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An additive combinatorics approach to the log-rank conjecture in communication complexity Noga Zewi Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Joint work.

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Presentation on theme: "An additive combinatorics approach to the log-rank conjecture in communication complexity Noga Zewi Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Joint work."— Presentation transcript:

1 An additive combinatorics approach to the log-rank conjecture in communication complexity Noga Zewi Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Joint work with: Eli Ben-Sasson (Technion and MSR New England) Shachar Lovett (IAS, Princeton)

2 CC(P) = Max total # of bits sent on worst case inputs. Communication Complexity CC(f) = Protocol P …

3 Log-rank Conjecture Fact. Log-rank conjecture. [Lovász, Saks, FOCS 88]

4 Main result. Assuming the polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture, Known Bounds Upper bounds: [Kotlov, Lovász 96] [Kotlov 97] Lower bounds: [Nisan, Wigderson 95] [Kushilevitz 95]

5 Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa Conjecture Question: |A+A|/|A| is small => |span(A)|/|A| is small? |A+A|=|A|  A is a subspace  |span(A)|=|A| Thm. [Ruzsa 99] Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa (PFR) Conjecture. integer r: Thm. [Sanders 10] Thm. [Even-Zohar 11]

6 Proof Overview Main tool: Approximte duality [Ben-Sasson, Z. 11, construction of two-source extractors] PFR Conjecture Improved bounds on approximate duality Communication complexity upper bounds Second part of talk First part of talk Main technical contribution Uses methodology Suggested by Nisan,Wigderson 95

7 Approximate Duality Duality measure: Thm. [Ben-Sasson, Z. 11] (Assuming PFR) Main technical lemma. (Assuming PFR)

8 From Approximate Duality to CC Upper Bounds Discrepancy of a 0-1 matrix M: => M is monochromatic. => M is balanced. Nisan-Wigderson Conjecture. [NW95] submatrix of, Thm 2. [NW95, spectral methods] submatrix of, Thm 1. [NW95] Nisan-Wigderson Conj.  Log-rank Conj. We show: Approximate duality => submatrix of, => matrix,.

9 => => (approximate duality) From Approximate Duality to CC upper bounds Observation 2. Conclusion: Observation 1. Enough to assume and work over ! Goal: submatrix of, is a submatrix of,

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