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David Nathan Brown, LBNL New Analysis Model Why Revise BaBar’s Analysis Model? Conceptual Overview of the New Model Requirements Summary Implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "David Nathan Brown, LBNL New Analysis Model Why Revise BaBar’s Analysis Model? Conceptual Overview of the New Model Requirements Summary Implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Nathan Brown, LBNL New Analysis Model Why Revise BaBar’s Analysis Model? Conceptual Overview of the New Model Requirements Summary Implementation Development Conclusions

2 David Nathan Brown2 Computing Model Review 6 December, 2002 Why Revise the Analysis Model? April 2002 Computing Review recommended revising the A.M.  The Micro-DST does not meet the design requirements  The Micro is bigger and slower than required  Pieces are missing  composite candidates, user data, different track fits, …  The Mini-DST is not integrated into the current A.M.  The Mini is smaller, faster, and more versatile than expected  The Mini is now the direct output of reconstruction Current A.M. makes inefficient use of resources  eg many AWG ntuples are simply copies of the Micro  Costly in terms of disk space, manpower, cpu, risk  Users have chosen the optimal way of using the A.M. for physics  Improvements must come by fixing the underlying problems in the A.M. Experts believe current A.M. won’t scale to 5X the current data  Not enough manpower or financial resources Current A.M. has been very successful  Many physics results have been produced using it  Radical changes are not required, are not good for BaBar

3 David Nathan Brown3 Computing Model Review 6 December, 2002 Conceptual Overview Support analysis on both Mini and (New) Micro-DSTs  Mini is too large (~4X Micro) for every-day analysis  Mini is an essential link in the analysis chain  Useful for detailed analysis of small samples, event scanning, systematic error estimates, updating to recent calibrations, …  Source for event skimming (and perhaps Micro-DST production) Improve (replace) the Micro-DST format  Support customization  Composite candidate and user data persistence, content reduction, …  Support Framework and ROOT/CINT access from the same files  Eliminate the need for ntuple copies of the Micro  Maintain backwards-compatibility with existing analysis code Expand the role of Skims  Support deep-copy output  Improve disk-access efficiency and portability  Support customization of skim output  New skims should directly replace ‘production’ ntuples  Increase the frequency of production skimming  Reduce the time to correct mistakes and add features or streams

4 David Nathan Brown4 Computing Model Review 6 December, 2002 Requirements: Mini The Mini should be accessible from Tier-A sites  Both BaBar data and MC samples should be accessible  Caveats  Mini data are not required to be disk-resident  Mini data are not required to be resident at all Tier-A sites  Small sample access should be ‘immediate’ (< 1 hour)  Supports event scanning  Large or very sparse sample access might require waiting  Worst case: looping over all files should take at most 2 weeks Creating and distributing Mini subsamples should be easy The Mini should support deep copy customization  Composite Candidate persistence  Removal of unused content (low-level hit data)

5 David Nathan Brown5 Computing Model Review 6 December, 2002 Requirements: (New) Micro The Micro should accessible at Tier-A sites The Micro should support dual access  Analysis framework and ROOT/CINT Framework access to the Micro should be fast  ~1KHz is the target  Requires improving in the analysis interface (Beta) The Micro should be compatible with the Mini  Can Produce Micro output when reading the Mini  Can Easily locate Mini data for a given Micro event  Cleanly associate data objects between Micro and Mini The Micro should support content customization  Composite candidate persistence  User-added data persistence  Removal of unused content (detector information)

6 David Nathan Brown6 Computing Model Review 6 December, 2002 Requirements: Skimming Skims should be accessible at Tier-A sites Skims should support deep copy and pointer output  Deep copy is preferred  Resource limits may force very large skims to use pointers Skims may output either Micro or Mini format  Mini output may be appropriate for very small samples  Implicitly requires Skim production be run on the Mini Skim production should be run regularly  Target having a production run every 3 months  High frequency allows quick bug-fixes and improvements  Not every skims should be remade every 3 months!  Changing data samples every 3 months would disrupt analysis  In steady-state ~1/4 of the skims are remade each production run

7 David Nathan Brown7 Computing Model Review 6 December, 2002 Implementation: Mini Core Mini functionality exists  Complete mini is being produced in 12-series processing  Full data set will be available in Mini format early in 2003  Automatic staging access is working at SLAC and IN2P3  Disk allotments will need adjustment as use patterns evolve  Several analyses have already been ported to BetaMini  Reliability and performance problems are being addressed Content reduction is now supported  Reduce size of deep copies by removing unused objects  Save a factor of ~3 in file size by removing Dirc and Tracking hits  Implementation complete, will be released in 12.4.0 Composite BtaCandidate persistence  Implementation mostly done, should be released in January 2003 Port of the Mini to ROOTIO  Not intrinsically difficult, given the modular design of the Mini  Has been started, see migration plan for details

8 David Nathan Brown8 Computing Model Review 6 December, 2002 Implementation: New Micro Dual-access proof of principle exists  Modified version of Kanga (Roo) by Eric Charles  Can be read by existing Kanga executables  Provides a CINT interface to cand lists and data  Eg: plot the Pt of tracks on the GoodTracksLoose list  root [6] t->Draw("BtaMapV.p4().Pt()","BtaMapV.hasBit(7)");  File size is ~20% smaller than Kanga  More logical definition of columns allows better compression Final design development is starting  Workshop is scheduled for January 13-14 at RAL  A ‘Reduced Mini’ is a likely choice  Better packing than the micro  Structure well suited to AM requirements  Mini port to ROOTIO is being done using Eric’s Roo base classes

9 David Nathan Brown9 Computing Model Review 6 December, 2002 Development Tasks RootIO file server for New Micro data at Tier-A sites  Experts believe NFS doesn’t scale to our ultimate data size  Existing problems will grow worse  Integration with HPSS is needed at SLAC and IN2P3  ‘Objectivity’ AMS is a working model of a scalable server  Roughly 1 year’s work to develop, deploy, and tune  Requires highly skilled computer scientists  Not required to deploy the A.M.  NFS will work for now Analysis Interface (Beta) re-implementation  The existing code is largely un-optimized  The result of organic growth over many years  A rewrite should greatly improve analysis efficiency  Estimate basic list access rate could be improved by a factor of 5-10  This will be a major effort and is just now getting organized  Groundwork has been laid by BetaMini development  Not required to deploy the A.M.  The existing interface works

10 David Nathan Brown10 Computing Model Review 6 December, 2002 Development Tasks (cont.) Coherent staging (data train) for Mini data  Synchronize jobs to read prestaged data  Requires integrating batch system, bookkeeping, staging,...  Probably requires 2-years to complete  Not required to deploy the A.M.  Existing staging should work for the next year Tag reduction  Remove unused parts of the Tag  Jim Smith has already done the necessary research  Remove candidate-specific data from the tag  This information should be accessed from the (new) Micro  Not required to deploy the A.M.  Tag storage and access is not resource intensive Skim production  Requires AWG efforts to exploit new functionality  see migration plan for details

11 David Nathan Brown11 Computing Model Review 6 December, 2002 Conclusions We propose a new Analysis Model for BaBar which:  Integrates the Mini and the Micro  Addresses the computing problems of the current A.M.  Is (largely) backwards-compatible with existing code  Increases the functionality and (hopefuly) the utility of centrally-produced analysis data  Expands the options available to users doing analysis The implementation looks feasible  The major pieces exist today (at least as prototypes)  The required development work looks tractable Integration, Resource implications and Migration will be discussed in subsequent presentations

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