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Research design Repeated measures (Within subjects) Independent measures (Between subjects) Group AGroup B Condition 1 Condition 2 8 participants 4 participants.

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2 Research design Repeated measures (Within subjects) Independent measures (Between subjects) Group AGroup B Condition 1 Condition 2 8 participants 4 participants

3 Research design Randomly (6 participants) Matched Pairs (6 participants) Condition 1 Condition 2 How you allocated participants to the two conditions in an independent measures design.

4 Further considerations Ethics – informed consent IV and DV operationalised

5 In correlational studies a relationship is sought between two variables, but neither of these variables is manipulated by the researcher. There is no IV and DV, just two variables. Correlation = A and B exist together, but A does not cause B. If we change A, B does not necessarily change. (Think height and weight). Cause and Effect = A and B exist together, and if we change A, B also changes. Therefore, providing all other variables are held constant, a change in A causes an effect in B. (Think food intake and weight). Correlation or Cause and Effect?

6 Example There is a correlation between high blood pressure and heart disease, but we cannot go deliberately giving people high blood pressure in order to see if one causes the other, therefore this remains a correlation.

7 Participants How you chose your sample and why you used this method Characteristics of your participants and how they represent your target population Please can you spare a few moments? Finally, click on this link Psych Research for more details and Psychology Research guidance.Psych Research

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