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Art 404 – Mr. Wilson. How do we know that “man” crossed into North America during the last Ice Age through the Iberian Peninsula? Bones…But more importantly.

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Presentation on theme: "Art 404 – Mr. Wilson. How do we know that “man” crossed into North America during the last Ice Age through the Iberian Peninsula? Bones…But more importantly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art 404 – Mr. Wilson


3 How do we know that “man” crossed into North America during the last Ice Age through the Iberian Peninsula? Bones…But more importantly – burials! Paintings (HA! Art yet again!) Carbon Dating – not very exact, but gives us a good idea. What kind of sources are these? (Primary or Secondary?) Primary Source = direct source to whatever it is you are examining. Secondary Source = Someone else’s account of events.




7 In Quebec, the Natives had split themselves up based on their respective styles of living. The Iroquois settled on the banks of the St-Laurence, which worked with their sedentary lifestyle. The Algonquians lived mainly up on the Canadian Shield and in the Appalachians. This worked well with their Hunter/Gatherer lifestyles. The Inuit remained in the North and were also nomadic, just like most of the Animals in the North.


9 Although the native populations was spread out, they did have good and bad relationships with other tribes. E.G.: The Huron (Iroquois) regularly traded food with the Algonquians, who could acquire more luxurious furs from the forests. There were also wars between tribes: sometimes for land, for politics or for wounded pride. The main thing to remember is that native relations were very much like anyone else– usually based on commerce, but sometimes it got personal!

10 Is History a subjective or an objective endeavor? Understanding the idea of getting our information through various sources, what do you notice about your workbook? Specifically, what do you notice about what is given more importance? Who, then, is controlling what information you are getting? What can you do about this?

11 “What do you mean: ‘WE’ - White Man?” - Old joke from the Lone Ranger

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