment

19 I’d like to arrange an appointment to see …, please. I’ll just look in the diary. So when’s convenient for you? Some time next week if possible. would ……be okay? Three o'clock is difficult. But I could make it after four. So shall we say …… (time & date) Yes, that sounds fine. Thanks very much. Listen to the audio and take notes:

20 Handling difficult callers Never say: I don’t know. You are wrong. That’s not my job. That is not in the contract. Instead, you could say: That is a good question. Let me find out for you. Here is what I understand…. I am not sure, let me find someone who knows it. Let me check into how we can help you with that.

21 Homework 电话礼仪模拟 目的:通过训练使学生更深刻地理解电话礼仪要求。 参加者: 3 人一组,分别扮演 A : Mr. Brown ; B : Lily ; C: 张经理 背 景: Mr. Brown 是美国 AIA 公司的经理,打电话要找 张经理谈业务。 Lily 是张经理的秘书,在接到 Mr. Brown 的电话后要找正在会客的张经理接听电话。 要 求:注意电话礼仪。 时 间:模拟 10 分钟。

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