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International Leadership Forum 2015 - Honduras Jesus Prays for his disciples-into the world: Glorified in unity. John 17:20-26 Aiah Foday-Khabenje Association.

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Presentation on theme: "International Leadership Forum 2015 - Honduras Jesus Prays for his disciples-into the world: Glorified in unity. John 17:20-26 Aiah Foday-Khabenje Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Leadership Forum 2015 - Honduras Jesus Prays for his disciples-into the world: Glorified in unity. John 17:20-26 Aiah Foday-Khabenje Association of Evangelicals in Africa

2 International Leadership Forum 2015 - Honduras Will the Real WEA Stand UP! “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one” v. 20-21a.

3 International Leadership Forum 2015 - Honduras Identity: v 20-21 Who are: If you do not know where you are going, you should not forget where you come from. People of the word (2Peter 3:2).

4 International Leadership Forum 2015 - Honduras How does oneness look like? Based on oneness of the Father and the Son (John 10:38) The Son does what the Father does; in the same way, our deeds will show if Jesus is in us (John 14:20-21).

5 International Leadership Forum 2015 - Honduras Unity is not Uniformity Unity of purpose Referential and Complementarity in the Godhead (a dance)

6 International Leadership Forum 2015 - Honduras Body Metaphor Our individuality and uniqueness is a blessing We give our unique gifts to others that which they will not have if we do not give them and receive that which we would not have if others do not give us.

7 International Leadership Forum 2015 - Honduras The world does not know the Father, Jesus knows Him and the world knows who sent Jesus. The world does not know Jesus, his followers know Him and the world should know Jesus sent them. Missional Strategy v.25

8 International Leadership Forum 2015 - Honduras Tangible Unity Jesus ends prayer for unity on a note of love. The last four verses of John 17 mentions love 4 times The Unity of the Father for Son from eternity is the bedrock of unity

9 International Leadership Forum 2015 - Honduras. “By this all men will know that you are my disciples if you, if you love one another” (John 13:35).

10 International Leadership Forum 2015 - Honduras We humans often define love through words, feelings, and actions. Jesus Christ defines it as sacrificial action and models its.

11 International Leadership Forum 2015 - Honduras AGAPE Sacrificial love that devotes itself to what is best for others without thought of self-gain or what-is-in-it-for-me attitude.

12 International Leadership Forum 2015 - Honduras Discussion Question How can we, as individuals and denominations, overcome disunity in the Church? Como podríamos nosotros como individuos y denominaciones sobrepasar desunion en la iglesia?

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