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Survey Research Survey method – used to ask questions about the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of respondents for the purpose of describing both the.

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Presentation on theme: "Survey Research Survey method – used to ask questions about the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of respondents for the purpose of describing both the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Survey Research Survey method – used to ask questions about the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of respondents for the purpose of describing both the characteristics of those respondents and the population they were chosen to represent.


3 Uses of survey research Political polls Market research Evaluation research

4 Survey research design Correlational design Selecting survey respondents

5 Survey research design con’t Phrasing questions

6 Questionnaire survey research Self-administered –In presence of researcher –Without researcher Mail surveys

7 Interview Survey Research Interviewer and interviewee Training interviewers

8 Phone interviews Pro Less time consuming Cheaper Can interview over long distances Increase anonymity CATI Con Lose non-verbal cues Limits ability to gather info on demographic characteristics Answering some close-ended questions can be difficult

9 Face to Face interviews Pro More non-verbal cues CAPI Con Time consuming Expensive Decreases anonymity

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