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ECU Police Department ECU Police Department. Mission Statement To assist students, faculty, staff, and visitors in maintaining a safe environment, and.

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Presentation on theme: "ECU Police Department ECU Police Department. Mission Statement To assist students, faculty, staff, and visitors in maintaining a safe environment, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECU Police Department ECU Police Department

2 Mission Statement To assist students, faculty, staff, and visitors in maintaining a safe environment, and to enhance the quality of life at East Carolina University. ©

3 Police Department The ECU Police Department consists of approximately 62 full-time sworn police officers and 10 sworn reserve officers that are certified by the State of North Carolina; 23 non-sworn departmental personnel, and 30 part-time student patrol officers. officers patrol the University grounds on foot, in patrol cars, and on bicycles.

4 Police Services : ▪Crime Reports ▪Accident Reports ▪Safety Escorts ▪Vehicle Unlocks ▪Vehicle Jump Starts ▪Safety Programs

5 What You Need To Know About SAFETY

6 Safety Awareness ▪ Involve students, faculty and staff ▪ Promote awareness through programs and training to prevent crimes BEFORE they occur rather than REACT to them AFTER they occur!

7 Office and Building Safety ▪A majority of the responsibility lies with YOU ▪Valuable items should be secured in a drawer or closet ▪Distribution of keys ▪Visitors/Strangers ▪Identity Theft ▪Remember this is YOUR HOME away from home

8 Parking Lot & Personal Safety ▪Do not leave valuables in plain view inside your vehicle ▪Keep your doors locked at all times ▪Be aware of your surroundings ▪If Something Doesn’t “Seem Right” to You, It Probably Isn’t!

9 Blue Light Phones

10 Blue Light Phones cont:

11 Larceny ▪#1 Crime on Campus ▪Theft can be minimized - LOCK YOUR DOOR! E ven if you leave for “just a minute”

12 Crime Prevention Programs: ▪ Resident Hall Liaison Officer Program (RHLOP) ▪ Operation ID ▪ Bicycle Registration ▪ Basic Self Defense for Men & Women (RAD) ▪ Awareness Programs by Topic throughout the year ¤Safety Awareness ¤Alcohol Awareness ¤Sexual Assault ¤Domestic Violence ¤Identity Theft

13 SAFE Program ▪Community Watch Program ▪Designated Building Captain ▪Assigned Police Officers ▪Monthly Checklist

14 ECU does NOT tolerate: ▪Weapons ▪Illegal use of drugs & alcohol ▪Hate Crimes ▪Combative Behavior

15 No Weapons on Campus ▪Knives ▪Switchblades ▪Paint B. Guns ▪BB Guns ▪Firecrackers ▪Guns/Rifles/Shotguns ▪Personal Tasers

16 Panic Buttons ▪ Know the location of all of them-most are under the desk. When pushed it signals directly to the dispatch center at the PD ▪The exact location of the panic button-comes up on screen at the dispatch center. ▪The dispatcher will immediately dispatch an officer to your location ▪ They will also attempt to call you and make contact over the phone

17 If you can answer the phone safely then do so: ▪ Give the best description that you can with as many details as possible What’s happening? Weapons? How many suspects? Gender?Race? Hair color? Clothing description? Height/build?

18 What types of situations should you utilize the panic button? ▪ Anytime you feel threatened or fear for your safety and can’t call ▪ Any act of violence towards you or others in the office ▪ Anyone making a commotion-yelling, throwing things, perceived possible threat

19 Alert Messaging ▪ VOIP Phones ▪ ECU Computers ▪ Audible Sirens ▪ LCD Screens ▪ Text Messaging

20 Fire Emergencies: ▪Know the locations of your nearest pull stations and the nearest exits ▪Dial 911

21 Medical Emergencies ▪Dial 911 ▪Directly from an ECU phone-landline will get ECU police ▪Cell phone you will get the sheriff’s department and be rerouted to the ECU police ▪Always good to learn some basic first aid/CPR

22 Be Watchful of People Coming into the Office ▪Be aware of who is around you-pay attention when they walk in ▪Know where your escape routes are if needed ▪Always have a plan in your head of what you would do if things went bad quickly

23 Awareness: ▪If you feel there is any inappropriate/odd/suspicious or violent behavior or any behavior that doesn’t seem right report it immediately to your supervisor or call the police.

24 ECU Police Department ▪ Remember that the police department operates 24/7; 365 a year ▪We prefer that you immediately contact the PD about concerns i.e. suspicious activity or behavior you witness verses waiting until something actually happens.

25 Other Local Police Agencies ▪ Greenville Police Department 329-4315 ▪ Pitt County Sheriff’s Office 902-2800 ▪ NC State Highway Patrol 752-6118

26 ECU Police Department Police Non-Emergency East Campus 328-6787 West Campus 744-2246 Crime Prevention 328-5627 Anonymous reporting ECU PD Crime Tip Line 1-252-737-8477 ECU PD Crime Tip Line 1-252-737-8477

27 Safety Videos: ▪ *Shots Fired DVD* ▪ *Flash Point*


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