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Science Thursday, December 10 th, 2015. Warm Up Bring your notebook, pencil, and agenda to your desk Complete Thursday’s warm up now YOU ARE QUIET, WORKING.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Thursday, December 10 th, 2015. Warm Up Bring your notebook, pencil, and agenda to your desk Complete Thursday’s warm up now YOU ARE QUIET, WORKING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Thursday, December 10 th, 2015

2 Warm Up Bring your notebook, pencil, and agenda to your desk Complete Thursday’s warm up now YOU ARE QUIET, WORKING WHEN THE BELL RINGS

3 Our mission this week is to… To be an expert on conductors and insulators.

4 Interactive Notebook Q2 Add entry to Table of Contents 6.P.3.3 Insulators and Conductors Assign the next number

5 Interactive Notebook Q2 Label Next Available Page: 6.P.3.3 Insulators and Conductors Number page to match Table of Contents entry Circle the number

6 Unpacked Standard Please take out your standard from earlier when we started this unit We will read 6.P.3.3 out loud now popcorn style

7 Write this in your notebook…. NOTES: Thermal energy is transferred through a material by the collisions of atoms within the material. Thermal energy (heat) moves in all directions from hot to cold!

8 What does it mean? The collision of atoms…. How do atoms move when they gain heat energy (change states of matter)? When thermal energy is added: atoms spread apart (expand) & bump into one another This allows the heat to spread through materials!

9 Remember??? Thermal Energy can be transfered 3 ways: It can travel by conduction (thermal energy is transferred when 2 or more materials in direct contact with one another) It can travel by convection (thermal energy is transferred in circular currents through air, water and other fluids) It can travel by radiation (thermal energy transferred through electromagnetic waves)

10 Examples of Thermal Energy

11 Does this make sense? Thermal energy can warm objects (expand) Materials can cool down over time too if thermal energy is not striking it (contract) Examples: the inside of a car, us when we sit in the sun; when there is no more thermal energy, we cool off and the car cools off too

12 Frayer Diagram Activity You will complete 4 key vocabulary words today by writing the information in a Frayer Diagram We will review this now Write the definition : Any material that has mass and takes up some amount of space. Illustration (picture): List Examples (at least 4) Liquid Solid Gas Air Use the word in a complete sentence. A tree is an example of matter because it has mass and it takes up space. Matter

13 Frayer Diagram Activity Write the definition: Any material that has mass and takes up some amount of space. Illustration (picture): List Examples (at least 4) Liquid Solid Gas Air Use the word in a complete sentence. A tree is an example of matter because it has mass and it takes up space. Matter

14 Frayer Diagram Handout You will receive this now We will review it now before you get started This will be collected at the end of class today for a grade

15 Chromebooks In a moment you will be dismissed to go get your chromebook When you return to your seat you will go to the teacher wiki page You will access the vocabulary information by selecting the powerpoint dated Thursday, December 10 th 2015 Does anyone have any questions?

16 Write this in your frayer diagram. Materials that easily conduct heat are known as thermal conductors They transfer heat and they can hold heat easily too. Includes metals (aluminum, steel, brass and copper)

17 Examples of Thermal Conductors…

18 Think about cookware…. Most cookware is made from different types of METALS because they are thermal conductors

19 Write this in your frayer diagram…. Materials that do not conduct heat are known as thermal insulators They reduce (limit) heat transfer and they do not get hot as easily Includes pot handles, spatulas, cooking utensils Also items like wool, wood, styrofoam, paper, cork

20 Think about cookware…. Notice the handles on the cookware….. The handles do not conduct heat because they are thermal insulators

21 Write this in your frayer diagram A material through which an electrical current can flow easily is known as an electrical conductor. Electrical energy can also pass through conductors Includes most metals (copper, steel, aluminum, bronze)

22 Examples of Electrical Conductors….

23 Write this in your frayer diagram…. Aa material through which electrical current does not easily flow is known as an electrical insulator is Includes rubber, glass, porcelain, ceramic, most plastics

24 Examples of Electrical Insulators….

25 Frayer Diagram Once you have completed all 4 sections for each vocabulary word you will turn this in to me for a grade Make sure you have completed all sections correctly and followed all directions

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