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January Interface Monthly Meeting Sunflower Project Statewide Management, Accounting, and Reporting Tool Update January 12, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "January Interface Monthly Meeting Sunflower Project Statewide Management, Accounting, and Reporting Tool Update January 12, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 January Interface Monthly Meeting Sunflower Project Statewide Management, Accounting, and Reporting Tool Update January 12, 2010

2 2 Today’s Topics Introduction Milestones SMART Project Update Top FAQS Interface Test Stage 6 Spreadsheet Upload Walkthrough –INF43 – Deposit Spreadsheet Upload Walkthrough –INF50 – Voucher Spreadsheet Upload Walkthrough Closing

3 3 Milestone Status: 20/22 agencies have completed their entire testing of Stage 1 interfaces: o 20/21 agencies have completed testing of INF01. o 6/7 agencies have completed testing of INF15. 2/25 agencies have completed their entire testing of Stage 2 interfaces: o 7/22 agencies have successfully loaded INF02 interface files. o 3/3 agencies have successfully loaded INF04 interface files. o 3/12 agencies have successfully loaded INF06 interface files. o 1/11 agencies have successfully loaded INF44 interface files. Agency Milestones/Tasks

4 4 Milestone Status (cont): 9/25 agencies have completed their entire testing of Stage 3 interfaces: o 17/23 agencies have successfully received an INF03 interface file. o 6/6 agencies have successfully received an INF18 interface file. o 1/8 agencies have successfully received an INF19 interface file. 0/25 agencies have completed their entire testing of Stage 4 interfaces: o 4/22 agencies have successfully tested the INF02 interface file conditions. 0 agencies have completed any testing of Stage 5 interfaces: Agency Milestones/Tasks

5 5 Project Update (cont.) Updates Converted vendors will be loaded into the Interface Test environment for stage 6 interface testing. The approach for the vendor conversion has reverted back to the original approach with many addresses for one location. Completion of Stage 6 testing will require a successful retest of all interfaces (inbound and outbound) used by an agency, using the Stage 6 conditions provided by the Interface Team. With the start of stage 6, we will no longer be tracking the status of stages 1-5. Agencies who do not successfully complete stage 6 interface testing will not be able to use the interfaces at Go Live. The start date for the first test lab for interfacing agencies will be 1/19/10 at the beginning of Stage 6 testing.

6 6 Project Update (cont.) Updates (cont) The Interface Test Batch Schedule has been established and will transfer files between SMART and the mainframe and run the interfaces automatically. The December Monthly Interface meeting Q&A has been published. Layout updates (informational only) have been published per the bi- weekly updates and communications were sent to agencies. The INF19 key structure issue with the offsetting entries is being resolved. The upcoming monthly interface meetings are scheduled on: oFebruary 9 th oMarch 9 th oApril 13 th

7 7 FAQs Top Frequently Asked Questions: Where do I put the sign indicator in a field with a type of “SIGN”? The sign indicator should be placed directly adjacent to the amount itself. Will all journals show on the INF19 interface file? No, only journals with a source of 'EXT' = "External", 'REG' = "Regents", 'SET' = "Setoff“, “ONL” = ONLINE will show on the outbound file. Do conditions exist for all interfaces that are part of Stage 6? Yes, we will provide detailed conditions for the inbound interface files and a summary condition for the related outbound files prior to the start of Stage 6. Will valid child records load into SMART if the parent (001) record is in error? This will depend on the type of error in the parent record, and is different for each interface. Will invalid parent records cause other valid parent records in the same file to not load? As a general rule, the valid parent records should still load into SMART. The invalid parent record will need to be corrected.

8 8 Interface Test Strategy (cont.) Stage 6 – Agency Conditions (1/15 – 3/15): Validates SMART conditions for inbound and outbound testing. Validates conditions identified by the agencies. Tests the ability to interface interfund transactions. The interface team will approve the interfund transactions online for agencies. Please provide us with the reciprocating transactions via email. Provides a test lab with online access to agencies for error correction related to interfaces. Contains converted vendor data. Allows the Interface Team to test the direct connect functionality. Contains the interface test ‘mini-batch’ schedule. Concludes the Interface Test effort. Agencies must send a notice to Sunflowerfms stating the completion of Stage 6 testing.

9 9 Spreadsheet Upload Overview The purpose of the spreadsheet uploads is to upload deposits (INF43) and vouchers (INF50) into SMART. The spreadsheets can also be used to upload interfund deposits and interfund vouchers into SMART. The same configuration values used on the interface files can be used on the spreadsheets. Efficiencies are gained by creating several versions of a spreadsheet with commonly used data elements (chartfields, vendors, etc.) for re- use. The spreadsheets will generate a file (XML) which should be saved in the same location as the spreadsheet itself. A configuration document specifying the settings needed to use the interface spreadsheets was sent out on 1/7. The spreadsheets uploads were sent out on 12/17.

10 10 INF43 Walkthrough INF43 deposits with multiple child records do not need the same information repeated on each line for the parent records. INF43 Deposits must me marked as “Y” in the “PROCESS” column. Click “Generate and Post XML” after entering the data elements. 000 001 004 Process ? Remit Only Deposit Unit Deposit IDUser ID Control Count Control Total Payment ID Payment Amount Payment Currency GL Business UnitAccountDepartment YNSRS01500FMSK1500.0063250.00USDUS00163000011000 Y 63250.00USDUS00164100012000

11 11 INF50 Walkthrough Vouchers with multiple child records do not need the same information repeated on each line for the parent records. Click “Generate and Post XML” after entering in the data elements. 000 001 002 BU Invoice Number Invoice DateVendor ID Vendor LocationOriginBU Voucher Line NumberBU Voucher Line Number Distribution Line GL BUAccountDepartment 67000 KM_Test_ 12_4_12009-12-040000000001MAINONL670001 11 5409916701001200 6700012 5205206701001100 67000 KM_Test_ 12_4_22009-12-040000000001MAINONL670001 11 5409916701001200 670002 21 5205206701001100 6700022 5205206701001100

12 12 Key Dates Activity/MilestoneStart dateFinish Date Complete Stage 1: SMART Outbound Configuration Interfaces – Agency receives outbound files. Complete 9/1/0910/12/09 Stage 2: SMART Inbound Interfaces – Agency provides inbound files 10/5/0912/4/09 Stage 3: SMART Outbound Interfaces (Return Processing) – Agency receives outbound files 10/26/0912/4/09 Stage 4: Error Processing (Inbound) – Agency provides inbound files 11/30/091/15/10 Stage 5: Additional Inbound Interface Test – Agency provides inbound files 11/30/091/15/10 Stage 6: Agency-Use Interface Test using Agency conditions; spreadsheet upload testing; interfunds; and regression testing (as needed) – Agency receives and provides files as needed 1/15/103/15/10 Completion of Interface TestN/A3/15/10

13 13 Closing How you can communicate with us: Office Hours – Come see us! Monthly Interface Meetings – Participate, bring your questions and issues or send them to us in advance Daily Interface Testing Status Meetings Email – Subject “Interfaces” with suggestions, comments or Copyright © 2009 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

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