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D. Crowley, 2007 William Harvey. To know who William Harvey is, and what he did Monday, March 07, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "D. Crowley, 2007 William Harvey. To know who William Harvey is, and what he did Monday, March 07, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 D. Crowley, 2007 William Harvey

2 To know who William Harvey is, and what he did Monday, March 07, 2016

3 Circulation Have a go at the circulation crossword (stick in your book when done) Across: - 2 - Carbon 6 - Oxygen 8 - Up 10 - Limewater 11 - Respiration Down: - 1 - Dioxide 2 - Circulatory 3 - Blood 4 - Lungs 5 - Vessels 7 - Glucose 9 - Heart 12 - Pulse Digestion - the processes involved (both mechanical and physical) in breaking down food

4 Galen Galen was a Greek physician who dissected animals to see what they were like inside - he assumed that humans were identical to animals He believed that blood passed from one side of the heart to the other through invisible holes. He believed this because he could see small pits in the wall separating the two sides of the heart (which he thought had holes in the end) He also found that unborn mammals had large holes in their hearts (we now know these close at birth) Galen thought veins and arteries formed two separate systems, and that blood flowed backwards and forwards in these vessels

5 William Harvey William Harvey was an English doctor who lived from 1578 to 1657. He made the real breakthrough in our understanding of the circulation. Harvey made careful observations of the heart and blood vessels and also carried out experiments. He would only say something was a fact if he could prove it in his experiments and he was not put off by superstitions, as previous scientists had been. He discovered that blood was pumped from the heart around the body, then returned to the heart to be re-circulated. He also carried out experiments to prove that there are valves in veins that allow blood to flow in one direction only.

6 Task Your task is to research how the circulatory system works - you need to create a poster showing what you know Think about: the heart and how it pumps; what blood vessels there are (and where they flow to / from); what is carried in the blood etc… Make a poster showing the key scientific facts - be original how you do this, but the key is to include the scientific information! You could include how our opinions have changed over time / how humans are different to some other animals etc…

7 Information Exploring science, pages 18-20

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